College of Health and Human Services

Schools & Divisions

Dental Education
About Dental Education

Dental Education expects to offer a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene (beginning in the fall semester of 2013), currently offers an Associate of Science in Dental Hygiene (expected last class accepted in the fall semester of 2012), and currently offers a Certificate in Dental Assisting. Detailed information is presented in the sections that follow. While every effort has been made to provide accurate information, students should seek academic advice from the Dental Education advisor before making final decisions based on the program descriptions contained in this bulletin.


The mission of the Dental Education department at Indiana University is to improve the public's total health by advancing the art and science of dental assisting and dental hygiene by increasing the awareness of and ensuring access to quality oral health care, promoting the highest standards of dental assisting and dental hygiene education, certification, licensure and practice, and representing and promoting the interest of dental assistants and dental hygienists.


The Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene programs are accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation, 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60611, phone: (800) 621-8099.

Student Dental Assisting and Student Dental Hygiene Association

Undergraduate students are eligible for student membership in the national, state, and local constituents of the American Dental Assistants' Association (ADAA) or the American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA). Sustaining membership is obtained by individuals attending an accredited program. The purpose of the organization is for the students to become active in their professional association. The students have the opportunity to take advantage of the tangible benefits and the intangible benefits that play a vital role in the security of the profession.

Academic Bulletins

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