Deferred Grade
Used on the final grade report, the R indicates that the nature of the course is such that the work of the student can be evaluated only after two or more terms. The grade R is appropriate only so long as there is work in progress. The deferred grade procedure can be used only with approval of the division and the willingness of the student to take the extended course before receiving a grade.
Removal of a Deferred Grade At the end of the second term of a deferred grade course, the instructor will submit the student's grade for the last term on the grade sheet for that term and/or send a Removal of Deferred Grade Card through the divisional office of the student's school to the registrar's office.
If work is interrupted because of extenuating circumstances, a special arrangement between student and instructor must be made on a term-to-term basis. If a student drops out of a course before the work is complete, the instructor must assign a regular grade (A, B, C, W, etc.) for the course.