Mathematics and Actuarial Science
Major in Mathematics - B.S.
Requirements (42-44 cr.)
- Required core courses (23 cr.)
- MATH-M 215 (5 cr.)
- MATH-M 216 (5 cr.)
- MATH-M 301 (3 cr.)
- MATH-M 311 (4 cr.)
- MATH-M 360 (3 cr.)
- Select one of the following
- MATH-M 391 (3 cr.)
- MATH-M 393 (3 cr.)
- Applications (12 cr.)
- at least four additional 300 or 400 level mathematics courses not used for 1, 3, or 4.
- Senior Concentration (6 cr.)
- Select 2 courses from the following
- MATH-M 366 (3 cr.)
- MATH-M 403 (3 cr.)
- MATH-M 405 (3 cr.)
- MATH-M 413 (3 cr.)
- Select 2 courses from the following
- Senior Thesis in Mathematics: (1-3 cr.)
- MATH-M 493 (1-3 cr.) (a capstone course)
Requirements for the minor (15-20 cr.)
- Arts and Sciences Option
- Mathematics majors are required to augment their academic program with a minor (minimum 15 credit hours) in another discipline. The student in consultation with a faculty advisor selects the minor area.
- Secondary Education Option
- For students graduating with both, Secondary Education with major in mathematics and Bachelor of Science in mathematics, the minor requirement is waived.
Consult the Mathematics Department or the appropriate department for details.