
History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religious Studies

Political Science

Minor in Pre-law

Interdisciplinary Minor in the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Business and Economics, and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA).

Admission to law schools requires a baccalaureate degree and a Law School Admission Test (LSAT) score. The degree may be in any discipline. Students preparing for law school are advised to take courses in logical thought, American history, American politics, business, and criminal and civil law. While no specific courses are required, IU Northwest offers an interdisciplinary prelaw minor for students interested in attending law school.


The minor includes six courses totaling 18 credits. Students in SPEA, the School of Business and Economics, and history majors in the College of Arts and Sciences could double-count courses that are required for their major or concentration, but they are required to take at least four courses or 12 credits outside of their major or concentration. The structure of the minor is as follows:

  • BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business (3 cr.)
  • HIST-H 106 American History II (Twentieth Century) (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 150 Elementary Logic (3 cr.)
  • POLS-Y 103 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.)
  • SPEA-J 101 American Criminal Justice System (3 cr.)
  • One elective (3 cr.)

Students may pick from the following courses for the elective:

  • BUS-A 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 cr.)
  • BUS-L 303 The Commercial Law (3 cr.)
  • ECON-E 103 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.)
  • HIST-A 313 Origins of Modern America (3 cr.)
  • HIST-A 315 Recent U.S. History (3 cr.)
  • HIST-H 105 American History I (3 cr.)
  • SPEA-H 441 Legal Aspects of Health Care (3 cr.)
  • SPEA-J 301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.)
  • SPEA-J 303 Evidence (3 cr.)
  • SPEA-J 306 The Criminal Courts Administration (3 cr.)

The prelaw advisor can approve an elective that is not on the list if it meets the educational objectives.

The university provides prelaw counseling for interested students. Contact the prelaw advisor at (219) 980-6841 or (219) 980-6636.

Academic Bulletins

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