

Valparaiso-Indiana Geography and Geology Association

The purpose of this association is to provide educational opportunities on the undergraduate level in the geological and geographical sciences to the students enrolled at Valparaiso University and Indiana University Northwest. Provisions are made for full-time undergraduate students in those academic disciplines to enroll for the fall, spring, and summer under the following conditions:

1. Students may take a maximum of two courses per semester at the other participating institution.
2. Those courses will be treated as part of the student's normal load at his or her home institution, and tuition and fees will be paid accordingly.
3. The total number of credit hours to be taken will be determined by the home institution.
4. Students at Indiana University Northwest who wish to take courses at Valparaiso University should obtain the recommendation of the chairperson of the Department of Geosciences at Indiana University Northwest.
5. Grades earned shall be recorded at the home institution.
6. A grade point average of 2.0 must be achieved in VIGGA courses to qualify the student to register for courses at the host institution for the following semester.

Students matriculating at Indiana University Northwest may take courses among the following offered at Valparaiso: 101, World Human Geography; 102, Geography of the Non-Industrialized World; 104, Geomorphology; 200, American Ethnic Geography; 201, Economic Geography; 210, Current Themes in Geography; 215, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems; 225, Cartography; 230, Remote Sensing in Geography; 260, Environmental Conversation; 274, North American Indian on Film; 301, Regional Geographies of the World; 318, Field Study in European Geography; 320, Urban Geography; 321, Urban and Regional Planning; 360, Statistical Analysis in Geography; 361, Research Design; 385/585, Field Study; 414/515, Advanced Geographic Information; 466/566, Profession of Geography; 470/570, Political Geography; 474/574, Historical Geography of the United States; 486, Internship in Geography; 490/590, Selected Topics in Geography; 495, Independent Study; 497, Honors Work in Geography; 498, Honors Candidacy in Geography. See the Valparaiso University catalog for course descriptions.

Academic Bulletins

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