Computer Information Systems (CIS)
Informatics Courses
- INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics (4 cr.) P: Computer literacy Emphasis on topics in human- computer interaction and human factors, collaborative technologies, group problem solving, ethics, privacy, and ownership of information and information sources, information representation, and the information life cycle.
- INFO-I 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (4 cr.) An introduction to the suite of mathematical and logical tools used in information sciences, including finite mathematics, automata and computability theory, elementary probability, and statistics and basics of classical information theory.
- INFO-I 202 Social Informatics (3 cr.) P: INFO I101 Introduces the social and behavioral foundations of informatics. Theoretical approaches to how technology is used from psychological and sociotechnical perspectives. Examples of how current and emerging technologies such as games, e-mail, and electronic commerce are affecting daily lives, social relations, work, and leisure time.
- INFO-I 210 Information Infrastructure I (4 cr.) P: INFO I101 The software architecture of information systems. Basic concepts of systems and applications programming. Credit cannot be given for both INFO-I 210 and CSCI-C 201 or CSCI-A 201 except by permission.
- INFO-I 211 Information Infrastructure II (4 cr.) P: INFO-I 210 The systems architecture of distributed applications. Advanced programming, including an introduction to the programming of graphical systems. Credit cannot be given for both INFO-I 211 and CSCI-C 307 or CSCI-A 302 except by permission.
- INFO-I 300 Human-Computer Interaction (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 211 The analysis of human factors and the design of computer application interfaces. A survey of current best practice with an eye toward what future technologies will allow.
- INFO-I 303 Organizational Informatics (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 101 Examines the various needs, uses, and consequences of information in organizational contexts. Topics include organizational types and characteristics, functional areas and business processes, information-based products and services, the use of and redefining role of information technology, the changing character of work life and organizational practices, sociotechnical structures and the rise and transformation of information-based industries.
- INFO-I 308 Information Representation (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 201 and INFO-I 210. The basic structure of information representation in social and scientific applications. Representational structures and approaches from many disciplines are introduced; philosophical theories of classification and categorization; information access and representation on the World Wide Web; object-oriented design and relational databases; AI knowledge representation and discovery.
- INFO-I 310 Multimedia Arts and Technology (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 308 The study of the evolution of media arts and underlying principles of communication. Application development paradigms in current practice. Cross-listed with CSCI-N 351.
- INFO-I 320 Distributed Systems and Collaborative Computing (3 cr.) P: INFO-I 211 An introductory treatment of distributed systems and programming. Topics range from the distributed and object models of computation to advanced concepts, such as remote method invocations, object brokers, object services, open systems, and future trends for distributed information systems.
- INFO-I 420 Internship in Informatics Professional Practice (3-6 cr.) P: Approval of informatics director and completion of 100 and 200 level requirements in informatics. Students gain professional work experience in an industry or research organization setting, using skills and knowledge acquired in informatics course work.
- INFO-I 421 Applications of Data Mining (3- cr.) P: DPIS-D 150 This course explores the use of data mining techniques in different settings, including business and scientific domains. The emphasis will be on using techniques, instead of developing new techniques or algorithms. Students will select, prepare, visualize, analyze, and present data that leads to the discovery of novel and usable information.
- INFO-I 492 Senior Thesis I (3 cr.) P: Senior standing and approval of the informatics director. The senior student prepares and presents a thesis: a substantial, typically multichapter paper based on a well-planned research or scholarly project, as determined by the student and a sponsoring faculty member.
- INFO-I 493 Senior Thesis II (3 cr.) P: Senior standing and approval of the informatics director. The senior student prepares and presents a thesis: a substantial typically multichapter paper based on a well-planned research or scholarly project, as determined by the student and a sponsoring faculty member.
- INFO-I 494 Design and Development of an Information System (3 cr.) P: Senior standing and approval of the informatics director. System design and development present both technical and managerial problems with which students will be familiar from their undergraduate course work. This course puts these lessons into practice as students work in teams to develop an information system. Examples of course projects include design and development of a database for a business or academic application, preparation and presentation of an interactive media performance or exhibit, or design and implementation of a stimulated environment (virtual presentation of an interactive media performance or exhibit, or design and implementation of a simulated environment (virtual reality).
- INFO-I 495 Design and Development of an Information System II (3 cr.) P: Senior standing and approval of the informatics director. System design and development present both technical and managerial problems with which students will be familiar from their undergraduate course work. This course puts these lessons into practice as students work in teams to develop an information system. Examples of course projects include design and development of a database for a business or academic application, preparation and presentation of an interactive media performance or exhibit, or design and implementation of a simulated environment (virtual reality).
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