

Physiology Courses

  • PHSL-P 130 Human Biology (4 cr.) Basic concepts in human biology. Covers reproduction and develop­ment, physiological regulations, stress biology, and behavioral biology and emphasizes related social problems. Credit will be given for only one of the following introductory-level courses or sequences: BIOL-L 100, PHSL-P 130, or BIOL-L 101-L 102. (Fall, Spring, Summer)
  • PHSL-P 261 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4 cr.) P: BIOL-L 100, PHSL-P 130, or the equivalent, or combined SAT of 700+ Introduction to basic structure and function of the human body, including laboratory studies in gross anatomy, histology, and physiology. Topics are cellular anatomy and physiology; body tissues, and integument and the skeletal, muscle, endocrine, and nervous systems. (Fall, Spring)
  • PHSL-P 262 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4 cr.) P: PHSL-P 261 Second semester topics are the circulatory, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and reproductive systems: fluid and electrolyte balance; and acid-base balance. (PHSL-P 261 and PHSL-P 262 cannot be used to fulfill the physiology requirement of biology majors.) (Fall, Spring, Summer I and II)
  • PHSL-P 163 Principles of Anatomy and Physiology— Special Topics (0.5-3 cr.) R: PHSL-P 261 or PHSL-P 262 concurrent or with consent of instructor. Study of selected topics in human anatomy and physiology as they relate to specific organ systems or functions. Topics vary by semester and correlate with material covered in PHSL-P 261 and PHSL-P 262. May be repeated with change in topic. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)
  • PHSL-P 416 Comparative Animal Physiology (3 cr.) P: two college biology courses, one college mathematics course, CHEM C106 Lecture course. Physiological principles of the respiratory, circulatory, excretory, and related systems in a variety of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. (Fall or Spring)
  • PHSL-P 431 Human Physiology (3 cr.) P: BIOL L211, CHEM C 106, or equivalent, junior or senior status R: BIOL L312 This is an introductory course in human physiology designed to introduce biology majors and preprofessional students to the function of the human body. Emphasis in on how organ systems work to maintain homeostasis, a constant internal environment, in response to variable external environmental conditions. Special considerations will be given to change in physiological states in health and disease. All major organ systems of the body will be covered. A laboratory component is incorporated into the structure of the course. (Fall or Spring)
  • PHSL-P 461 Comparative Physiology of Animals (4 cr.) P: one year of chemistry R: one 300-400 level biology course. The basic mechanisms are considered whereby various organisms integrate and coordinate similar functional requirements based on phylogeny and environmental relationships. (Fall or Spring)

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