Schools & Divisions

School of Nursing

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Academic Policies
Academic Standing/Progression Standards
Students Admitted to the Nursing Major

The following policies apply to all students admitted to the baccalaureate major in the School of Nursing.

Good Standing

Students who maintain a C (2.0) or higher average in all courses, a grade of C (2.0) or higher in all courses required for the degree, and a grade of S in clinical nursing courses will be in good academic standing.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on probation when any of the following conditions exist:

  1. Cumulative grade point average is below 2.0.
  2. Semester grade point average is below 2.0.
  3. A grade below C has been earned in a required course.

Academic probation will be removed after the semester when the following conditions exist:

  1. Cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or higher.
  2. Semester average is 2.0 or higher.
  3. A grade of C or above has been earned in the required course(s).
  4. Remedial course work, if required, has been completed, and/or specified conditions have been met.

A student may be dismissed from the School when, in the judgment of the faculty, there is lack of progress toward the degree. Evidence of lack of progress consists of one or more of the following, but is not limited to:

  1. Failure to attain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in two semesters.
  2. Failure to attain a grade of C (2.0) or above for didactic or S for clinical upon repeating a nursing course.
  3. Failure to attain a grade of C (2.0) or above in two or more nursing courses.
  4. Failure to meet probationary stipulations in the semester following the assignment of probation.
  5. Failure to achieve a grade of C (2.0) or above in any required general education course upon the second attempt.
  6. Falsification of records or reports, plagiarism, or cheating on an examination, quiz, or any other assignment; violation of patient/ client confidentiality resulting in denial of access to a clinical facility.

A student may be dismissed from the School of Nursing without being placed on probation when any of the above conditions exist.

The faculty reserves the right to request the withdrawal of any student whose personal integrity, health, or conduct demonstrates unfitness to continue preparation for professional nursing. Dismissal is subject to the appeal process. The student can initiate the appeal through a letter sent to the coordinator of Student Services, who will forward it to the faculty.


Failure to register in each sequential semester, excluding summer sessions, constitutes an interruption in the student's program. Students who have so interrupted their programs are required to submit written notification of intent to reenter the program to the academic counselor. All requests for reentry will be evaluated on the basis of available resources. Students who reenter must adhere to the academic policies in effect at the time of reentry. Reentry of students who have interrupted their study, for any reason, is not guaranteed.

Graduation/Degree Requirements

Prospective students should study the requirements for admission to the School of Nursing, the specific curriculum requirements and sequences, and requirements for the degree. Students are responsible for meeting degree requirements and for making application for the degree. The deadlines for filing the application for a degree are September 1 for December graduation and May graduation. The School of Nursing is not responsible for certifying students for the degree if they do not file the application.

All candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Satisfactory completion of a minimum of 124 credit hours that apply to the degree.
  2. Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
  3. Minimum of a C (2.0) in each required course or equivalent.
  4. Completion of the nursing major within six years of the first enrollment.
  5. Residency requirements.
Policies Governing Baccalaureate Study

Grade Point Average for Required Courses

Minimum of a C (2.0) grade is required in each required course. A grade of C- (1.7) is less than minimum.

S/F Grades for Clinical Nursing Courses

A student must receive a grade of S (satisfactory) in each clinical nursing course. Failure to receive a grade of S constitutes failure. An S indicates a grade of A, B, or C (2.0).

Repeat of Nursing Courses

A student who receives less than a C (2.0) in a nursing didactic course or less than an S in a clinical course may be permitted to repeat the course. A student will receive no more than two opportunities to successfully complete a given nursing course. Failure to receive a C (2.0) upon repeating a nursing course or failure in two or more nursing didactic or clinical nursing courses will result in dismissal.

Repeat of Required General Education Courses

To qualify for admission and progression, a student must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in all required general-education courses (C— is not acceptable) by the second completed attempt. Students may repeat no more than three (3) required B.S.N. general- education courses. Of the three (3) courses, no more than two (2) sciences may be repeated.

Satisfactory/Fail (S/F) grades are used by the School of Nursing for grading undergraduate clinical nursing courses. Grades are recorded as S or F. Students must demonstrate a satisfactory level of clinical competence and skill to receive a satisfactory grade in these courses. Satisfactory performance standards are stated in each course syllabus, and faculty evaluate the quality of student clinical performance by these standards. An S indicates a grade of A, B, or C (2.0 or higher). Inability to receive a grade of S constitutes failure.

Students cannot progress in their nursing program until this deficiency is corrected.

Pass/Fail Option

A maximum of 6 prerequisite elective credit hours taken under this option may be applied to the B.S.N. degree.

Correspondence Courses

Required and elective courses for the nursing major, except public speaking, currently available by correspondence at Indiana University may be taken for credit. Some courses, however, may not meet degree requirements. Students must contact the Coordinator of Nursing Student Services before enrollment. Nursing majors are required to have the academic counselor's signature for all correspondence courses. Final examinations in all correspondence courses must be taken no later than six weeks prior to the expected graduation date.

Courses Excluded from the Degree

Credits earned in remedial courses do not apply to the B.S.N. degree. Credits from courses that have been repeated may be counted only one time to meet the credit hour requirement for the degree. The second completed attempt will be counted toward the GPA. 


If a student withdraws from a didactic course, withdrawal from the co-requisite clinical course is required.

Seven-Year Limit

Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Microbiology,  Chemistry C110, Statistics, and Life Span Development have a seven year age limit. Students may opt to (1) take the course again or (2) challenge the course by examination.

Academic Bulletins

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