Schools & Divisions

School of Medicine


  • MEDN-PBL 610 Step 1 The Molecular Basis of Medicine (6 cr.) This step deals with basic biochemical principles and molecular biology as they apply to medicine. It includes the basic principles of biochemistry and molecular biology. Specifically, in this step the student will gain a working knowledge of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, thermodynamics, digestion and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, protein and amino acids (both catabolic and anabolic pathways), metabolic control, lipoprotein metabolism and lipid transport, nitrogen waste disposal, heme metabolism, purine and pyrimidine metabolism, structure of nucleic acids, replication of DNA, synthesis of RNA and protein, genetic code and genetic control in eucaryotes, recombinant DNA technology, muscle and nerve metabolism, integration of metabolism, vitamins and nutrition, and hormone action. Offered only at the School of Medicine— Northwest Campus. (First-Year Curriculum)
  • MEDN-PBL 620 Step 2 Human Structure (12 cr.) Human Structure is an intensive, integrated step combining cell biology, histology, embryology, gross anatomy, and radiology, which is designed to acquaint the medical student with the structures of the human body from gross to subcellular. A combination of small-group, case-based sessions and supervised laboratory periods are used to teach the step. The clinical cases are designed to stimulate student-directed learning and problem-solving with materials gathered from pathology, surgery, and radiology. The laboratories will offer experience in viewing normal structures from gross dissections to electron micrographs. The emphasis of the step is on gathering a general understanding of the correlation of structure with function and on views of the body possible with various macroscopic and microscopic imaging techniques. Offered only at the School of Medicine— Northwest Campus. (First-Year Curriculum)
  • MEDN-PBL 631 Step 3 Systemic Function (6 cr.) This academic unit, nine weeks in length, builds on the molecular and structural knowledge and problem- solving skills the medical students acquire in Steps 1 and 2. Step 3 is a comprehensive analysis of human physiology, organized around the main organ systems of the body. The themes developed over the nine-week period cover physiologic and pharmacologic aspects of cellular phenomena, drug-organ system interactions in the autonomic nervous system, the heart as a pump, the circulatory system, the renal system, the endocrine system, the gastrointestinal system, and integrative regulation of the organ systems. Central to the step is a weekly analysis of medical problems that serves to integrate physiologic and pharmacologic aspects of the organ systems. Scheduled key lectures and laboratories are also used to provide a conceptual physiologic and pharmacologic background to complement the problem-based learning. Offered only at the School of Medicine—Northwest Campus. (First-Year Curriculum)
  • MEDN-PBL 641 Step 4 Neural Control and Disease (6 cr.) This step studies the central nervous systems through an integrated, multidisciplinary assimilation of anatomical, physiological, and chemical principles. Emphasis will be on directing students in the acquisition of information that can be successfully applied to the neurological examination and that provides an understanding of the basic mechanisms of neurological disorders. Offered only at the School of Medicine—Northwest Campus. (First-Year Curriculum)
  • MEDN-PBL 645 Step 5 Medications and Disease (6 cr.) An intensive and systematic study of the drugs used in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of human disease in a Problem-based Learning (PBL) format. The core contents are given as comprehensive lectures that include classification of drugs, effects and mechanism of action, disposition, fate, toxicity, uses, drug interactions and contraindications. Through the PBL tutorial sessions, the students engage in cases that involve a multidisciplinary approach and integration of pharmacological principles in treating disease. Offered only at the School of Medicine—Northwest Campus. (First-Year Curriculum)
  • MEDN-PBL 650 Step 6 Invasion and Defense (11 cr.) This interdisciplinary course deals with the nature of infectious agents and tumors and the host responses to invasion and injury. Students learn the concepts of general pathology, immunology, microbiology, infectious diseases, and elements of pharmacology through discussion and problem-solving of clinical cases and independent study. Offered only at the School of Medicine—Northwest Campus. (Second- Year Curriculum)
  • MEDN-PBL 661 Doctor/Patient Relationship (4 cr.) A multidisciplinary course incorporating behavioral sciences, medical ethics, emergency medicine, history- taking, and physical diagnosis for first-year medical students. This course is designed to foster desired primary care physicians' characteristics and emphasizes active learning by utilizing simulated and standardized patients. Offered only at the School of Medicine—Northwest Campus. (First-Year Curriculum)
  • MEDN-PBL 662 Step 7 Pathophysiology and Advanced Problem-Based Learning (28 cr.) A multidisciplinary course emphasizing etiology, pathophysiology, morphological changes, and evolution of lesions in an open-system approach. Through clinical cases, sophomore medical students identify learning issues in PBL sessions, and in a few lectures key concepts are introduced. Offered only at the School of Medicine—Northwest Campus. (Second-Year Curriculum)
  • MEDN-X 672 Biostatistics for Medical Students (10 hrs.) (1 cr.) Consideration of statistics and probability, population distribution, statistical inference, and test for significance will be covered. Their relation to regression, clinical trials, and epidemiology will be discussed. Offered only at the School of Medicine— Northwest Campus. (Second-Year Curriculum)

Academic Bulletins

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