Indiana University Northwest

On-line Bulletins

Undergraduate Studies 2008-2010

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Religious Studies (REL)

REL 8160 Introduction to Religion in Culture (3 cr.) Traditional patterns of encounter with the sacred. Secularization of Western culture. Religious elements in contemporary American culture. (Fall, Spring, Summer I and II)

R170 Religion and Social Issues (3 cr.) Western religious convictions and their consequences for judgments about personal and social morality, including such issues as sexual morality, medical ethics, questions of socioeconomic organization, and moral judgments about warfare.

REL 8300 Studies in Religion (3 cr.) Selected topics and movements in religion seen from an interdisciplinary viewpoint. May be repeated twice under different titles. (Occasionally)

REL 8340 Contemporary Religious Thought (3 cr.) Interpretation of human destiny in contemporary religious and antireligious thought. (Occasionally)