Indiana University Northwest

On-line Bulletins

Undergraduate Studies 2008-2010

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Biology (BIOL)

Nonmajor Courses:


BIOL L100 Humans and the Biological World (3-5 cr.) Principles of biological organization, from molecules through cells and organizations to populations. Emphasis on processes common to all organisms with special reference to humans. Credit will be given for only one of the following introductory-level courses or sequences: BIOL L100, BIOL L104, BIOL L101-BIOL L102, PHSL P130.

BIOL L104 Introductory Biology Lectures (3 cr.) An introduction to living organisms. Designed for nonscientists with no background in biology. Does not count as a preprofessional course. Primary emphasis may vary with the instructor. Credit given for only one of the following: BIOL L100, BIOL L104, BIOL E112, or BIOL Q201.

BIOL L200 Environmental Biology and Conservation (3 cr.) Study of flora and fauna of northwest Indiana through laboratory and fieldwork. Emphasis on identification, classification, life histories, and habitats of organisms and their conservation as renewable resources. (Summer II)

BIOL L215 Conservation Biology (3 cr.) P: sophomore standing. Fundamental ecology will be presented and applied to conservation of ecosystems and wildlife. In laboratory sessions, students will perform research on restoration of an ecosystem, for example, a prairie. This course is for nonmajors only. (Summer I)

BIOL L300 Social Implications of Biology (3 cr.) Biological aspects of social problems such as HEY, genetic engineering, population explosion, eugenics, drug abuse, heredity, hazards of irradiation, etc. (Occasionally)

BIOL L316 Fundamentals of Human Sexuality (3 cr.) P: junior standing. An exploration of the anatomical and physiological factors relating to the development of human sexuality with particular emphasis on the biological mechanisms involved in health and disease. (Summer I or II).

BIOL L363 Genetics and Humans (3 cr.) Principles of heredity at the molecular, cellular, individual, and population levels. Credit not given for both BIOL L363 and BIOL L331. (Fall)

BIOL L378 Biological Aspects of Aging (3 cr.) P: BIOL L100, PHYS P130, or the equivalent. Biological mechanisms that alter cells with age and the effects those changes have on the human organism as a whole. Models for the aging process will be presented, as well as research done on the major systems of the body. (Summer I or II)

BIOL M200 Microorganism in Nature and Disease (4 cr.) R: high school chemistry and biology. Principles of microbiology, including the study of major microbial groups, cultivation, physiology and genetics, destruction, and control of microorganisms in nature and disease. For students in programs requiring one semester of microbiology (not premedical or medical technology students). Includes laboratory (Fall, Spring, Summer I)

BIOL M215 Microorganism Laboratory (1 cr.) BIOL M200 must be taken concurrently. Introduction to basic techniques and procedures of microbiology laboratories. Emphasis on aspects useful to nursing students. Growth and transfer of living micro­organisms, aseptic techniques, and the staining of and identification of bacteria. (Fall, Spring, Summer I)

BIOL B355 Plant Diversity (4 cr.) P: an introductory biology course. Study of major plant groups—algae to flowering plants. Information will be provided on classification, evolution, ecology, cytology, morphology, anatomy, reproduction, life cycle, and economic importance. Two lectures and one three- hour laboratory per week. (Fall)

BIOL B364 Summer Flowering Plants (5 cr.) P: one introductory biology course. For those desiring a broad, practical knowledge of common wild and cultivated plants. (Summer I or II)

BIOL E111 Basic Biology by Examination I (3 cr.) Credit by examination for demonstrating an understanding of the basic facts and concepts of the lecture content of BIOL L102. Credit not given for both BIOL E111 and BIOL L102 or BIOL L111. Lecture credit only. One additional laboratory course must be included in the core program. (Occasionally)

BIOL E112 Basic Biology by Examination II (3 cr.) Credit by examination for demonstrating an understanding of basic facts and concepts of the lecture content of BIOL L101. Credit not given for both BIOL E112 and BIOL L101 or BIOL L111.

BIOL L101 Introduction to the Biological Sciences I (4 cr.) R: CHEM C105 concurrently. An introductory course designed for prospective biology majors and students majoring in ancillary sciences. Principles of life processes including the chemical basis of life, cell structure and function, genetics, and evolution. (Fall, Spring)

BIOL L102 Introduction to the Biological Sciences II (4 cr.) Integrates a brief survey of the plant and animal kingdoms with an emphasis on a comparative review of the major functional systems in diverse groups and an introduction to the principles of ecology. (Fall, Spring)

BIOL L211 Molecular Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOL L101. Structure and function of DNA and RNA. DNA replication, mechanisms of mutation, repair, recombination, and transposition. Mechanism and regulation of gene expression. The genetic code, transcription, and translation. Introduces bacterio­phages, plasmids, and the technology of recombinant DNA. (Fall, Summer I)

BIOL L290 Introduction to Biological Research (1 cr.) P: BIOL L101. An introduction to the biological research of IU Northwest, preparing students to undertake BIOL L490 research projects. (Fall, Spring)

BIOL L302 Topics in Human Biology (3 cr.) P: nonmajor junior or senior standing. Physiology, genetics, and biochemistry. Topics to be considered may vary from year to year: cancer, genetic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, blood groups, immune system, genetic damage, contraception and pregnancy, genetics of intelligence, environmental hazards, genetic engineering, etc. (Occasionally)

BIOL L311 Genetics (3-4 cr.) P: L211 or consent of instructor. Principles governing the transmission of specific traits to the progeny of prokaryotes and eukaryotes, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, higher plants, and animals. Analysis at the level of the individual and population; interactions between genetic constitution and environment; application to the study of development, human genetic disease,and agricultural breeding. Credit not given for both BIOL L311 and BIOL 5311. (Spring)

BIOL L318 Evolution (3 cr.)P: BIOL L311 or BIOL S311. Provides a rigorous exploration of the theory of evolution—the conceptual core of biology. Topics include origins and history of life: the interplay of heredity and environment in shaping adaptations; molecular, behavioral, and social evolution; patterns of speciation, extinction, and their consequences; methods of inferring evolutionary relationships among organisms. Credit not given for both BIOL L318 and BIOL 5318, or both BIOL L318 and BIOL L479. (Occasionally)

BIOL L321 Principles of Immunology (3 cr.) P: L211 and CHEM C101 or CHEM C105. An introductory survey of the basic principles of immunology and their practical applications. (Spring)

BIOL L323 Molecular Biology Laboratory (3 cr.) P: BIOL L211. Manipulation and analysis of genes and genomes. Gene cloning and library screening. Gene amplification and disease diagnosis. Gene mapping and southern blot analysis of complex genome structure.Credit given for only one of L323, L324, or S211.

BIOL L331 Introduction to Human Genetics (3 cr.) P: a course in genetics. Principles of human genetics are presented. The emphases are on new developments in the field afforded by present-day techniques in molecular biology. Among the topics considered are sex inheritance, molecular basis of genetic diseases, oncogenesis, and immune systems structure. (Fall)

BIOL L391 Special Topics in Biology (1-3 cr.) P: consent of the instructor. Study and analysis of selected biological issues and problems. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated with change in topics. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II)

BIOL L403 Biology Seminar (1 cr.) Individual presentation of topics of current importance. Student cannot enroll for more than two semesters for credit. (Fall, Spring)

BIOL L473 Ecology (3-4 cr.) P: 8 credit hours of biology courses above the 100 level. Major concepts of ecology for science majors or science education majors; relation of individual organisms to their environment; population ecology; structure and function of ecosystems. Credit not given for both BIOL L473 and BIOL 5309. Course serves as one option for capstone course for the biology major.(Fall)

BIOL L474 Field and Laboratory Ecology (2 cr.) P: or concurrent: BIOL L473 and one course in organismal biology. Introduction to research problems and techniques in the ecology of individuals, populations, and ecosystems. This course does not serve as the BIOL L473 lab. (Fall)

BIOL L476 Regional Ecology (2 cr.) P or concurrent: BIOL L473 or consent of the instructor. Open to juniors and seniors only. Selective trips to ecological areas to study both the flora and fauna of a biome. (Summer I or II)

BIOL L482 Restoration Ecology (3 cr.) P: 8 credit hours of biology courses at or above the 300 level. This course presents the fundamentals of ecology and restoration ecology to the restoration/reestablishment of natural ecological communities. The lab will feature actual restoration/reestablishment of wetlands, prairies, savannas, woodlands, and forests of Northwest Indiana. (Fall)

BIOL L483 Conservation Biology (3 cr.) P: 8 credit hours of biology courses at or above the 300 level. This course will present scientific fundamentals applied to conservation of endangered species, biodiversity, and ecosystems. The lab will feature field experiments that evaluate the level of success of various conservation projects (e.g., plant diversity, animal diversity, ecosystem function) in Northwest Indiana. (Fall)

BIOL L490 Individual Study (cr. arr., 12 cr. maximum) P: written permission of faculty supervising research. Must complete a written assignment as evidence of each semester's work and present an oral report to complete more than 6 credit hours. (Fall, Spring, Summer I, II)

BIOL L498 Internship in Professional Practice (1-6 cr.) Provides an opportunity for students to receive credit for selected career-related work. Evaluation by employer and faculty sponsor on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. (Fall, Spring)

BIOL L499 Internship in Biology Instruction (3 cr.) P: consent of departmental chairperson. Supervised experience in teaching undergraduate biology courses. May be repeated once for credit. (Fall, Spring, Summer)

BIOL M310 Microbiology (3-4 cr.) P: CHEM C105- C106, BIOL L211, or permission of instructor. Application of fundamental biological principles to the study of microorganisms. Significance of micro­organisms to humans and their environment. (Fall)

BIOL M315 Microbiology Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: BIOL M310. Laboratory exercises and demonstrations to yield proficiency in the principles and techniques of cultivation and the use of microorganisms under aseptic conditions. (Fall)

BIOL M430 Virology: Lecture (3 cr.) P: BIOL L211 and BIOL L311 or BIOL M310. R: BIOL L312. Viruses of plants, animals (including humans), and bacteria: emphasis on molecular biology of viral systems. Viruses and human disease such as cancer and AIDS; viruses and their evolution. (Occasionally)

BIOL M440 Medical Microbiology (3 cr.) P: BIOL M310 or permission of instructor. Microorganisms as agents of disease; host/parasite relationships; epidemiology; chemotherapy. (Occasionally) This course may fulfill the capstone requirement.

BIOL Z406 Vertebrate Zoology (3-4 cr.) P: BIOL L101 and BIOL L102. Morphology, embryology, life history, physiology, and general biology of vertebrates. (Spring)

BIOL Z620 Special Topics in Zoology (cr. arr.) P: advanced undergraduate or graduate standing. Topics not extensively treated in other courses; e.g., theoretical zoology, oceanography, reservoir limnology, human ecology, and other fields. (Summer I or II)