Degree Programs:
School of Sciences
BS Biology TSAP
Fall Year 1
- BIOL-L 321 Human Immunology (3 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- CHEM-C 341/343 Organic Chemistry I or PHYS-P 201/221 General Physics I (5 cr.)
- INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics (4 cr.)
- MATH-K 310 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.)
Total 15 credits
Spring Year 1
- BIOL-L 364 Principles of Genetics (3 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- CHEM-C 342/344 Organic Chemistry II or PHYS-P 202/222 General Physics II (5 cr.)
- ENG-W 221 Writing in the Disiplines (3 cr.) minimum grade C-)
- MICR-M 310 Microbiology (3 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- MICR-M 315 Microbiology (2 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
Total 16 credits
Fall Year 2
- BIOL-L 329 Biochemistry 1: Proteins and Enzymes (5 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- BIOL-L 367 Cell Physiology (3 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- BIOL-L 473 Ecology (3 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- BIOL-L 474 Laboratory in Ecology (2 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- General Education Elective: DIV or ERC (3 cr.)
Total 16 credits
Spring Year 2
- BIOL-L 403 Biology Seminar (3 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- BIOL-L 490 Individual Study (3 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- BIOL-L 345 Vertebrate Biology (3 cr.)(minimum grade C-)
- General Education Elective: DIV or ERC (3 cr.)
Total 12 credits