
School of Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Informatics

Informatics is the study and application of computing and information technology to a particular area or discipline of study. Informatics also considers the use of information and computing technology in organizations and society at large. Information technology (IT) is rapidly changing the world, creating new challenges and opportunities every day. Informatics equips students to study IT, consider its social impact, and find ways to use technology to solve problems. The Informatics program’s aim is to produce qualified IT professionals who understand the ways people work with and use information, and who can develop solutions that are effective and easy-to-use. Informatics emphasizes problem solving, innovation, communication, and teamwork along with technical skills and knowledge.

An informatics degree prepares graduates for a range of positions. Some of the career options include database developer/administrator, bioinformatics, chemical informatics, human-computer interface designer, information architect, IT consultant, multimedia specialist, software developer, system administrator, technical writer, webmaster, etc.

Degree Requirements
  1. Students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
  2. A minimum of 30 credit hours must be taken at the 300 level or above.
  3. Entering freshmen must take SSCI-S 105 Science Freshmen Learning Community (1 cr.).  
  4. General Education. Students must complete all of the requirements of the Indiana University Kokomo campus-wide general education curriculum. The General Education requirements in critical thinking and cultural diversity are satisfied by the major. Courses that fulfill the requirements for a cognate area may also meet the general education distribution requirements. Any course used to meet major requirements may also be used to meet one but not more than one of the general education distribution requirements.
  5. Core and the cognate area must be completed with a grade of C- or better. A minimum overall GPA of 2.0 in the informatics core and the cognate area is required. Courses in other departments that are used to fulfill general education requirements or general electives may be completed with any passing grade. A minimum overall GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation. 
  6. Informatics Courses (40 cr.). INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics (4 cr.), INFO-I 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (4 cr.), INFO-I 202 Social Informatics (3 cr.), INFO-I 210 Information Infrastructure I (4 cr.), INFO-I 211 Information Infrastructure II (4 cr.), INFO-I 213 Website Design and Development (3 cr.), INFO-I 300 Human Computer Interaction (3 cr.), INFO-I 303 Organizational Informatics (3 cr.), INFO-I 308 Information Representation, (3 cr.), INFO-I 356 Globalization (3 cr.), INFO-I 450 Systems Design (3 cr.), and INFO-I 451 Systems Development (3 cr.) (senior standing; capstone courses). Cognate area courses cannot count as Informatics core courses or Informatics elective courses even if these courses are cross-listed with Informatics. If cognate area courses are equivalent to Informatics core courses, students should substitute additional Informatics elective courses in place of Informatics core courses to meet the 40 credit hour requirement. (See Informatics core courses).
  7. Cognate Areas (15-18 cr.). See below.
  8. 30 of the last 60 credit hours at Indiana University Kokomo.

Cognate Areas (15-18 cr.)

Required Courses:  BIOL-L 105 Introduction to Biology (5 cr.), BIOL-L 211 Molecular Biology (3 cr.), BIOL-L 213 Molecular Biology Laboratory (2 cr.), BIOL-L 364 Genetics (3 cr.)
A minimum of 3 cr. credits from the following: BIOL-L 321 Immunology, BIOL-L 367 Cell Physiology, BIOL-L 473 Ecology, MICR-M 310 Microbiology, MICR-M 315 Microbiology Laboratory, PHSL-P 416 Comparative Animal Physiology.

ECON-E 200 Fundamentals of Economics or ECON-E 300 Survey of Economics or ECON-E 201 Introduction of Microeconomics and ECON-E 202 Introduction of Macroeconomics (3 or 6 cr.)
BUS-W 100 Business Administration:  Introduction (3 cr.)
Choose two courses:  BUS-A 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting, BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business, BUS-K201 The Computer in Business (6 cr.)
Choose two courses:  BUS-D 301 The International Business Environment, BUS-Z 302 Managing and Behavior in Organizations, BUS-S 302 Management Information Systems (6 cr.)

Required Courses:  CHEM-C 105/125 Principles of Chemistry I (5 cr.), CHEM-C 106/126 Principles of Chemistry II (5 cr), CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I: Lecture (3 cr.), CHEM-C 342 Organic Chemistry II: Lecture (3 cr.)
Choose 2 courses from the following: CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry I: Laboratory, CHEM-C 310 Analytical Chemistry, CHEM-C 361 Physical Chemistry I, CHEM-C 430 Inorganic Chemistry.

Cognitive Science
Required Courses: PSY-P 103 General Psychology, PSY-P 335 Cognitive Psychology, PHIL-P 100 Introduction to Philosophy.
Select one from the following: PHIL-P 360 Introduction to the Philosophy of the Mind, PHIL-P 304 Nineteenth Century Philosophy, PHIL-P 335 Phenomenology and Existentialism, PHIL-P 352 Logic and Philosophy, Select one from the following: PSY-P 259 Introduction to Psychological Inquiry, PSY-P 326 Neuroscience, PSY-P 355 Experimental Psychology, PHIL-P 150 Elementary Logic, Any Philosophy course not selected from 300-level courses listed above.

Computer Science
Students are required to take any four of the following courses: CSCI-C 297 Special Topics (4 cr.), CSCI-C 343 Data Structure (4 cr.), CSCI-C 438 Computer Networks (4 cr.), CSCI-C 455 Analysis of Algorithms (3-4 cr.), CSCI-C 436 Introduction to Operating Systems (4 cr.), 300-/400-level course in Client-Server Programming for the Web (3-4 cr.) (Other CSCI courses may be approved for the cognate by permission).

Environmental and Earth Sciences
Select one from the following list: GEOL-G 100 General Geology (5 cr.), GEOG-G 107 Physical Systems of the Environment (3 cr.), GEOL-G 133 Geology of the United States (5 cr.).
Required Course: GEOG-G 250 Computing in Geospatial Sciences (3 cr.)
Select three or more courses from the following: CHEM-C 300 Energy and Green Chemistry (4 cr.), CHEM-C 390 Environmental Science topic (3 cr.), GEOL-G 300 Environmental Geology and Urban Geology (3 cr.), GEOL-T 312 Geology of Indiana (3 cr.), GEOL-T 326 Geology of Mineral Resources (3 cr.), GEOG-G 315 Environmental Conservation (3 cr.), GEOL-G 400 Energy: Sources and Needs (3 cr.), GEOL-G 421 United States Geology: Field Experience (1-5 cr.), PHYS-P 310 Environmental Physics (3 cr.), BIOL-L 473 Ecology (3 cr).

Required Courses: MATH-M 215 Calculus I, MATH-M 216 Calculus II, MATH-M 311 Calculus III
Select one from the following: MATH-M 303 Linear Algebra for Undergraduates, MATH-M 313 Elementary Differential Equations with Applications, MATH-M 347 Discrete Mathematics, MATH-M 360 Elements of Probability.

New Media
Required Courses:  NMAT-W 201 Introduction to New Media (3 cr), NMAT-D 216 Studio in Digital Media 1 (3 cr.)  Select three of the following courses:  NMAT-D 316 Studio in Digital Media II (3 cr.), NMAT-W 345 Programming for Artists (3 cr.), NMAT-W 445 Advanced Web Design (3 cr.), NMAT-G 411 New Media Theory (3 cr.), SPCH-C 380 Organizational Communication (3 cr.), NMAT-W 305 Physical Computing (3 cr.)


SOC-S 100 Introduction to Sociology OR SOC-S 101 Social Problems and Policies, SOC-S 252 Methods of Sociological Research, MATH-K 310 Statistical Techniques. Three additional Sociology electives at the 300 – 400 level.

Public Administration
Required Courses: PAHM-V 171 Introduction to Public Affairs and CJHS-J 101 American Criminal Justice System. Select three from the following: PAHM-V 263 Public Management, PAHM-V 348 Management Science, PAHM-V 366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations, PAHM-V 376 Law and Public Policy.  Consult with an advisor for other PAHM courses.

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