School of Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Degree Requirements
- Students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
- Entering freshmen must take SSCI-E 105 Science Freshmen Learning Community (1 cr.).
- General Education. Students must complete all of the requirements of the Indiana University Kokomo campus-wide general education curriculum. The General Education requirements in quantitative literacy, critical thinking, and physical and life sciences are satisfied by the major.
- Mathematics and Informatics. Students must takes MATH-K 310 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.), MATH-M 215 Calculus I (5 cr.) and INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics (4 cr.).
- Specific Biology B.S. Degree Requirements. Students must complete BIOL-L 105 Introduction to Biology (5 cr.), CHEM-C 105 Principles of Chemistry I (3 cr.), CHEM-C 106 Principles of Chemistry II (3 cr.), CHEM-C 125 Experimental Chemistry I (2 cr.), CHEM-C 126 Experimental Chemistry II (2 cr.), CHEM-C 341 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.), CHEM C-342 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.), CHEM-C 343 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory (2 cr.), CHEM C-344 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory (2 cr.), PHYS-P 201 or PHYS-P 221 General Physics I (5 cr.), and PHYS-P 202 or PHYS-P 222 General Physics II (5 cr.).
- Biology Courses—A minimum of 45 credit hours in biology at or above the 200 level must be taken with a grade of C- or better in each course. The following biology courses are required: BIOL-L 211/213 Molecular Biology (5 cr.), BIOL-L 203 Evolution & diversity of Life (3 cr.), BIOL-L 367 Cell Physiology (3 cr.) or MICR-M 310 Microbiology (3 cr.), BIOL-L 364 Principles of Genetics (3 cr.), BIOL-L 490 Individual Study (3 cr.), and BIOL-L 403 Biology Seminar (3 cr.). An additional minimum of 20 credits of biology electives (at the 300/400-level) is required with at least one course from each of the concentrations below. Courses with labs count as one. At least two courses with a lab (5 cr.) must be selected. For other biology electives, consult an advisor or the Dean.
- Life Science Concentration: BIOL-L 321 (3 cr.), CHEM-C 483 (3 cr.), MICR-M 310 (3 cr.)/315 (2 cr.), BIOL-L 498 (3 cr.), BIOL-L 367 (3 cr.), BIOL-L 329 (5 cr.), MICR-M 320 (3 cr.)
- Ecology and Organismal Biology Concentration: ZOOL-Z 315 (lecture and lab, 5 cr.), PHSL-P 416 (3 cr.)/418 (2 cr.), BIOL-L 336 (3 cr), BIOL-L 345 (3 cr.), BIOL-L 377, BIOL-L 379, BIOL-L 391 (3 cr.), BIOL-L 473 (3 cr.)/474 (2 cr.)
- 30 of the last 60 credit hours at Indiana University Kokomo.