School of Business
Policies Governing the Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA)
Admission Requirements
To qualify for admission to the MBA program, a person must hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent from an accredited college or university. This degree may be in business or another field. All admission decisions are based upon the student's undergraduate grade point average, GMAT score*, professional work experience, and their statement of achievement. To apply, please submit the following: 1) completed application, personal statement of achievement, and resume; 2) official college or university transcripts from all institutions attended; 3) Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) score*; 4) application fee; and 5) applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English. The MBA program admits students for fall, spring and summer semesters. Application deadlines for domestic students are June 15 for fall entry, November 1 for spring entry and March 1 for summer entry. Application deadlines for international students are June 1 for fall entry and October 1 for spring entry only. A $60 application fee is required for international applicants. Applicants must meet Indiana University Kokomo's graduate English proficiency requirements.
*Applicants whose AI exceeds 1000 using a converted GRE score (as calculated by 200 x undergraduate GPA + converted GRE score) are exempted from the GMAT requirement.
**Applicants holding a graduate degree from an appropriately accredited college or university may be exempted from the GMAT requirement if they earned an undergraduate GPA of 3.75 or higher.
Overall Program RequirementsGraduation with the MBA degree requires successful completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours. A person holding an undergraduate degree in business administration might complete the program in 30 credit hours, whereas an individual having none of the Phase I foundation course work would require up to 6 additional Phase I courses. Waiver of Phase I foundation courses is determined through an analysis of an applicant's transcripts. Degree requirements must be completed within six years of admission.
Student Course Load
Most MBA students at IU Kokomo are employed full time in positions of responsibility. The high standards and workload in the MBA program requires considerable time and effort that must be balanced with other life and work demands. For this reason, part-time students are advised to take no more than 6 credit hours in fall and spring, and 3 credit hours during any one summer session. Course schedules are constructed accordingly, with most courses offered after 4 p.m.
Transfer of Credit
Up to 6 graduate credit hours may be transferred into Phase II of the MBA program from an AACSB accredited or AACSB candidate schools. No graduate courses where the student earned below a B can be transferred into the program. Transfer credit determination is made by the MBA director in consultation with the appropriate faculty. Only grades earned at Indiana University count toward a student's grade point average. Grades from other universities transfer as credits only.
As noted above, Phase I foundation course requirements may be waived if satisfactory completion of equivalent course work is demonstrated in the student's undergraduate or graduate transcript (B or higher grade required). Work experience and noncredit courses normally do not satisfy the foundation requirements, but may serve as confirming evidence along with academic course work. Validation exams are available for several Phase I courses.
Academic Standards
Graduation with the MBA degree requires a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 or a B average. A student whose GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on probation and will be required to bring the GPA back to 3.0 within the next 9 credit hours of course work. Failure to remove the deficiency in this timeframe will result in immediate dismissal from the program. A student cannot compensate for deficient course work by completing more credits beyond those required in the program of study. Students must take the ETS exam as a requirement for graduation.
Shortly after admission to the program, each MBA student will plan a program of study with the MBA Director. In addition, MBA students seeking career development information are encouraged to confer with the faculty in their area of interest. The IU Kokomo Career Services office is available for career information, and students' own employers often provide career planning assistance.
Degree Application
Candidates for a degree are expected to meet proper deadlines for the filing of degree applications. Graduation dates at IU Kokomo occur in December, May, and August. Students planning to graduate in December must apply for their degrees by September 15. The application deadline for May and August graduations is January 15.
Decision-Making and Appeal Process
The Curriculum Management and Assurance of Learning Committee (CMALC) is the main governing body for the MBA program. This committee, which is responsible for academic policy and curriculum, consists of members of the faculty, the dean of the school (ex-officio), and the MBA director. It is also responsible for recommending admission policy, handling appeals concerning admissions, grades, and related academic matters for which a student seeks redress. The MBA director is the program executive, responsible for day-to-day operations, referring applicants to the admission committee and program advising. The MBA Admissions Committee assists in admission decisions regarding the MBA program.