School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Humanities

Minors in the Humanities

Students may complete minors in the areas listed below. The interdisciplinary minors in international studies, leadership, pre-law, and women’s studies are described in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences section of the Bulletin.

Art History Minor
The minor in Art History is ideal for students wishing to develop a strong foundation of knowledge in art history. A minor in Art History is helpful for students wishing to go into education, art administration or graduate programs in fine arts. To earn an art history minor, a student must take the following courses, for a total of 18 credit hours:

Required-6 credit hours

  • FINA-A 101 Ancient and Medieval Art
  • FINA-A 102 Renaissance Through Modern Art

Choose 12 credit hours in other art history courses:

  • No more than 6 credit hours at the 100 level
  • At least 9 credit hours at the 300 level or above
  • One course in the Philosophy of Art may be used

Communication Arts Minor
The minor consists of 15 credit hours, 9 of which must be at the 300 level or above.

Required courses:

  1. SPCH-S 205 Introduction to Speech Communication (3 cr.)
  2. SPCH-C 480 Communication Theory (3 cr.)

And any 9 credits of coursework from the following courses:

  • SPCH-C 321 Persuasion (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-C 325 Interviewing Principles and Practices (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-C 391 Seminar (e.g., Group Dynamics, Family Communication) (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-S 122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-S 229 Discussion and Group Methods (3 cr.)
  • JOUR-C 200 Introduction to Mass Communications (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-S 333 Public Relations (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-C 380 Organizational Communication. (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-S 233 Introduction to Public Relations (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-S 223 Business and Professional Communication (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-C 437 Creative Dramatics (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-S 201 Communicating in Public (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-C 205 Introduction to Oral Interpretation (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-S 427 Cross Cultural Communication (3 cr.)
  1. Students may petition to include a communication class not listed above. They should contact their advisor.

Creative Arts (visual arts, music, or theatre) Minor

The minor consists of 19-21 semester hours. Students select a minimum of one concentration area from music, theatre, or visual arts.

Required Core course for all Creative Arts Minors:

  • HUMA-U 103 Introduction to Creative Arts (3 cr.)
Area 1: Music Concentration 
Core (7 cr.)
  • MUS-U 320 Seminar: Capstone (1 cr.)
  • MUS-M 174 Music for the Listener (3 cr.)
  • MUS-T 110 Rudiments of Music (3 cr.) OR MUS-T 113 Music Theory I (3 cr.)

Performance (2 cr.)
A minimum of one course from:

  • MUS-X 070 University Choral Ensemble (2 cr.)
  • MUS-X 040 Instrumental Ensemble: Band (2 cr.)

Select additional 9 hours from:

  • MUS-M 201 Literature of Music (3 cr.)
  • MUS-M 202 Literature of Music II (3 cr.)
  • MUS-Z 201 History of Rock 'n' Roll Music (3 cr.)
  • MUS-Z 373 The American Musical: Context and Development (3 cr.)
  • MUS-Z 393 History of Jazz (3 cr.)
Area II Theater Concentration
Core (4 cr.)
  • THTR-T 100 Introduction to theatre
  • Capstone Project in Theater (1 cr.)

Choose 12 hours from the following:

  • THTR-T 120 Acting I (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T Oral Interpretation (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 220 Acting II (3 cr.)
  • MUS-Z 373 The American Musical: Context and Development (3 cr.)
  • THTR-T 226 Shakespeare in Production (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 203 Introduction to Drama (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 220 Introduction to Shakespeare (3 cr.)
Area III: Visual Arts Concentration 
  • NMAT-S 100 Fundamental Studio Drawing (3 cr.) (previously FINA-F 100)
  • NMAT-S 110 Fundamental Studio-2D (3 cr.) (previously FINA-F102) OR NMAT-S 112 Fundamental Studio-3D (3 cr.) (previously FINA-F101)
  • Choose 9 hours from any NMAT-S course (previously FINA courses)
  • FINA-S 400 Independent Studio Projects (1 cr.)

English Literature Minor

The minor consists of 15 credit hours in literature, including

  1. ENG-L 202 Literary Interpretation (3 cr.)
  2. One of the following: ENG-E 301, ENG-E 302, ENG-E 303, ENG-E 304 (3 cr.)
  3. Three 3-credit-hour, 200- to 400-level ENG-L or ENG-E courses
  4. At least one elective course must be taken at the 300 level.

At least 9 credit hours of the above courses must be taken at IU Kokomo.

English Writing Minor
Prerequisites: ENG-W 131 and ENG-W 132
Students may earn a minor in writing by completing 15 credits. Choose 9-15 credits from the following courses:

  • ENG-W 203 Creative Writing (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 210 Literacy and Public Life (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 301 Fiction Writing (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 311 Creative Nonfiction (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 321 Advanced Technical Writing (may not receive credit for both ENG-W 231 and ENG-W 321) (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 331 Business and Administrative Writing (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 365 Theories and Practices of Editing (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 368 Research Methods and Materials (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 395 Individual Study of Writing (1-3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 398 Internship in Writing (0-3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 400 Issues in Teaching Writing (3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 411 Directed Writing (1-3 cr.)
  • ENG-W 462 Rhetoric and Composition (3 cr.)
Students may also take the following courses as part of their minor. However, no more than 6 credits may be taken in courses outside of English.
  • JOUR-J 200 Reporting, Writing, and Editing (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 150 Elementary Logic (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-S 228 Argumentation and Debate (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-C 325 Interviewing Principles and Practices (3 cr.)
  • SPCH-C 391 Seminar: Public Relations Writing (3 cr.)

Film Studies Minor
The film studies minor provides a strong foundation for students interested in film analysis, the history of film, theoretical and critical approaches to film, mass communication, and film production. Students choose from a variety of courses offered in the disciplines of Comparative Literature, English, Journalism, Music, and New Media Communication.

Students may earn the minor in Film Studies by completing the following (for a total of 18 credits):

Required: CMLT-C 190 Introduction to Film (3 cr.)

Choose 15 credits from the following courses:

  • CMLT-C 390 Film and Society (3 cr.)
  • CMLT-C 392 Genre Study in Film (3 cr.). May be repeated once for credit with a different topic.
  • CMLT-C 491 Authorship in the Cinema (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 295 American Film Culture (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 395 British and American Film Studies (3 cr.)
  • JOUR-C 200 Introduction to Mass Communication (3 cr.)


  • At least 9 credit hours of the total 18 credit hours for the minor MUST be taken at the 300-level or above
  • At least 9 credit hours of the total 18 credit hours for the minor MUST be taken at IU Kokomo
  • Other film courses may be considered as fulfilling requirements in this minor program. Please consult an advisor or a faculty member in the program.

Irish Studies Minor
The Irish Studies Minor introduces students to key themes in Irish historical and cultural development. It offers students a deeper understanding of the Irish post-colonial and immigrant experience, particularly the diasporic experience of the Irish in America and throughout the British Commonwealth. The minor also provides students with the opportunity to study issues in contemporary Ireland.  The Irish Studies Minor is interdisciplinary in scope, offering courses in several disciplines.

The Irish Studies Minor requires 15 semester hours of courses with a significant Irish focus. Courses may come from different disciplines, but will only be accepted towards the minor when they deal with Irish topics. At least 9 of the required 15 hours must be completed at IU Kokomo. Students choose 15 credit hours from the following courses:

  • ENG-L 335 Victorian Literature (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 346 Twentieth-Century British Fiction (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 366 Modern Drama: Irish Drama (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 369 Studies in British and American Authors (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 379 American Ethnic and Minority Literature (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 381 Recent Writing: Ireland (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 383 Studies in British or Commonwealth Culture (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 388 Studies in Irish Literature and Culture (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 431 Topics in Literary Studies (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 450 Seminar: Irish Authors (3 cr.)
  • ENG-L 480 Seminar: Literature and History (3 cr.) 
  • HIST-H 425 Topics in History: Irish History (3 cr.)  
  • CMLT-C 392 Genre Study in Film: Ireland in Film and Literature (3 cr.)

Note: The Irish Studies Minor requires 15 semester hours of courses with a significant focus on Irish Studies. Courses may come from different disciplines, but will only be accepted toward the minor when they deal with Irish Studies topics.

Music Minor

21 credits

  • 9 hours core
  • 3 hours music theory / ear training
  • MUS-T 110 Rudiments of Music (no music theory background) (3 cr.)  OR
  • MUS-T 113 Music Theory I (know some music theory) (3 cr.)       

6 hours music history

  • MUS-M 201 Literature of Music (3 cr.) (fall)
  • MUS-M 202 Literature of Music II (3 cr.) (spring)

4 hours applied music

  • MUS-V 101 Voice (1-2 cr.) (must be taken twice, no limit)
  • MUS-P 100 Piano (1-2 cr.) (must be taken twice, no limit)
  • MUS-L 100 Beginning Guitar (2 cr.) 

4 hours ensemble performance

  • MUS-X 040 Instrumental Ensemble: Band (2 cr.) (no limit)
  • Concert Band or Jazz Band
  • MUS-X 070 University Choral Ensemble (2 cr.) (no limit)

3 credits electives from music offerings

  • MUS-M 174 Music for the Listener (3 cr.)        
  • MUS-U 110 Special Topics in Music (2 cr.)
  • MUS-Z 201 History of Rock 'n' Roll Music (3 cr.)
  • MUS-Z 373 The American Musical: Context and Development (3 cr.)

 1 hour capstone (should be taken senior year)

  • MUS-U 320 Seminar: Capstone (1 cr.) 

New Media, Art, & Technology Minor
The minor is an excellent choice for students wishing to develop a strong understanding of new media technologies so they can apply them to their chosen field. The minor consists of 15 credit hours.

Required: All students earning a minor in New Media, Art, & Technology must take:

  1. NMAT-S110 Fundamental Studio-2D (previously FINA-F 102) (3 cr.)
  2. NMAT-W201 Introduction to New Media (previously NMCM-N 201) (3 cr.)

Students must take 9 more credit hours from the courses listed as included in the New Media, Art, & Technology degree, excluding NMAT-G398 Internship In New Media, Art & Technology (formerly NMCM-N398/S398). At least 1 of which must be from that degree’s list of designated core courses.

All New Media, Art, & Technology NMAT-D, NMAT-W, NMAT-S (digital, web, studio art) courses require a C grade or higher to count toward the minor; NMAT-H, FINA-A and NMAT-G (history, theory, and general) courses require a C- grade or higher to count toward the minor. NMAT-G398 Internship In New Media, Art & Technology (formerly NMCM-N398/S398) may not be counted toward the minor.

Philosophy Minor
  1. The minor consists of 15 credit hours in philosophy.
  2. No more than 6 credit hours may be at the 100 level.
  3. The student must complete at least one course in each of the following 3 categories. Note that with specific approval of the philosophy coordinator a student may count a section of PHIL-P 383 Topics in Philosophy toward one of the three categories. The category that a PHIL-P 383 course would count towards depends on the topic of that course.
Value Theory (including):
  • PHIL-P 140 Introduction to Ethics (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 242 Applied Ethics (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 311 Environmental Ethics (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 342 Problems in Ethics (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 345 Problems in Social and Political Philosophy (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 348 Philosophy and Literature (3 cr.)
Reasoning (including):
  • PHIL-P 105 Critical Thinking (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 150 Elementary Logic (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 375 Philosophy of Law (3 cr.)
Foundations of Inquiry (including):
  • PHIL-P 100 Introduction to Philosophy (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 335 Phenomenology and Existentialism (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 346 Philosophy and Art (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 360 Philosophy of Mind (3 cr.)
  • PHIL-P 371 Philosophy of Religion (3 cr.)

Pre-Law Minor
The Pre-Law minor offers students interested in either exploring the idea of law school or committed to it but preferring to major in a traditional degree program such as History/Political Science, English or Sociology. The program strives to provide students with a basic understanding of our society’s historical and political development, solid reading, writing, communication, and critical thinking skills, and some experience with the law directly. The Pre-Law minor is coordinated by the department of History/Political Science. Both the department of History/Political Science and the English department also offer concentrations in Pre-Law within their Bachelor’s degree programs. Minors must complete 18 credit hours with a grade of C- or higher from the following:

  • Political Science Foundation: POLS-Y 215 Introduction to Political Theory (3 cr.)
  • History Foundation: any 300+-level History course (3 cr.)
  • Literature Foundation: Any ENG-E- or ENG-L 300+ literature course (except ENG-L 390 and ENG-L 391) (3 cr.)
  • Humanities Foundation (3 cr.):
Choose one of the following courses:
Ethics and Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 342 Problems in Ethics
  • PHIL-P 345 Problems in Social and Political Philosophy
  • PHIL-P 375 Philosophy of Law
Debate and Argumentation
  • SPCH-S 228 Argumentation and Debate
  • SPCH-C 310 Rhetoric and Public Address
  • SPCH-C 321 Persuasion
  • SPCH-C 325 Interviewing
  • SPCH-C 444 Political Communication

Law Electives (6 cr., with at least 3 cr. at the 300-level or above) from Public Administration and Health Management (PAHM), Criminal Justice and Homeland Security (CJHS), Psychology, Labor Studies, Sociology, Political Science, or Business)

Public Administration and Health Management

  • PAHM-V 376 Law and Public Policy (requires PAHM-V 170 as a prerequisite)

Criminal Justice and Homeland Security – all require CJHS-J 101 as a prerequisite

  • CJHS-J 320 Substantive Criminal Law
  • CJHS-J 321 Court Procedure and Evidence
  • CJHS-J 305 The Juvenile Justice System
  • CJHS-J 220 American Criminal Courts
  • CJHS-J 210 Introduction to Law Enforcement
  • CJHS-J 324 Correctional Law
  • CJHS-J 409 Crime and Public Policy


  • SOC-S 325 Criminology
  • SOC-S 328 Juvenile Delinquency
  • SOC-S 360 Topics in Social Policy
  • SOC-S 420 Topics in Deviance

Note - All Sociology courses require SOC-S 100 or SOC-S 101 as a prerequisite and SOC-S 316 is required as a prerequisite for SOC-S 360 Family Violence


  • PSY-P 322 Psychology in the Courtroom


  • BUS-L 200 Elements of Business Law OR
  • BUS-L 201 Legal Environment of Business

Political Science:

  • POLS-Y 304 Constitutional Law
  • POLS-Y 371 Workshop in International Topics (if it pertains to the law directly)

Note 1: Many of these courses have prerequisites in their fields.
Note 2: A course not listed, but related to one of the categories can be accepted to count for that category with the permission of the Pre-Law advisor.
Note 3: At least 12 of the 18 credits must be taken at the 300-level or above.
Note 4: Please see the website for the American Bar Association ( for suggestions on preparing for law school.

This minor allows students to place special emphasis on the study of Spanish as a foreign language and culture, with a secondary emphasis on literature. The minor requires a total of 12 credit hours beyond the second year. A student is required to take three specified courses and an additional course in Spanish at the 300 or 400 level. Prerequisite: SPAN-S 204 Second-Year Spanish II (3 cr.)
Required: 12 credit hours

  • SPAN-S 311 Spanish Grammar (3 cr.)
  • SPAN-S 312 Spanish Composition (3 cr.)
  • SPAN-S 275 Hispanic Culture (3 cr.) OR SPAN-S 325 Oral Spanish for Teachers (3 cr.)
  • one 3-credit-hour elective course in Spanish at the 300 or 400 level. Currently offered courses that meet this requirement include SPAN-S 317 Spanish Conversation and Diction (3 cr.), SPAN-S 360 Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3 cr.), and SPAN-S 325 Oral Spanish for Teachers (3 cr.). SPAN S 325 may not be used to satisfy more than one category. Other courses may be added to this list; consult a faculty member in Spanish or and academic advisor for more information.

Women's Studies

The Women's Studies minor requires the completion of 15 credit hours: 3 required credit hours and 12 credit hours of elective Women's Studies courses.

Required Courses (3 cr.)

  • WOST-W 350 Introduction to Women's Studies (3 cr)

Electives (12 cr.)

  • WOST-W 400 Topics in Women's Studies (3 cr)
  • WOST-W 495 Reading & Research on Women's Studies (3 cr)
  • SOC-S 316 Sociology of the Family (3 cr)
  • SOC-S 338 Sociology of Gender Roles (3 cr)
  • SOC-S 363 Sociology Development (3 cr)
  • CMLT-L 390 Filmm in Relation to American Culture and Society (3 cr)
  • ENG-L 207 Women and Literature (3 cr)
  • ENG-L 295 American Film Culture (3 cr)
  • ENG-L 378 Studies in Women & Literature (3 cr)
  • FOLK-F 350 Folklore and Women (3 cr)
  • SPCH-S 302 Rhetoric and Society: Images of Women in Media (3 cr)
  • HIST-H 262 U.S. Women's History (3 cr)
  • HIST-H 307 U.S. Cultural History (3 cr)

Note: The Women's Studies Minor requires 15 semester hours of courses with a significant focus on Women/Gender studies. Courses may come from different disciplines, but will only be accepted toward the minor when they deal with Women/Gender topics.

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