School of Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics
Degree Requirements:
- Students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.
- Entering freshmen must take SSCI-E 105 Science Freshmen Learning Community (1 cr.).
- General Education. Students must complete all of the requirements of the School of Arts and Sciences general education curriculum.
- Mathematics Courses-Students must complete a minimum of 32 credit hours in mathematics with a grade point average of at least 2.0. The following courses are required: MATH-M 215 and M-216 Calculus I-II (10cr.), MATH-M 311 Calculus III (4 cr.), MATH-M 303 Linear Algebra for Undergraduates (3 cr.). In addition, students must complete one sequence from Group A and three additional courses chosen from Groups A and B.
- Group A: MATH-M 403/404 Introduction to Modern Algebra I-II (6 cr.), MATH-M 413/414 Introduction to Analysis I-II (6 cr.), MATH-M 413/415 Introduction to Analysis I/Elementary Complex Variables with Applications (6 cr.), MATH-M 447/448 Mathematical Models and Applications I-II (6 cr.), MATH-M 471/472 Numerical Analysis I-II (6 cr.)
- Group B: MATH-M 313 Elementary Differential Equations with Applications (3 cr.), MATH-T 336 Topics in Euclidean Geometry (3 cr.), MATH-M 347 Discrete Mathematics (3 cr.), MATH-M 360 Elements of Probability (3 cr.), MATH-M 366 Elements of Statistical Inference (3 cr.).
- General Examination—Students must pass a written examination covering the entire undergraduate mathematics program. The examination will be given near the end of the semester in which the student is expected to graduate. The mathematics faculty may permit a student who does not perform satisfactorily on the written examination to take an oral examination that same semester. Students who still do not perform satisfactorily may take the general examination the next time it is offered. Those who do not pass the general examination on the second attempt must petition the mathematics faculty to take the general examination a third time, and are expected to document additional preparation in mathematics.
- Students must complete 30 of the last 60 credit hours, including at least 9 credit hours of mathematics from Groups A or B, and the general examination at Indiana University Kokomo.