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![]() School of Public And Environmental Affairs (SPEA) Graduate 2001-2003 Academic Bulletin |
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Bloomington Campus Graduate Degree Programs
The Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.S.E.S.) program educates professionals who combine specialization in an area of environmental science with some administrative and policy skills necessary to apply this knowledge in a broader context. The degree allows specialization in either disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas of environmental science.
The M.S.E.S. program requires 48 credit hours distributed among four areas: core requirements (20 cr.), concentration area (21-22 cr.), general electives (4-7 cr.), and experiential requirement (0-6 cr.). The core curriculum provides students with a general knowledge of environmental science. Courses in environmental management and policy allow students to apply that knowledge. In a concentration, students establish an area of expertise.
A bachelor’s degree in a physical or life science, engineering, or a related field is required for admission. Students are required to have taken at least ONE semester (or two quarters) of calculus, chemistry with laboratory, and statistics. In addition, the best-prepared students will have taken courses in the life sciences and economics. All applicants must be computer literate. In some cases, a student may be admitted contingent upon completion of selected courses as specified by the SPEA Admissions Committee.
Core Requirements
(20 credit hours)
SPEA E526 Applied Mathematics for Environmental Science (2 cr.)
To complete the comprehensive project, select one of the following courses. This requirement should be fulfilled near the end of each student’s course work.
Students must fulfill the 0-credit-hour professional presentation requirement.
Concentration Requirements
(21-22 credit hours)
The concentrations give students an educational experience in a substantive area of interest. The course of study in the concentration area is determined in conjunction with a concentration advisor. Concentration requirements may be waived on the same basis as core requirements.
Applied Ecology Concentration
(22 credit hours)
The applied ecology concentration focuses on problem-solving techniques applied to current ecological issues. The diversity of the earth’s living species in both natural and managed ecosystems offers students a variety of study areas within applied ecology, including forest management, fisheries and wildlife management, soil and watershed management, endangered species, and wetlands.
Required Courses (10 credit hours)
Electives (12 credit hours or four courses selected from the following; other courses may be selected with the advisor’s approval)
The following biology courses may be selected with the approval of an Applied Ecology faculty advisor:
SPEA policy courses may be appropriate for some students in this concentration. One or two of the following courses may be selected with the approval of an Applied Ecology faculty advisor.
Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment Concentration
(21 credit hours)
This concentration addresses the fate and transport of chemicals in the environment and the hazards and risks to human health and the environment associated with chemical pollution. This is achieved through courses that study the chemical/physical/biological reactions of pollutants in soil, aquatic, and atmospheric systems. Additional classes study the hazards associated with chemicals used in modern society, technologies available to manage and remediate contaminated sites, the toxicological effects of chemical exposure, and methods to qualify the risks associated with chemicals in the environment.
Required Courses (9 credit hours)
Electives (12 credit hours or four courses selected from the following; other courses may be selected with the advisor’s approval)
The following courses may be selected with the approval of an Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment faculty advisor:
SPEA policy courses may be appropriate for some students in this concentration. One or two of the following courses may be selected with the approval of a faculty advisor.
Water Resources Concentration
(22 credit hours)
The water resources concentration focuses on the scientific principles of water quantity and water quality. Courses provide fundamental information and problem-solving skills using biological, chemical, and physical descriptions of water in the environment.
Required Courses (10 credit hours)
Electives (12 credit hours or four courses selected from the following; other courses may be selected with the advisor’s approval)
One or two of the following courses may be selected with the approval of a faculty advisor.
Specialized Concentration
(21-22 credit hours)
In consultation with an advisor, students may design a curriculum that anticipates their career and educational goals and reflects their background and training. Specialized concentrations must be approved by students’ advisors and the program director to ensure high standards of rigor, depth, and breadth. Each specialized concentration must contain the required courses for one of the regular concentrations. Students must submit written proposals outlining and justifying their course of study, which must be approved by a concentration faculty advisory.
Professional Experiential Requirement
(0-6 credit hours)
Each candidate for the M.S.E.S. degree must gain professionally relevant experience through one of the following options: an approved internship (0-6 credit hours); advanced project; independent research/thesis; the Environmental Fellowship Program; the Mid-Career Credit Option; or an environmental science research project culminating a master’s thesis. Students are encouraged to discuss with faculty members the relative merits of their experiences according to individual career objectives.
Accelerated Master of Environmental Science
This program allows the School of Public and Environmental Affairs’ top undergraduates to complete both their undergraduate and graduate degrees in five years. To be considered for this program a student must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.5, completed 96 undergraduate credit hours, and satisfied all general-education and School of Public and Environmental Affairs undergraduate core requirements. Because of the specialized nature of this program, potential applicants should contact the Bloomington undergraduate and graduate program directors for details.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Science
This doctoral program is administered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs in cooperation with the departments of biology, chemistry, geography, and geological sciences. The Ph.D. in environmental science degree is awarded by the University Graduate School.
The program provides a rigorous, comprehensive education in environmental science. The specific objectives of the program are (1) to conduct advanced research and scientific analysis of environmental events, issues, and problems; (2) to further understanding of the nature and management of natural and human environments; and (3) to provide an opportunity for students and faculty members in several departments to engage in collaborative environmental research in an interdisciplinary mode.
A student must apply to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs for doctoral studies, and those accepted will be recommended to the University Graduate School for formal admission into the Ph.D. program. Applicants to this program must have completed at least a bachelor’s degree in science, mathematics, engineering, or a closely related field. Prospective students are required to submit (1) a statement of purpose, which should be as specific as possible and, preferably, should refer to potential research mentors by name; (2) official results of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE); (3) official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate course work completed; and (4) three letters of recommendation. Applicants whose native language is not English must also submit results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
Degree Requirements
The degree requires (1) substantial knowledge in a primary environmental science concentration; (2) breadth in related environmental science and policy; (3) an understanding of research methods; (4) an in-depth knowledge of the dissertation topic; and (5) a dissertation that demonstrates the student’s ability to analyze, explain, and interpret research clearly and effectively.
Advisory Committee
Fields of Study
Each student is also required to prepare a program of course work that fulfills the requirement of breadth in environmental science and policy. The breadth requirement may be fulfilled by using a wide spectrum of environmentally related courses, including areas such as economics, law, and management, in addition to other science courses.
Each student is also required to prepare a statement of activities for meeting the research methods requirement. Normally these include subjects such as computer science, geographic information systems, remote sensing, statistics, and mathematical modeling, although other technical skill areas such as electronics and analytical chemical techniques may be appropriate for some students.
Each student must submit a narrative statement, program of course work, and statement of activities for meeting the research methods requirement to their advisory committee for approval. This should be accomplished before the end of the student’s first semester in the program.
The research undertaken by the student will be interdisciplinary. Because a knowledge of the basic sciences is necessary to understanding environmental problems, and the application of that knowledge is necessary for the development of solutions to those problems, the research may be primarily basic, primarily applied, or some mixture of both.
Course Requirements
The Ph.D. degree requires the completion of at least 90 credit hours in advanced study and research beyond the bachelor’s degree. A student must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of advanced course work in environmental science and policy. Students must also complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of research, normally taken as SPEA E625 or SPEA E890. The student, with the approval of the advisory committee, should complete some combination of additional course work and research sufficient to meet the 90 credit hour requirement.
Each student is required to enroll in SPEA E680 Seminar in Environmental Science and Policy (1 credit hour/semester) for six semesters during the course of their degree program. Students enrolled in SPEA E680 may either make a formal presentation or write a brief synopsis and critique of four presentations attended during the semester. Six credit hours of SPEA E680 may be used to fulfill a portion of the breadth requirement. Each student is also required to enroll at least once in SPEA E710 Advanced Topics in Environmental Science during the course of their degree program. SPEA E710 may be taken multiple times, as the topics will vary. Advanced topics courses may be used to meet requirements in either the principal field of study or breadth in environmental science and policy, depending upon the topic and the student’s area of interest.
Students should note that all 30 credit hours of advanced course work, if properly selected, and 6 credit hours of research, may be applied toward the Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.S.E.S.) degree. With an additional 12 credit hours of approved course work, a student may be awarded the M.S.E.S. degree while completing the requirements for the Ph.D. in environmental science. Completion of the M.S.E.S. degree as part of this doctoral program is not a requirement; however, this option may be appropriate for some students.
Qualifying Examinations
The decision to admit a student to doctoral candidacy is made by the advisory committee, which evaluates the student’s performance in the written examination, research proposal, and oral examination.
Written Examination
Research Proposal
Oral Examination
Research Committee
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Public Affairs
The Doctoral Program in Public Affairs was created to take advantage of the unique strengths of SPEA’s interdisciplinary faculty and research programs, both of which have earned wide recognition from peer institutions, national and international agencies, and professional groups. The curriculum equips students with the necessary skills for independent research and analysis of problems, issues, and solutions in government and the nonprofit sector in three major fields:
Students apply directly to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs; those accepted are recommended to the University Graduate School for formal admission into the Ph.D. program. Applicants to this program must have completed at least a bachelor’s degree. Prospective students are required to submit (1) a statement of purpose, which should be as specific as possible and, preferably, should refer to potential research mentors by name; (2) official results of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE); (3) official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work completed; and (4) three letters of recommendation. Applicants whose native language is not English must also submit results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
Advisory Committee
Degree Requirements
Major Fields of Study
Minor Field
Professional Ethics and Teaching
Course Requirements
Advisory Committee Review
Qualifying Examination
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Public Policy
The Joint Ph.D. Program in Public Policy is a collaborative endeavor of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the Department of Political Science.
Its emphasis is on the broad field of public policy, concerning the environment of public policy; the processes of policy formation, management, and implementation; and the analysis and evaluation of policy outputs and results. The institutional setting and design of the program offer a unique educational opportunity. Students in the program receive rigorous social science training and gain knowledge of government decision-making processes, problem-solving capabilities, and an understanding of the substantive aspects of public problems and their effects on public institutions.
All applicants to the public policy program are subject to approval by a SPEA–Department of Political Science joint admissions committee. Applicants for admission and for financial assistance are required to submit a statement of career goals, official results of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work, and a minimum of three letters of recommendation. Students whose native language is not English also must submit results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The Joint Program Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid examines each application closely to determine suitability for the program. The committee looks beyond the formal academic record, at the applicant’s demonstrated ability to pursue independent study, language and research skill training, and maturity and experience.
Advisory Committee
The chairperson of the committee serves as the student’s principal advisor. Early in the student’s program—no later than the third semester—the committee provides the student with a formal review of the progress made toward the degree.
Degree Requirements
Fields of Study
Course Requirements
Language and Research Skill Requirements
Qualifying Examinations
Doctoral Minors in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs
The School of Public and Environmental Affairs provides course work and other student-related activities for those working toward doctoral degrees in other schools and colleges of Indiana University who select a minor field in Public and Environmental Affairs. Four minor fields are available: environmental studies, public management, regional economic development, and urban affairs.
Environmental Studies Minor
(12 credit hours)
Students in Ph.D. programs at Indiana University may, with the consent of their advisory committee, choose environmental studies as an outside minor. The minor is flexible and is usually designed by students in accordance with their needs.
(12 credit hours)
Students in doctoral programs at Indiana University may, with the consent of their advisory committee, select public management as an outside minor.
(12 credit hours)
The minor field in regional economic development involves study in the topics facing regional planners, developmental specialists, and researchers, and an introduction to the body of knowledge in regional development. The study of regional economic development broadens students’ perspectives and students may apply this knowledge to a research agenda that incorporates regional development questions. The student is expected to have studied both micro- and macroeconomics before beginning the minor program.
(12 credit hours)
Students in doctoral programs at Indiana University may, with the consent of their advisory committee, choose urban affairs as an outside minor. The minor is flexible and is designed by students and their advisors in accordance with students’ needs.
Master of Public Affairs–Doctor of Jurisprudence (M.P.A.–J.D.)
The combined Master of Public Affairs– Doctor of Jurisprudence program enables the student to take a four-year sequence of courses leading to both degrees.
Application and Admission
The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education and must apply separately to both the School of Law—Bloomington and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
If the applicant is admitted to only one school, the applicant is permitted to attend that school and is, of course, required to meet the graduation requirements of that school. It is recommended that the student apply to both schools simultaneously for the combined M.P.A.–J.D. program. It is possible, however, for a person already enrolled in the School of Law to apply for admission to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs up to the time he or she completes the second year of law study. It is also possible for a student enrolled in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs to seek admission to the School of Law up to the end of the first year of the M.P.A. course of study.
Academic Standing
School Residency
Program Requirements
(113 credit hours)
Master of Public Affairs Requirements
(36 credit hours)
Students are required to complete 36 credit hours of SPEA courses distributed among the M.P.A. core and a specialization area.
Required Courses (24 credit hours)
Note: The SPEA V501/V503/V505 requirement is suspended for 2001-02.
Specialization Area (12 credit hours)
Doctor of Jurisprudence Requirements
(77 credit hours)
Students are required to complete 77 credit hours of law courses and to satisfy all requirements for the degree Doctor of Jurisprudence. For specific requirements, see the School of Law—Bloomington Bulletin.
Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in Central Eurasian Studies (M.P.A.–M.A.)
The School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) and the Central Eurasian Studies Program (CEUS) collaborate in a combined master’s degree program that addresses the demand for specialists who combine expertise in public policy and management and area studies expertise in the countries of Eurasia. Graduates will have a variety of domestic and international professional opportunities in public, nonprofit, and private organizations.
Candidates for the combined degree complete the core requirements for the M.P.A. and 15 additional credit hours selected from an approved list of courses offered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Candidates also complete core requirements and elective courses from the Central Eurasian Studies Program. Students must separately apply to and be accepted into both the M.P.A. program in SPEA and the M.A. degree program in CEUS.
Program Requirements
(60 credit hours)
Master of Public Affairs Requirements
(36 credit hours)
Required Courses (21 credit hours)
Note: The SPEA V501/V503/V505 requirement is suspended for 2001-02.
Specialized Concentration (15 credit hours)
Master of Arts in Central Eurasian Studies Requirements
(24 credit hours)
Twenty-four credit hours are required for the Master of Arts in Central Eurasian Studies. Coursework, a research language, and a thesis are required. For specific requirements see Central Eurasian Studies in the University Graduate Bulletin or confer with the Director of Graduate Studies in Central Eurasian Studies.
Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in Journalism (M.P.A.–M.A.)
The School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the School of Journalism collaborate in a combined master’s degree program that addresses the demand for specialists who combine public management and public policy with public affairs reporting and writing or the study of media in society. The program prepares students for positions in the media, government, business, and nonprofit organizations.
Candidates for the combined degree complete the core requirements for the M.P.A. and 15 additional credit hours selected from an approved list of courses offered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Candidates also complete core requirements and elective courses from the School of Journalism. Candidates must be admitted to both schools.
Program Requirements
(57 credit hours)
Master of Public Affairs Requirements
(36 credit hours)
Required Courses (21 credit hours)
Note: The SPEA V501/V503/V505 requirement is suspended for 2001-02.
Specialization Courses (15 credit hours)
Master of Arts in Journalism Requirements
(21 credit hours)
Twenty-one credit hours are required for the Master of Arts in Journalism. For specific requirements, see the School of Journalism Bulletin.
Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in Russian and East European Studies (M.P.A.–M.A.)
The Russian and East European Institute and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs offer a three-year program that qualifies students for a dual master’s degree.
The first semester of course work toward the dual degree should be completed in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs in order to complete prerequisite courses that are only offered in the fall. Candidates for the combined degree complete the core requirements for the M.P.A. and 15 additional credit hours selected from an approved list of courses offered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Candidates also complete core requirements and elective courses from the Russian and East European Studies program. Students must be admitted to both programs.
Program Requirements
(60 credit hours)
Master of Public Affairs Requirements
(36 credit hours)
Required Courses (21 credit hours)
Note: The SPEA V501/V503/V505 requirement is suspended for 2001-02.
Specialization Courses (15 credit hours)
SPEA V589 Democratization and Transition in Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States (3 cr.)
Master of Arts in Russian and East European Studies
(24 credit hours)
Twenty-four credit hours are required for the Master of Arts in Russian and East European Studies. For specific requirements, see Russian and East European Institute in the University Graduate Bulletin.
Master of Public Affairs–Master of Information Science (M.P.A.–M.I.S.)
The School of Library and Information Science and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs collaborate in a combined master’s degree program that addresses the demand for information specialists with public management problem-solving skills. The program prepares students for positions in information science in the public and private sectors, as wells as for professional positions in information management, public affairs, and a variety of administrative positions.
Candidates for the combined degree complete the core requirements for the M.P.A. and 15 additional credit hours selected from an approved list of courses offered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Candidates also complete core requirements and elective courses from the School of Library and Information Science with an information science emphasis. Candidates must be admitted to both schools.
Program Requirements
(69 credit hours)
Master of Public Affairs Requirements
(36 credit hours)
Required Courses (21 credit hours)
Note: The SPEA V501/V503/V505 requirement is suspended for 2001-02.
Specialization Courses (15 credit hours)
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
Master of Information Science Requirements
(33 credit hours)
Thirty-three credit hours are required for the Master of Information Science (M.I.S.). For specific requirements, see the School of Library and Information Science Bulletin.
Master of Public Affairs–Master of Library Science (M.P.A.–M.L.S.)
The School of Library and Information Science and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs collaborate in a combined master’s degree program that addresses the demand for information specialists with public management and problem-solving skills. The program prepares students for positions in information centers and libraries in the public and private sectors, as well as for professional positions in information management, public affairs, and a variety of administrative positions.
Candidates for the combined degree complete the core requirements for the M.P.A. and 15 additional credit hours selected from an approved list of courses offered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Candidates also complete core requirements and elective courses from the School of Library and Information Science with an information science emphasis. Candidates must be admitted to both schools.
Program Requirements
(66 credit hours)
Master of Public Affairs Requirements
(36 credit hours)
Required Core Courses (21 credit hours)
Note: The SPEA V501/V503/V505 requirement is suspended for 2001-02.
Specialization Courses (15 credit hours)
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
Master of Library Science Requirements
(30 credit hours)
Thirty credit hours are required for the Master of Library Science (M.L.S.). For specific requirements, see the School of Library and Information Science Bulletin.
Master of Public Affairs–Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.P.A.–M.S.E.S.)
This combined master’s program is a 60-credit-hour program that gives the student more depth and breadth than is generally possible in a single degree. M.P.A. and M.S.E.S. degrees are awarded simultaneously after the student has completed the requirements for both degrees.
Application and Admission
The student must apply to and be accepted by both the Master of Public Affairs program and the Master of Science in Environmental Science program. The normal criteria for admission to each program apply.
Program Requirements
(60 credit hours)
The combined M.P.A.–M.S.E.S. program requires a minimum of 60 credit hours distributed among four components: environmental science core, public affairs core, environmental science and policy concentration, and professional experience.
Public Affairs Core
Required Courses (21 credit hours)
Note: The SPEA V501/V503/V505 requirement is suspended for 2001-02.
Environmental Science Core
Required Courses (12 credit hours)
Environmental Science and Policy Concentration
(18 credit hours minimum)
Students develop specialized concentrations in consultation with two or more faculty advisors, at least one representing the M.S.E.S. program and at least one representing the M.P.A. program. Concentrations should incorporate substantial natural science and policy content.
Professional Experience
Each double master’s degree candidate must obtain professionally relevant experience through one of the following options: an approved internship (0-6 credit hours); advanced project; independent research/thesis; SPEA V601 Workshop in Public Affairs, the Environmental Fellowship Program; or the Mid-Career Credit Option.
Master of Science in Environmental Science–Doctor of Jurisprudence (M.S.E.S.–J.D.)
The combined Master of Science in Environmental Science–Doctor of Jurisprudence program is a four-year, 114-credit-hour sequence of courses and research that provides depth and breadth in both environmental science and law.
Both degrees are awarded when the student meets the degree requirements of the School of Law—Bloomington and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Application and Admission
The student must have a bachelor’s degree in a physical or life science, engineering, or related field. Students interested in the joint M.S.E.S.–J.D. must apply to both the School of Law—Bloomington and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Students normally apply to both schools simultaneously for the combined program. It is possible, however, for a person already enrolled in the School of Law to apply for admission to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs up to the time he or she completes the second year of law study. A student enrolled in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs may seek admission to the School of Law—Bloomington up to the end of the first year of the M.S.E.S. program.
Academic Standing
Program Advisors
School Residency
Program Requirements
(113 credit hours)
Master of Science in Environmental Science Requirements
(36 credit hours)
Students are required to complete 37 credit hours of courses distributed among the environmental science core, environmental management and policy core, and a specialization area.
Environmental Science Core
Environmental Management and Policy Core
Select one from the following equivalent substitutes, or other policy/management graduate course approved by an advisor:
Concentration Area (12 credit hours)
It is recommended that this be done in consultation with both joint law and environmental science faculty advisors.
Doctor of Jurisprudence Requirements
(77 credit hours)
Students are required to complete 77 credit hours of law courses and to satisfy all requirements for the degree Doctor of Jurisprudence. For specific requirements, see the School of Law—Bloomington Bulletin.
The combined Master of Science in Environmental Science and Master of Arts or Master of Science degree program, with major fields in biology or geological sciences, respectively, is a 60-credit-hour program. The M.S.E.S.–M.A./M.S. degrees are awarded after the student has completed the requirements for both programs.
Application and Admission
The student must apply to, and be accepted by, both the School of Public and Environmental Affairs and either the Department of Biology (M.A.) or the Department of Geological Sciences (M.S.).
Supervisory Committee
Program Requirements
(60 credit hours)
Program requirements meet all requirements for the Master of Science in Environmental Science degree and for the major chosen for the Master of Arts or Master of Science degree of the University Graduate School. Courses to satisfy the specific requirements of the Department of Biology and the Department of Geological Sciences are included in the respective area requirements. The program requires 60 credit hours distributed among the environmental science core, environmental management and policy core, area requirements, research, and general electives.
Environmental Science Core
Environmental Management and Policy Core
Select two of the following, equivalent substitutes, or other policy/management graduate courses approved by an advisor:
Area Requirements (24 credit hours)
Research Requirement (6 credit hours)
General Electives
The combined Master of Science in Environmental Science and the Master of Arts in Journalism is a degree program that addresses the demands of information specialists who combine environmental science with reporting and writing or the study of media in society. The program prepares students for positions in the media, government, and business.
Candidates for the combined degree complete the core requirements for the M.S.E.S. and 12 additional credit hours selected from an approved list of courses offered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
Candidates also complete core requirements and elective courses from the School of Journalism. Candidates must be admitted to both schools.
Program Requirements
(57 credit hours)
Master of Science in Environmental Science Requirements
(36 credit hours)
Students are required to complete 36 credit hours of courses distributed among the environmental science core, environmental management and policy core, and a specialized concentration area.
Environmental Science Core
Environmental Management and Policy Core
Select two of the following, equivalent substitutes, or other policy/management graduate courses approved by an advisor:
Specialized Concentration
(12 credit hours)
Students are required to develop a specialization comprised of courses approved by a SPEA faculty advisor. Courses may include SPEA, journalism, and other courses.
Master of Arts in Journalism Requirements
(21 credit hours)
Twenty-one credit hours are required for the Master of Arts in Journalism. For specific requirements, see the School of Journalism Bulletin.
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