Undergraduate Programs
Degree Programs
BS in Intelligent Systems Engineering
Please add or change your concentration through the student database.
Students should, in consultation with their academic advisor, choose a concentration area before their junior year. Students must receive a minimum grade of C– in each course and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in their concentration area.
Computer Engineering/Cyberphysical Systems Concentration
Computer Engineering Track
Select six courses from the following:
- Advanced Computer Architecture
- Engineering Operating Systems
- Engineering a Compiler
- High Performance Computing
- Big Data for Engineering
- Engineering Distributed Systems
- Engineering Networks
- Advanced Network Engineering
- Engineering Cloud Systems
Cyberphysical Systems Track
Select six courses from the following:
- Advanced Cyberphysical Systems
- Robotics I
- Robotics II
- Engineering Mobile Systems
- Big Data for Engineering
- Engineering Distributed Systems
- Applications for CPS
- Smart Cities
- Streaming Data Processing