Undergraduate Programs
Degree Programs
BS in Informatics
Public and Environmental Affairs Cognates
Environmental Management Cognate
- SPEA-E 272 Introduction to Environmental Sciences
- SPEA-E 363 Environmental Management
Select one course from the following:
- SPEA-E 311 Introduction to Risk Assessment and Risk Communication
- SPEA-E 340 Environmental Economics and Finance
- SPEA-E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation
Select one course from the following:
- SPEA-E 325 Computing for Environmental Scientists
- SPEA-E 419 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment
Select one course from the following: (if not used above)
- SPEA-E 325 Computing for Envioronmental Scientists
- SPEA-E 355 Introduction to Limnology
- SPEA-E 410 Introduction to Environmental Toxicology
- SPEA-E 411 Introduction to Groundwater Hydrology
- SPEA-E 412 Risk Communication
- SPEA-E 419 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment
- SPEA-E 422 Urban Forest Management
- SPEA-E 431 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment
- SPEA-E 440 Wetlands: Biology and Regulation
- SPEA-E 451 Air Pollution and Control
- SPEA-E 452 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
- SPEA-E 456 Lake and Watershed Management
- SPEA-E 457 Introduction to Conservation Biology
- SPEA-E 460 Fisheries and Wildlife Management
- SPEA-E 461 Fisheries and Wildlife Management Laboratory
Health Systems Administration Cognate
- SPEA-H 124 Heath Care Management and Policy
- SPEA-V 373 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector
Select three courses from the following:
- SPEA-H 352 Health Finance I
- SPEA-H 353 Health Finance II
- SPEA-H 354 Health Economics
- SPEA-H 401 Strategic Planning for Health Care Organizations
- SPEA-H 402 Hospital Administration
- SPEA-H 411 Chronic and Long-Term Care Administration
Policy Studies Cognate
Select one course from the following:
- SPEA-V 160 National and International Policy
- SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions
- SPEA-V 348 Management Science
- SPEA-V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling
- SPEA-V 386 Case Studies for Policy Analysis
- SPEA-V 401 Financial and Cost-Benefit Analysis
Public Finance Cognate
- SPEA-V 246 Elements of Government and Nonprofit Financial Accounting Cycle
- SPEA-V 346 Introduction to Government Accounting and Financial Reporting
- SPEA-V 361 Financial Management
- SPEA-V 372 Government Finance and Budgets
Select one course from the following (an alternative course may be chosen in consultation with a SPEA advisor and approval from the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Informatics):
- SPEA-V 401 Financial and Cost-Benefit Analysis
- SPEA-V 441 Topics in Financial Management and Policy
Urban Affairs Cognate
- SPEA-E 418 Vector-Based Geographic Information Systems OR SPEA-V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs
- SPEA-V 461 Computer Applications in Public Affairs
- SPEA-V 475 Database Management Systems
Select two courses from the following:
- SPEA-V 340 Urban Government Administration
- SPEA-V 368 Managing Government Operations
- SPEA-V 372 Government Finance and Budgets
- SPEA-V 421 Metropolitan Development