Undergraduate Programs
BS in Informatics
SoIC General Education and Major Requirements
** Equivalent honors versions of regular courses may substitute for all requirements. **
SoIC General Education
English Composition (3 cr.) This applies only to students who fulfilled Common-Ground English Composition with a grade of C-.
One of the following options with a minimum grade of C:
- ENG-W 131
- ENG-W 170
- ENG-L 141 and L 142
- AAAD-A 141 and A 142
- Two semesters of ENG-W 143 combined with two introductory courses, CMLT-C 145, C 146
Intensive Writing (3 cr.)
One intensive writing course at the 200 level or above, with a minimum grade of C, after completing the English composition requirement. Intensive writing courses at IUB are defined by the College of Arts and Sciences. Students must check the listings for courses in the online enrollment system each semester to make certain that the course section they have chosen fulfills the requirement.
Math and Stats (6 cr.)
One of the following Math options with a minimum grade of C:
- MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics
- MATH-D 116-D 117 Introduction to Finite Mathematics I-II
- MATH-A 118 Finite Mathematics for the Social and Biological Sciences
- MATH-M 348 Discrete Mathematical Models
- MATH-M 353 Discrete Mathematics
- CSCI-C 241 Discrete Structures for CSCI
Select one of the following Statistics courses:
- ANTH-A 306 Anthropological Statistics
- CJUS-K 300 Techniques of Data Analysis
- ECON-E 370 Statistical Analysis for Business and Economics
- MATH-K 310 Statistical Techniques
- MATH-M 365 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- POLS-Y 395 Quantitative Political Analysis
- PSY-K 300 Statistical Techniques
- PSY-K 310 Statistical Techniques
- SOC-S 371 Statistics for Sociology
- SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques
- STAT-K 310 Statistical Techniques
- STAT-S 300 Introduction to Applied Statistical Methods
- STAT-S 301 Applied Statistical Methods for Business
- STAT-S 320 Introduction to Statistics
Ethics/Arts and Humanities (3 cr.)
Select one ethics course from the following. If ethics couse is used in the Common Ground-Gen Ed requirement, an additional 3 credit hours of A&H is required. Course lists located at http://www.indiana.edu/~bulletin/iub/college/2010-2011/course-designations/appendix-2.shtml.
- PHIL-P 140 Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL-P 242 Applied Ethics
- PHIL-P 340 Classics in Ethics
- PHIL-P 342 Problems of Ethics
- REL-R 170 Religion, Ethics, and Public Life
Natural and Mathematical Sciences (3 cr.)
An additional 3 credit hours not used in the Common Ground-Gen Ed requirement in N&M. Course lists located at http://www.indiana.edu/~bulletin/iub/college/2010-2011/course-designations/appendix-2.shtml.
General Electives
Remaining credit hours may be used to fulfill minors or pursue personal interests. Students may obtain a maximum of three minors. A maximum of 4 HPER-E credit hours and 10 MUS-X credit hours below the 100 level may be used in total hours.
Major Requirements
Required Informatics Core Courses
- INFO-I 101 Introduction to Informatics
- INFO-I 201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics
- INFO-I 202 Social Informatics
- INFO-I 210 Information Infrastructure I
- INFO-I 211 Information Infrastructure II
- INFO-I 300 Human-Computer Interaction
- INFO-I 308 Information Representation
- INFO-Y 395 Career Development for Informatics Majors
Select two courses from the following:
- INFO-I 303 Organization Informatics
- INFO-I 310 Multimedia Arts and Technology)
- INFO-I 320 Distributed Systems and Collaborative Computing
- INFO-I 330 Legal and Social Informatics of Security
- INFO-I 356 Globalization, Where We Fit In
- INFO-I 399 Current Topics in Informatics
- INFO-I 400 Topics in Informatics
- INFO-I 421 Applications of Data Mining
- INFO-I 427 Search Informatics
- INFO-I 430 Security for Networked Systems
- INFO-I 433 Protocol Design and Analysis
- INFO-I 441 Human-Computer Interaction Design I
- INFO-I 453 Computer and Information Ethic
- INFO-I 485 Bioinspired Computing
- INFO-I 486 Artificial Life
- CSCI-C any 300 level course
- CSCI-C any 400 level course
Informatics Electives:
All courses listed below are subject to the successful completion of prerequisites or approval of the instructor.
Note that informatics elective courses cannot count as informatics core courses.
Two additional courses may be selected from the following:
- INFO-I 303 Organizational Informatics
- INFO-I 310 Multimedia Arts and Technology
- INFO-I 320 Distributed Systems and Collaborative Computing
- INFO-I 330 Legal and Social Informatics of Security
- INFO-I 356 Globalization, Where We Fit In
- INFO-I 399 Current Topics in Informatics )
- INFO-I 400 Topics in Informatics
- INFO-I 421 Applications of Data Mining
- INFO-I 427 Search Informatics
- INFO-I 430 Security for Networked Systems
- INFO-I 433 Protocol Design and Analysis
- INFO-I 441 Human-Computer Interaction Design I
- INFO-I 453 Computer and Information Ethics
- INFO-I 485 Bioinspired Computing
- INFO-I 486 Artificial Life
- BUS-S 305 Business Telecommunications
- BUS-S 307 Data Management
- BUS-S 308 Business Application Development
- BUS-S 310 Systems Analysis and Design
- BUS-S 410 Systems Implementation
- BUS-S 433 Information Systems Security
- COGS-Q 351/ B 351 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Computer Simulation
- CSCI- Any course at the 300 or 400 level
- JOUR-J 300 Journalism/Communications Law
- JOUR-J 414 Globalization of Information (also International Newsgathering Systems)
- SOC-S 319 Science, Technology & Society
- SPEA-V 369 Managing Information Technology
- TEL-T 321 Telecommunications Policymaking
- TEL-T 421 Economics of Communications
- TEL-T 427 International Telecommunications
Select one of the following capstone options for a total of 6 hours:
- INFO-I 494/I 495 Design and Development of an Information System
- INFO-I 491 Capstone Project Internship
- INFO-I 492/I 493 Senior Thesis
Cognate Area Courses
Students should, in consultation with their academic advisor, choose a cognate area before their sophomore year. Students must receive a minimum grade of C- in each course and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher in their cognate area. Please consult the cognate area of this bulletin for the list of cognate areas.
Bachelor of Science in Informatics with Honors
Students must satisfy the requirements for the B.S. in Informatics degree and the following additional requirements:
- Overall GPA 3.3 or greater
- Informatics major GPA 3.5 or greater
- Completion of at least 9 hours of INFO-H courses (excluding capstone) with H-course GPA 3.5 or greater
- Completion of honors capstone course (H 494/H 495) or capstone thesis (I 492/I 493)