Academic Policies and Procedures


Grading Policies

Incomplete Courses

A temporary grade of Incomplete (I) on the transcript indicates that the course work is mostly completed, generally 75 to 80 percent, and of passing quality.

It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor to have a grade of Incomplete assigned. The instructor specifies the work to be done to remove the grade of Incomplete and the period of time allowed for completion. If the student fails to remove the Incomplete within one calendar year, the Office of the Registrar will change the grade to an F. The dean (or instructor) authorizes adjustments of this period in exceptional circumstances. A student who has received a grade of Incomplete should not register for the course a second time but should arrange with the instructor to have the grade changed to a letter grade upon completion of requirements, provided that it is done within the year.

Please see Incompletes: Grades: Student Central: Indiana University Bloomington for more information. 

Academic Bulletins