Graduate Academic Programs

Master's Degree Programs

Master of Science in Applied Health Science Degree (M.S.A.H.S.), Health Promotion Major

Description of Program

Health promotion enables individuals and communities to increase control over and improve their health. Graduate level students acquire skills for serving as health education and promotion specialists in educational, clinical, occupational, and community settings and for managing a diverse array of health education and promotion programs.

Degree Requirements

A minimum of 33 graduate credit hours is required for the health promotion program. A minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) is required for graduation. A minimum grade of C is required in each course. All electives for completing the degree must be approved by the advisor.

Required Courses (27 cr.)

Public Health Foundations Requirement (0 credits)
All new Master's degree students must complete the Public Health Foundations online course no later than the end of their first semester of graduate study. Complete details and registration information for this course can be found at the following website:

Complete each of the following Research & Research Tool Courses: (6 Cr.)

  • SPH-Q501 Introduction to Statistics in Public Health (3 cr.) Or Equivalent
  • SPH B650 Quantitative Methods I for Public Health Research (3 cr.) Or B634 Sexual Health Research and Evaluation (3 cr.)

Complete each of the following health promotion core courses (6 Cr.):

  • SPH-B 589 Theory & Conceptual Frameworks in Public Health (3 Cr.)
  • SPH-H 500 Philosophy and Principles of Health Education (3 Cr.)

Complete each of the following health promotion major courses (12 cr.):

  • SPH H 519 Contemporary Issues in Health Promotion (3 Cr.)
  • SPH H 552 Instructional Planning for Public Health Settings (3 Cr.) Or H633 Advanced Instructional Methods in Sexual and Reproductive Health (3 Cr.)+
  • SPH-H 562 Health Program Evaluation (3 Cr.)
  • SPH-H 662 Acquiring and Managing External Funds (3 cr.)

Complete capstone project/experience options (3 cr.):

  • SPH X 580 Qualitative Research in Public Health (3 cr.) Or comparable independent research course as determined in consultation with an advisor

Elective Courses (6 cr.)

Complete 6 credits of graduate-level elective course work preferably with the following prefixes: B, F, H, N, P, Q, S or other to be approved by academic advisor, based on student career goals and interests.

Recommended Electives:

  • SPH-B 602 Intervention Design (3 Cr.)
  • SPH-B 630 Sexual and Reproductive Health Surveillanc (3 Cr.)+
  • SPH-B 632 Sexual Health: Contemporary Discoveries and Controversies (3 Cr.)+
  • SPH-H 518 Alcohol and Drug Education (3 Cr.)
  • SPH-H 555 Issues in Human Sexuality and Health (3 Cr.)
  • SPH-H 595 Practicum in College Sex Education (3 Cr.)
  • SPH-H 697 Internship in Health Promotion (3 Cr.)
  • SPH-S 552 Principles of Workplace Safety Behavior (3 Cr.)

+Only students completing the Graduate Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health

Students matriculated into the M.S. in Health Promotion degree program may also wish to complete one of the alternate online graduate certificates listed below. Some graduate certificate course work may be taken as “electives”; however, concentration completion may require course work beyond the minimally required 33 credits. Interested students should plan their entire course of study, including all online certificate course work, in close consultation with their advisor.

Online Graduate Certificate in Gerontology and Health (12 credits)
Successful completion of the following requirements earns the student an online graduate Certificate in Gerontology and Health.

Complete the following course.

  • SPH-H 524 –or-- EDUC-P 513 Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Gerontology (3 cr.)

Complete three (9 cr.) courses from the following.

  • EDUC-D 505 Adult Learning through the Lifespan (3 cr.)
  • EDUC-D 506 Adult Education Planning and Development (3 cr.)
  • EDUC-P 517 Adult Development and Aging (3 cr.)
  • SPH-B 535 Contemporary Issues in Aging and Health (3 cr.)
  • SPH-B 615 Health Longevity, and Integrative Therapies for the Later Years (3 cr.)

Online Graduate Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health (15 credits)
Successful completion of the following five courses earns the student an online graduate Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health.

  • SPH-B 630 Sexual and Reproductive Health Surveillance (3 cr.)
  • SPH-B 632 Sexual Health: Contemporary Discoveries and Controversies (3 cr.)
  • SPH-H 633 Advanced Instructional Methods in Sexual and Reproductive Health (3 cr.)
  • SPH-B 634 Sexual Health Research and Evaluation (3 cr.)
  • SPH-X660 Population Health Department (3 cr.)

Online Graduate Certificate in Safety Management (12 credits)
Successful completion of the following four courses earns the student an online graduate Certificate in Safety Management.

  • SPH-S 502 Instructional Strategies for Safety Education (3 cr.)
  • SPH-S 513 Safety Management in Business and Industry (3 cr.)
  • SPH-S 610 Occupational Risk Management (3 cr.)
  • SPH-S 632 Safety & Health Program Design (3 cr.)

Online Graduate Certificate in Addiction Intervention (15 credits)
Successful completion of the following five courses earns the student an online graduate Certificate in Addiction Intervention.

  • SPH-H 664 Public Health Approaches to Substance Abuse Prevention for Adolescents and Young Adults (3 cr.)
  • SPH-H 665 Substance Abuse Treatment for Adolescents and Young Adults in the Context of Public Health (3 cr.)
  • SPH-H 670 Introduction to Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders for Public Health Professionals (3 cr.)
  • SPH-H 667 History of Public Health Approaches to Addiction Treatment and Recovery for Adolescents and Young Adults (3 cr.)
  • SPH-H 668 Motivational Interviewing (3 cr.)

Special Opportunities

Students develop professional skills through required capstone project near the end of the program of study that can be completed in a variety of settings afforded by the Bloomington community. Students can also be involved in research with faculty members and fellow students.


Prospects for employment are excellent. Sources of potential employment for program graduates are numerous and include public and private colleges; local, state, and federal agencies; international agencies; voluntary health agencies; professional associations; clinics, hospitals, and private health care facilities; business; industry; and the military. 

Academic Bulletins