Academic Policies & Procedures

Doctoral Students

Enrollment after the Qualifying Examination and Off-Campus Enrollment

After passing the qualifying examinations, a doctoral candidate must enroll each semester for dissertation or research credit at the regular fee until graduation. If the required number of dissertation credits is reached before the dissertation is completed, the candidate must continue to enroll for dissertation or research credits or SPH-G 901 (a 6 credit hour course with a flat $150 fee).

Enrollment during summer sessions is not required unless the degree is to be awarded during a summer session. Candidates must be enrolled during the semester (including summer) during which the degree is awarded.

Notes about SPH-G 901: SPH-G 901 is not offered during the summer sessions. Registration in SPH-G 901 is restricted to six semesters.

Policy Exceptions
Doctoral candidates, seeking an exception to the policy requiring continuous enrollment between successful completion of the qualifying examination and Ph.D. degree certification, must complete and submit a policy-exception request form to the associate dean for graduate studies and research. The form to request such an exception may be found in the doctoral student section of the “Forms” Webpage at: Exception requests will only be considered in cases in which extraordinary circumstances provide sufficient grounds for a policy exception. Requests for an exception to this policy must include documentation of health or other significant personal circumstances resulting in an unavoidable interruption of the student’s dissertation progress. Exceptions to this policy will be made on a semester-by-semester basis. Submission of a policy exception request does not guarantee that such an exception will be made.

An exception to the continuous enrollment policy does not extend the seven-year time limit which Ph.D. degree students have between successful completion of the qualifying examination and degree certification.

Off-Campus Enrollment
Doctoral candidates who are off campus and wish to enroll must contact the graduate recorder in the School of Public Health - Bloomington records office, room 123, for registration authorization. Students will be billed by the bursar for the appropriate tuition and fees.

Academic Bulletins