Academic Policies & Procedures

Master's Degree Students

Transfer of Credit

With the approval of a graduate student's academic advisor and the executive associate dean, graduate-level academic credit from another institution may be transferred for use in a School of Public Health - Bloomington master's degree. An official transcript from the registrar's office of the academic institution where the course work was completed must be on file in the School of Public Health - Bloomington records office. A copy of this transcript should accompany the request through its approval stages. A student's academic advisor must submit a Request for Transfer of Graduate Credit Form to HPER 115, for evaluation and final approval of the executive associate dean. This form may be found online at Stipulations for transferability are as follows:
  • A maximum of 5 credit hours of graduate work may be transferred from other institutions for application to a master's degree. Exception: Indiana University graduates may transfer up to 10 credit hours from other accredited graduate schools.
  • A minimum grade of B is required in each course to be transferred. A course with a grade of B- may not be transferred for use in a graduate degree.
  • Grades of Pass (P) or Satisfactory (S) cannot be accepted unless there is official documentation from the transferring institution to verify that these grades are equivalent to at least a B on a graduate grading scale.
  • No credit can be transferred for a course that cannot be officially documented as carrying graduate credit.
  • Any graduate course work to be taken at another institution for the purpose of transfer to an Indiana University program must be approved in advance by the advisor and the executive associate dean.
  • A student wishing to enroll in degree-related course work at any other Indiana University campus must secure the appropriate forms from the School of Public Health - Bloomington records office, HPER 115, before registering for such courses.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: Is coursework taken at an IU campus, other than the Bloomington campus, considered to be transfer coursework?
Answer: No, Indiana University coursework completed at any IU regional campus or in another school on the IU Bloomington campus is not considered to be transfer coursework.

Question: I would like to transfer credit hours to my master's degree program from an academic institution that is on the quarter-hour system; how do those hours equate to IU's semester-hour system?
Answer: A quarter-hour equates to .6667, or two thirds of a semester-hour; example: a 3 credit-hour course completed at an institution that is on the quarter-hour system would transfer into IU as 2 semester credit-hours.

Academic Bulletins