Departments & Centers
Applied Health Science
Chairperson Lohrmann
Assistant Chairperson Sherwood-Laughlin
Director Graduate Studies Middlestadt
Director Undergraduate Studies Murray
Professors Gilbert, Goodman, Lohrmann, McCloskey, Torabi, Yarber
Associate Professors Billingham, Blair, Dodge, Ellis, Fly, Lindeman, Middlestadt, Obeng, Reece, Seo, Smith
Assistant Professors Lin, Macy, Meyerson, Schmidt, YoussefAgha
Clinical Associate Professors Kay, Murray, Sherwood-Laughlin
Clinical Assistant Professors Huber, Slates
Assistant Research Scientists Herbenick, Shick
Senior Lecturers Getty
Lecturers Applegate, BlueEye, Ray, Thiagarajah
Academic Specialist Bunnage
Post Doctoral Fellow Barnes
Research Associates Agley, Alter, Brown, Cadow, DeSalle, Frazier, Goetze, Jones, Jun, King, Lay, Nowicke, Pelto-Wheeler, Radanovich, Sadler, Samuel, Seitz de Martinez, Stewart, Wolf, Zaffuto
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