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2007-2009 School of Music Bloomington Campus Bulletin: Table of Contents


Graduate Division

Jacobs School of Music
Academic Bulletin

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Indiana University 
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Graduate Division

Early Music


Master of Music in Composition
Master of Music in Computer Music Composition
Doctor of Music in Composition

Master of Music in Composition

Bachelor of Music in composition or its demonstrated equivalent.

Applicants should submit (1) a portfolio of four to six scores representing a variety of forms and media and (2) a chronological list of completed compositions, including date, instrumentation, duration, and any performances (recordings of performances are recommended). Those invited to interview should be prepared for a brief ear-training examination.

18 credit hours. K910 Composition Graduate Major (12 cr.) with concurrent registration in I500 Performance and Composition Masterclass (0 cr.); I711 Master’s Recital (0 cr.); T556 Analysis of Music Since 1900 (3 cr.); K600 Thesis in Composition (3 cr.).

Music History and Literature Requirement
6 credit hours. See “Structure of Master's Curricula” under “General Requirements for Master’s Degrees” in this bulletin.

Outside Area
6 credit hours. See “Structure of Master’s Curricula” under “General Requirements for Master’s Degrees” in
this bulletin.

Each semester.

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Master of Music in Computer Music Composition

Bachelor of Music in composition or its demonstrated equivalent.

Applicants should submit a portfolio of electronic and/or acoustic compositions (scores/recordings) and a list of all compositions.

18 credit hours. K503 Electronic Studio Resources I (3 cr.), K504 Electronic Studio Resources II (3 cr.), K506 Projects in Electronic Music (6 cr.) with concurrent registration in I500 Performance and Composition Masterclass (0 cr.), K509 Seminar in Computer Music (3 cr.), I711 Master’s Recital (0 cr.), K600 Thesis in Composition (3 cr.).

The Thesis in Composition can be a research paper or substantial electroacoustic composition.

Music History and Literature Requirement
6 credit hours. See “Structure of Master's Curricula” under “General Requirements for Master’s Degrees” in this bulletin.

Outside Area
6 credit hours. See “Structure of Master’s Curricula” under “General Requirements for Master’s Degrees” in this bulletin.

Tool Subject
2-3 hours in computer programming languages to be selected from CSCI A504 Introductory C++ Programming, CSCI A597 Introduction to Programming I, or other Computer Science programming courses at the 500 level or above, with the approval of the director of the Center for Electronic and Computer Music; or equivalent, demonstrated by previous course work or by a proficiency exam administered by the computer science department.

Each semester.

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Doctor of Music in Composition

Designed for the talented and accomplished composer who demonstrates creative ability of a high artistic level.

Master’s degree in composition or its demonstrated equivalent, including previous experience as a composer. Students who are deficient in areas such as music performance, score reading, conducting (choral and orchestral), or orchestration are required to make up these deficiencies at least one full year before work for the degree is completed.

Applicants should submit (1) a portfolio of four to six scores representing a variety of forms and media, including one orchestral work; (2) a chronological list of completed compositions, including date, instrumentation, during, and any performances; and (3) recordings of performances demonstrating the range of their abilities. Those invited to interview should be prepared for a brief ear-training examination.

36 credit hours. K910 Composition Graduate Major (20 cr.) with concurrent registration in I500 Performance and Composition Masterclass (0 cr.); K701 Doctoral Composition Chamber Recital (1 cr.); K702- K703 Doctoral Composition Document I-II (0-0 cr.); K700 Dissertation in Composition (15 cr.). K702-K703 Doctoral Composition Document I­II should be completed within two semesters of first registration.

See “Doctoral Minors ” under “General Requirements for Doctoral Degrees” in this bulletin. The “guided electives” option is not available for composition majors.

Tool Subjects
T551 Analytical Techniques for Tonal Music (3 cr.) and T556 Analysis of Music Since 1900 (3 cr.) or equivalents, which will not be included in the total credit hours required for the major.

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Early Music

Master of Music in Early Music, Instrumental or Vocal
Doctor of Music in Early Music, Voice/Instrumental Emphasis,
  Keyboard/Plucked Instrument Emphasis, or Ensemble Direction Emphasis

Master of Music in Early Music, Instrumental or Vocal

Prerequisite Bachelor of Music or its demonstrated equivalent.


Voice/Instrument emphasis
18 credit hours. Y910 Early Music Graduate Major (12 cr.); 3 credit hours from M517/M518/M519/M520 Medieval/ Renaissance/Baroque/Classical Literature and Performance Practice (3 cr.); 3 credit hours from those courses or M516 Advanced Topics in Early Music (3 cr.), F501 Accompaniment of Baroque Music (3 cr.), F502 Readings in Basso Continuo (3 cr.), or F503 Advanced Topics in Basso Continuo (3 cr.); I711 Master’s Recital (0-0 cr.).

Keyboard/Plucked Instrument emphasis
18 credit hours. Y910 Early Music Graduate Major (12 cr.); 3 credit hours from M517/M518/M519/M520 Medieval/Renaissance/Baroque/Classical Literature and Performance Practice (3 cr.); 3 credit hours from F501 Accompaniment of Baroque Music (3 cr.), F502 Readings in Basso Continuo (3 cr.) or F503 Advanced Topics in Basso Continuo (3 cr.); I711 Master’s Recital (0- 0cr.)

Recorder Pedagogy emphasis
18 credit hours. Y910 Early Music Graduate Major (12 cr.), M519 Baroque Literature and Performance Practice (3 cr.), E507 Colloquium in Recorder Pedagogy (3 cr.), I711 Master’s Recital (0-0 cr.).

Music History and Literature Requirement
6 credit hours. See “Structure of Master's Curricula” under “General Requirements for Master’s Degrees” in this bulletin.

Outside Area
6 credit hours. See “Structure of Master’s Curricula” under “General Requirements for Master’s Degrees” in this bulletin.

Language Proficiencies
(voice students) Knowledge of French, German, and Italian grammar equivalent to two semesters at the college level in each, and proficiency in diction in each language as demonstrated by examination or by passing a Jacobs School of Music diction course. Students must take all three diction exams in their first semester of enrollment; with voice department permission, they may take specific exams for a second time in their second semester of enrollment. For any exam not passed, students must pass the appropriate Jacobs School of Music diction course.

Basso continuo proficiency
(keyboard/ plucked instrument students) Proficiency in basso continuo as demonstrated by departmental examination.

X060 Early Music Ensembles (2 cr.) each semester.

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Doctor of Music in Early Music, Voice/Instrumental Emphasis, Keyboard/Plucked Instrument Emphasis, or Ensemble Direction Emphasis

Prerequisite Master’s degree with the same major or its demonstrated equivalent.


Voice/Instrument emphasis
36 credit hours. Y910 Early Music Graduate Major (18 cr.);
6 credit hours from M517/M518/M519/M520 Medieval/Renaissance/Baroque/Classical Literature and Performance Practice (3-3 cr.);
3 credit hours from those courses or from M516 Advanced Topics in Early Music (3 cr.), F501 Accompaniment of Baroque Music (3 cr.), F502 Readings in Basso Continuo (3 cr.) or F503 Advanced Topics in Basso Continuo (3 cr.); elective course (3 cr.); Y701 Doctoral Recital in Early Music (1-1-1 cr.); M620 Doctoral Final Project (3 cr.).

Keyboard/Plucked Instrument emphasis
36 credit hours. Y910 Early Music Graduate Major (18 cr.); 6 credit hours from F501 Accompaniment of Baroque Music (3 cr.),
F502 Readings in Basso Continuo (3 cr.) or F503 Advanced Topics in Basso Continuo (3 cr.); 6 credit hours from M517/M518/ M519/M520 Medieval/Renaissance/Baroque/ Classical Literature and Performance Practice (3-3 cr.) or M516 Advanced Topics in Early Music (3 cr.); Y701 Doctoral Recital in Early Music (1-1-1 cr.); M620 Doctoral Final Project (3 cr.).

X060 Early Music Ensembles (2 cr.) each semester.

See “Doctoral Minors” under “General Requirements for Doctoral Degrees” in this bulletin.

Tool Subject
M539 Introduction to Music Bibliography (2 cr.).

Basso Continuo Proficiency
Proficiency in basso continuo as demonstrated by departmental examination administered before the first semester of registration; may be met by passing F501 Accompaniment of Baroque Music.

Language Proficiency
(all students) Reading knowledge of French, German, Italian, Latin or Spanish as demonstrated by departmental examination.

Language Proficiencies
(voice students) Knowledge of French, German, and Italian grammar equivalent to two semesters at the college level in each, and proficiency in diction in each language as demonstrated by examination or by passing a Jacobs School of Music diction course. Students must take all three diction exams in their first semester of enrollment; with voice department permission, they may take specific exams for a second time in their second semester of enrollment. For any exam not passed, students must pass the appropriate Jacobs School of Music diction course.

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