Academic Policies & Procedures

Doctoral Students

Admission to Candidacy

When a doctoral student has completed all required course work and has passed the qualifying examination, the student's advisory committee nominates the student for doctoral degree candidacy. Following nomination to candidacy, the dissertation phase of the degree program begins.

As their last act before disbanding, each member of a student's advisory committee nominates the student for candidacy by signing a Nomination to Candidacy for the Ph.D. Degree Form. The student may obtain a paper copy of this form in HPER 115 or download and print the online version available at It is the student's responsibility to obtain the signatures of committee members and submit the completed, signed form to the School of HPER Records Office in HPER 115.

The School of HPER recorder submits this form to the executive associate dean for approval, and then sends this form to the associate dean in the University Graduate School for final approval. For students with prescribed courses older than seven years at the time of the qualifying exam, the document requesting revalidation for each such course must accompany the candidacy form when the School of HPER recorder sends it to the University Graduate School. The University Graduate School recorder will verify completion of all requirements and pass the forms on to the associate dean of the University Graduate School for final approval. Approved forms are returned to the School of HPER. The School of HPER executive associate dean shall notify the student of admission to candidacy, after which the student will generally be registered for dissertation research hours only.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: I passed my qualifying examination with one incomplete course on my course prescription. May I be nominated to Ph.D. degree candidacy immediately?
Answer: No, you must first earn an acceptable grade in the course which currently has an incomplete grade.

Academic Bulletins