Units in the School of Health, Physical Education, and RecreationDepartment of Applied Health Science Department of Applied Health ScienceFaculty FacultyChairperson Assistant Chairperson Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Clinical Associate Professor Clinical Assistant Professor Lecturers Research Associates Applied Health Science Web Site Return to Department of Applied Health Science Description of the ProgramThe Department of Applied Health Science at Indiana University is one of the oldest and most respected professional preparation programs in the United States. The department offers study in dietetics, health promotion, human development and family studies, nutrition science, public health, safety management, and school and college health programs. In a 2003 national ranking of professional preparation programs in health education, the department’s doctoral program was ranked first in the nation, and its master’s degree program was ranked ninth among approximately 300 universities nationwide. Return to Department of Applied Health Science Areas of SpecializationThe department offers comprehensive curricula of undergraduate and graduate degree programs and courses that emphasize the importance of education in the prevention of personal and family problems related to lifestyle and health behavior. Seven areas of specialization are available to the student: Dietetics studies the role of nutrition in health promotion and disease prevention and treatment in clinical and community settings. Students learn to apply the principles of nutrition, food science, and food management in advancing health promotion. The curriculum meets standards established by the Commission on Accreditation of Dietetics Education (CADE) of the American Dietetic Association (ADA) as a Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD). Health promotion enables individuals and communities to increase control over and improve their health. Graduate level students acquire skills for serving as health education and promotion specialists in educational, clinical, occupational, and community settings and for managing a diverse array of health education programs. Human development and family studies examines growth and development throughout the lifespan. Family studies examines more specifically roles within the family and how the members of diverse kinds of families interact with one another and with greater society. Nutrition science integrates the basic and applied principles of nutrition and related sciences, such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and medicine. Students learn to apply nutrition to health promotion. Courses of study include human nutrition, nutritional biochemistry, diet and disease, and food science. Public health promotes the health of the general public through the delivery of health-promoting interventions and through research. Students pursuing the MPH complete core coursework in basic public health sciences and focused coursework in public health promotion and health behavior. Students further specialize and prepare for a public health career by choosing one of two concentrations, public health leadership and practice or public health research. Students in the public health leadership and practice concentration will gain additional skills necessary to lead the process of developing, implementing, and evaluating health promotion programs in community, worksite, and health care settings. Students in the public health research concentration will gain additional research skills necessary to conduct and disseminate high-quality research on critical health issues facing societies around the world. The Master of Public Health degree program is fully accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). Safety programs encompassing safety science and safety management, develops the skills and professional competencies to support workplace safety and health programs and efforts in both public and private organizations. School and college health programs provides comprehensive and coordinated programs that promote the health of children and young adults. Students accrue professional skills required to design, deliver, and assess effective health instruction in schools and colleges. Undergraduate students can earn secondary teacher certification in a joint program with the School of Education. Return to Department of Applied Health Science Degree ProgramsDegree programs currently available in the Department of Applied Health Science include: Bachelor of Science in Applied Health Science Return to Department of Applied Health Science CareersSources of potential employment for program graduates are numerous and varied and include public and private schools and colleges; local, state, and federal agencies; international agencies; voluntary health agencies; professional associations; clinics, hospitals, and private health care facilities; business; industry; and the military. Prospects for employment are excellent, especially if the individual is willing to relocate. Return to Department of Applied Health Science Scholarly InquiryThe Department of Applied Health Science has a long-standing commitment to scholarly inquiry in a broad spectrum of areas emphasizing health promotion and prevention of health problems. Research and creative activity in the department includes both basic and applied work in program planning and development; evaluation of the effectiveness of instruction; and examination of lifestyle and health behavior in relation to nutrition, exercise, stress, alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse, individual development and family health, communicable disease, human sexuality, and related areas. In addition to research projects, faculty members engage in a variety of other scholarly activities, including the preparation of articles, textbooks, and other publications. Faculty are frequently asked to present scholarly papers at regional, national, and international conferences. Return to Department of Applied Health Science Research, Instructional, and Service ProjectsIn addition to offering a variety of courses and degree programs, the department is continuously involved in a number of innovative research, instructional, and service projects that include the following: Center for Health and Safety Studies This center provides support services to the university community, to the profession, and to the state of Indiana through conferences, research projects, and the management of grants and contracts. Director: Torabi. Rural Center for AIDS/STD Prevention The major focus of this center is the promotion of AIDS/STD prevention in rural America. Senior Director: Yarber. Co-director: Torabi. The Indiana Prevention Resource Center A statewide clearinghouse of prevention technical assistance and information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, funded by a contract with the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration—Division of Mental Health. Director: Gassman. The Indiana University Institute for Drug Abuse Prevention Directed by faculty in the Department of Applied Health Science, the institute provides a research and service infrastructure for a wide range of drug prevention grants and contracts. Co-directors: Gassman and Torabi. Center for Minority Health The Center has the mission of research, outreach, programming, and training with regard to health disparities. Sexual Health Research Working Group An initiative designed to facilitate collaborative sexual health research among faculty members and graduate students at Indiana University. Director: Reece. Department of KinesiologyFaculty FacultyChairperson Associate Chairpersons Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Visiting Assistant Professor Clinical Professor Clinical Associate Professors Clinical Assistant Professors Clinical Lecturer Lecturers Visiting Lecturers Academic Specialists Research Scientist Kinesiology Web Site Return to Department of Kinesiology Description of ProgramThe Department of Kinesiology offers both undergraduate and graduate curricula. Undergraduate concentrations in athletic training, dance, exercise science, fitness specialist, sport communication, sport marketing and management, and physical education (K-12 teacher certification), all lead to the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology. Programs offered by the Department of Kinesiology are interdisciplinary, providing course work and appropriate practicum experiences that are excellent preparation for specific careers or for preprofessional and graduate school opportunities. In 2005 the graduate program in Kinesiology was ranked number one in the nation. Athletic training prepares the student to sit for the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Board of Certification (NATABOC) examination. Additionally, the program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Dance strengthens and refines contemporary dance technique as well as provides scholarly inquiry into the history, science, and aesthetics of dance. The dance major provides disciplined dance training and a strong academic and theoretical core, which is essential to producing wholly integrated artists and successful dance professionals. Exercise science prepares students for graduate-level education in areas such as adapted physical education, biomechanics, ergonomics, exercise physiology, and motor learning/control. In addition, programs prepare students for entry into professional/graduate programs in areas such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine, physician’s assistant, dentistry, chiropractic, and other allied health fields. Fitness specialist prepares students to work in the fitness industry. In addition, students are prepared to sit for the following three certification examinations: 1) the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Health Fitness Instructor; 2) the American Council of Exercise (ACE) Group Exercise; and 3) the ACE Personal Training. Sport communication students may choose either print or broadcast concentrations with course work in journalism or telecommunications. Sport marketing and management prepares students for lower management jobs in the sport industry. Students are also prepared for movement into advanced degree programs in sport management. Sport marketing and management majors complete a comprehensive professional core of sport courses and complement this course work with an intensive business core of courses. The Kelley School of Business minor may be earned in the process of completing the sport marketing and management major. Teacher preparation—all grade is an undergraduate curriculum that combines courses in teaching methodology and the human movement sciences. Professional and technical instruction is provided for teaching various sports, dance, and fitness activities commonly taught in the elementary and secondary schools. This preparation is based on and intertwined with appropriate theoretical models and best practices that lead to all-grade (K-12) licensing in the state of Indiana. The department offers an extensive program in physical activity instruction that is open to majors as well as students from other departments and/or schools on the Bloomington campus. Included in the elective courses are aquatics, conditioning, dance, fitness, individual sports, martial arts, racquet sports, and team sports. Graduate curricula in the Dr. John M. Cooper Graduate Program in Kinesiology (Cooper Graduate Program) lead to the degrees Master of Science in Kinesiology and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in human performance. A variety of emphasis areas are available for graduate degree candidates, including adapted physical education, applied sport science, athletic training, fitness management, human performance, ergonomics, and sport management. The Ph.D. program in human performance emphasizes adapted physical education, biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor learning/control, and sport management. The department operates human performance research laboratories in these areas. Return to Department of Kinesiology Degree ProgramsDegree programs currently available in the Department of Kinesiology include: Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology Certificate in Martial Arts. Optional Undergraduate Minors Cognate Master of Science in Kinesiology Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Human Performance Return to Department of Kinesiology CareersContinuing national attention to fitness, sports medicine, sport business and industry, and an active way of life for all makes employment prospects excellent. Examples of the many career opportunities available are aquatics management, athletic administration, athletic training, cardiac rehabilitation, coaching/athletic community centers, corporate fitness, fitness center management, program directing, personal training, fitness educator/consulting, group exercise, laboratory research, public/private school teaching, preventive medicine, pulmonary rehabilitation, research, sports information, sports reporting, sports broadcasting, audio/video production, public and/or media relations, fundraising/philanthropy, sports advertising/marketing, and youth agencies. Return to Department of Kinesiology Scholarly InquiryThe Department of Kinesiology faculty engages in research and creative activity in a variety of areas, including the exercise sciences, sport management, sport communication, pedagogy, and dance. Within exercise science, the department supports research in ergonomics, exercise physiology, exercise biochemistry, motor learning, motor control, and biomechanics. Additionally, studies involving the effects of physical activity on special populations have received considerable emphasis. Over the years, funding for these scholarly activities has included such sources as the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, the U.S. Olympic Committee, the Athletic Congress, Lilly Endowment, and the Amateur Athletic Union. Faculty and graduate students have presented research reports at various scientific meetings and published their research efforts in scientific journals. Faculty members have also presented and published papers dealing with various topics in sport as viewed from a social science perspective. Research in sport management focuses on sport communication, sport marketing, sport history, and sociocultural issues in sport. Within these areas, studies examine issues related to sport and the media and consumption of the sport product. The department has been concerned with the dissemination of new knowledge at all levels. Scholars have been invited to present research colloquia at national and international meetings. Graduate students have been successful in obtaining university teaching and postdoctoral research positions following completion of their doctoral programs. Return to Department of Kinesiology Research and Service ProjectsDepartment faculty is involved in numerous service and research projects conducted by its laboratories, centers and programs. These include the Wynn F. Updyke Center for Physical Activity, the Counsilman Center for the Science of Swimming, the Aquatics Institute, the Human Performance Laboratory, and the Women in Science Program. Return to Department of Kinesiology Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism StudiesFaculty FacultyChairperson Assistant Chairperson Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professor Lecturers Visiting Lecturers Academic Specialist Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies Web Site Return to Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies Description of the ProgramThe Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies offers both undergraduate and graduate curricula. The undergraduate curriculum, leading to the B.S. in Recreation, prepares students for positions as recreation activity programmers, planners, and leaders; managers of facilities; supervisors; park and recreation resource managers; and specialists in such areas as tourism management, therapeutic recreation, military recreation, and environmental education. The graduate curriculum is for students preparing for careers in administration management, teaching, and research. In addition, students often elect to pursue recreation specialist careers in such areas as recreation planning, environmental education, and clinical and nonclinical therapeutic recreation. The M.S. (Master of Science) in Recreation offers five major options: Outdoor Recreation This option is for students interested in outdoor recreation management, resource management, camping administration, outdoor/environmental education, interpretation, and outdoor leadership. Recreation Administration This option is for students interested in public agencies, private/ commercial agencies, or general administration management. Recreational Sports Administration This option is for students with career objectives in recreational sport administration in colleges/universities, public and private recreation agencies, or the Armed Forces. Therapeutic Recreation This option is for students interested in working with disabled persons in either clinical or nonclinical settings. Tourism Management This option is for students interested in working in administration and conducting research related to the tourism industry. Advanced graduate degrees include the Director of Recreation (Re.Dir.), and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D). in leisure behavior. These degree programs are designed for graduate students wishing to pursue careers in management and administration, teaching, research, or administration in higher education. Return to Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies Degree ProgramsDegree programs currently available in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies include: Return to Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies CareersThe department prepares students for careers in a variety of park, recreation, and leisure services settings, such as public parks and recreation; youth agencies; recreational sports facilities; hospitals, extended care facilities, and rehabilitation centers; private and commercial recreation; tourism; camping and outdoor education; and military recreation. Return to Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Studies Scholarly InquiryScholarship in the Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies reflects a commitment to increasing the understanding of leisure and recreation at both basic and applied levels. Faculty and students are involved with scholarly research to develop findings that may be applied by practitioners. Illustrative of research on leisure behavior have been studies on the leisure behavior of women and physiological indicators of leisure experiences. Examples of applied studies have been investigations to establish national standards for park and recreation systems, to determine travel behavior and decision-making patterns, and to study the effects of outdoor recreation on the behavior of children with disabilities. A second area is the scholarship of teaching, where faculty engage in creative activities such as those funded by recent curriculum development grants from the Administration on Aging and the Department of Education. A third area of applied scholarship is the development of strategic plans for leisure service agencies and the provision of accessibility training for staff members of the National Park Service. Return to Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Studies Research and Service ProjectsMajor programs within the department include the following: Center for Student Leadership Development Institute on Fundraising Eppley Institute for Parks and Public Lands Executive Development Program Great Lakes Park Training Institute Serving park executives and their staffs with up-to-date, hands-on techniques, this institute draws administrators, supervisors, and technicians from municipal, regional, state, and federal agencies in the United States and Canada. Hilltop Garden and Nature Center One of the oldest children’s gardens in the United States, Hilltop contains 75 children’s tree and vegetable plots plus a herbaceous perennial garden, fruit trees, herb garden, special display plantings, and test gardens. As part of the department, Hilltop is a laboratory for Indiana University students in outdoor education, resource management, horticulture, and science education. Institute for Outdoor Leadership and Education (IOLE) The institute comprises a number of opportunities for enhancing the professional development of outdoor educators. The multidimensional venues include the Adventure Research Cache, the Therapeutic Outdoor Programs certificate, the Conservation and Outdoor Recreation/Education Program, the Bradford Papers , Research Connections, and Bradford Woods Professional Training Series. Leisure Research Institute Equipped with the latest in available computer support, this institute provides research support services to students and faculty as well as a focus for departmental research efforts and the expansion of cooperative research projects. The National Center on Accessibility The center is a national leader in the movement to include people with disabilities in recreation, parks, and tourism. Through its comprehensive services of research, technical assistance, and education, NCA focuses on Universal Design and practical accessibility solutions that create inclusive recreation opportunities for people of all abilities. The NCA is a program of Indiana University’s Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies in cooperation with the National Park Service Accessibility Management Program. Other Research and Service Projects Return to Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Studies Division of Recreational SportsPersonnel PersonnelDirector Description of ProgramsSince its start in 1975, the Division of Recreational Sports has been providing a diverse array of programs and services for students, faculty, and staff of all skill levels and interests, including programs that meet the needs of students with families, people with disabilities, and international students. The division was recognized in 2003 as “perhaps the nation’s top recreational sports program” by Sports Illustrated On Campus. Return to Division of Recreational Sports
Last updated: 12 March 2025 07 20 30
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