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School of Health,
Physical Education,
and Recreation
Academic Bulletin

HPER Program  
School of HPER 
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School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Mission of the School
A History of Leadership
Organization of the School
HPER on the World Wide Web
Curriculum and Degrees
HPER Library
HPER Alumni Association
Assessment of Student Learning
Student Services within the School

Mission of the School

The mission of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation is to facilitate research and scholarly inquiry, the preparation of professional, and the provision of services in health, kinesiology, and recreation. We embrace lifelong opportunities for discovery, learning, and participation that contribute to healthy lifestyles for Living Well.

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A History of Leadership

Established in 1946 as the first School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation in the United States, the school and its programs have grown to encompass a broad spectrum of academic interests and professional fields. As a result of the scholarship and service records of the faculty and the unparalleled professional contributions of the school's worldwide alumni, Indiana University has earned an enviable reputation for excellence both at home and abroad. As one of the most active and influential alumni groups in the United States, Indiana University graduates continue to provide a loyal support network for current programs and students.

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Organization of the School

The school comprises the Department of Applied Health Science, the Department of Kinesiology, the Department of Recreation and Park Administration, and the Division of Recreational Sports. Close working relationships are maintained with other schools and departments on the campus, including the Medical Sciences Program, the School of Education, and the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, as well as units on the Indianapolis campus such as the Indiana University Medical School and the National Institute for Fitness and Sport.

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HPER on the World Wide Web

A comprehensive description of the degree programs, courses, faculty, research, institutes, laboratories, and other aspects of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.indiana.edu/~hperweb/. Also accessible from the School of HPER home page is extensive information about Indiana University.

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Curriculum and Degrees

Each of the three academic departments offers degrees ranging from the Bachelor of Science to the doctorate over a wide variety of majors and specializations. Separate degree programs have been designed to fit the needs of students who anticipate careers in research, education, public service, or private enterprise. Particular attention has been given to the development of a curricular structure that will meet the most stringent contemporary academic criteria while maintaining sufficient flexibility to accommodate individual requirements.

The degrees and majors offered within the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation are as follows:

Certificate in Hazard Control Technology
Certificate in Martial Arts
Associate of Science Degree in Hazard Control Technology
Bachelor of Science in Applied Health Science

    Health Education-Secondary Teacher Preparation
    Human Development/Family Studies
    Nutrition Science
    Occupational Safety
    Public Health Education
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
    Athletic Training
    Athletic Training-Teacher Preparation
    Exercise Science
    Sport Communication-Broadcast
    Sport Communication-Print
    Sport Marketing and Management
    Teacher Preparation-All Grade
Bachelor of Science in Recreation
    Outdoor Recreation and Resource Management
    Park and Recreation Management
    Therapeutic Recreation
    Recreational Sport Management
    Tourism Management
Graduate Certificate in Health Studies
Graduate Certificate in Therapeutic Outdoor Programs
Master of Public Health
Master of Science in Applied Health Science
    Health Promotion
    Human Development/Family Studies
    Nutrition Science
    Safety Management
    School Health Education
Master of Science in Kinesiology
    Adapted Physical Education
    Applied Sport Science
    Athletic Administration/Sport Management
    Athletic Training
    Clinical Exercise Physiology
    Exercise Physiology
    Motor Learning/Control
    Social Science of Sport
Master of Science in Recreation
    Outdoor Recreation
    Recreational Sports Administration
    Therapeutic Recreation
Director of Recreation
Doctor of Health and Safety
Doctor of Physical Education
Doctor of Recreation
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
    Human Performance
The Ph.D. is administered by the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation and awarded through the University Graduate School.

The following School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation subject areas are recognized as nonteaching minors at the baccalaureate level:

    Dietetics/Nutrition Science
    Human Development/Family Studies
    Public Health Education
    Recreation and Park Administration
Teaching minors are offered in:
    Health and Safety
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HPER Library

The HPER Library, a branch of the Indiana University Library, collects materials supporting the instruction, study, and research needs of the faculty and students of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. This busy library located within the HPER Building provides easy and convenient access to electronic resources, references, abstracts, and full-text articles on diverse topics. More information regarding the HPER Library, including access to the collection of holdings is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.hper.indiana.edu/academics/hper_library.shtml.

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HPER Alumni Association

The School of HPER maintains contact with alumni through the HPER Alumni Association, a constituent society within the parent Indiana University Alumni Association.

The HPER Alumni Association publishes the school's alumni magazine HPER Dimensions, mailed annually to more than 15,000 HPER alumni in all 50 states and 41 foreign countries. Through this magazine alumni, faculty, and students are able to maintain contact as well as to keep abreast of changes in the school. The HPER Alumni Association also sponsors receptions at the annual conferences of the National Recreation and Park Association; American School Health Association; American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance; National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association; and the National Athletic Training Association. These receptions offer alumni an opportunity to renew old friendships, meet new friends, and visit with faculty. In addition, the HPER Alumni Association hosts tailgate events at Indiana University football games, as well as a December and May graduation send-off luncheon for graduates and their families. The HPER Alumni Association is governed by an elected 17-member board of directors, 3 student members, and 3 lifetime members, which meets quarterly. For more information about Alumni Association activities, visit http://www.indiana.edu/~hperweb/alum/ home.html.

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Assessment of Student Learning

In preparing students to face the important individual and societal wellness challenges and demands of tomorrow, the faculty of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation strive to provide the highest quality undergraduate and graduate academic programs available in the nation. Assessment of student success is a formalized, ongoing, dynamic process that demonstrates accountability in the achievement of the school's academic mission. The assessment process helps students and professors judge the mastery of the learning outcomes that are specified in the school's assessment plan for each HPER academic program. In addition to knowledge of content, other outcomes assessed by faculty involve the student's skills in oral and written communication, analysis, critical thinking, judgment, problem solving, decision making, valuing, interaction, and leadership. Faculty value assessment as a basis for improvement of the curriculum, courses in the majors, and enhancement of the quality of teaching. The central test of teaching is learning.

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Student Services within the School

Student Organizations
School of HPER Awards and Scholarships

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Prior to registering each semester the student must meet with an assigned academic advisor for ongoing assistance in academic and career planning. During this meeting the registration approval form must be signed by the academic advisor. The student may pick up the registration ticket in HPER 115, after submitting this approved form. Students are responsible for tracking their own academic progress.

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Each academic department actively gathers placement opportunities and information for those students in their fields. Career planning and placement opportunities are also available through the school's student organizations. Contact your major department office or your academic advisor for more details.

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Student Organizations

Students are encouraged to participate in the student organizations of the School of HPER. For more information on organizations, membership eligibility and activities, contact the department or division in which the organization is listed. Some of these organizations are:

School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Undergraduate Student Advisory Council

School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Graduate Student Advisory Council
These school councils are composed of two representatives from each academic department, appointed annually by the department to discuss issues of interest to their student constituents within the school. They also serve in an advisory capacity to the dean.

Applied Health Science
Eta Sigma Gamma-Nu Chapter (the national health science honorary)
Indiana University Dietetics and Nutrition Club
Indiana University Student Council on Family Relationships

Student Athletic Training Council
Sport Marketing and Hoosier Club
Kinesiology Club

Recreation and Park Administration
Undergraduate Recreation Society
Graduate Recreation Society

SRSA: Student Recreational Sports Association
The Student Recreational Sports Association is a student organization acting as an advisory and programming group to the division. The association is a communication liaison between students, the recreational sports staff, and Bloomington administration. SRSA is dedicated to monitoring, improving, and promoting recreational sport opportunities to students, faculty, and staff at Indiana University- Bloomington. To achieve this mission, the association has participant advisory groups for each program area (Aquatics/Informal Sports, Intramural Sports, Club Sports, Fitness/Wellness, Special Events) and special committees established to work on projects of common interest (alumni relations, facilities, special projects, relations/ communication). Call 855-2371 for additional information.

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School of HPER Awards and Scholarships

A variety of awards and scholarships are available for admitted undergraduate and graduate students in the School of HPER. Eligibility criteria for these awards vary. Some of these considerations include demonstration of academic excellence, leadership in extracurricular activities, or financial need. Students are encouraged to discuss these award and scholarship possibilities with their academic advisor. Award amounts vary, based on funding availability. For more information, contact the recorder's office, (812) 855-1561, or visit http://www.hper.indiana.edu/financial/index.shtml.

School of HPER Awards
W. W. Patty HPER Alumni Scholarship
Student Research and Travel Grants-In-Aid (Undergraduate and Graduate)

Kinesiology Awards
Curtis R. Simic Scholarship
Edna F. Munro Physical Education Scholarship
Gallahue-Morris Graduate Research Award
Harry Dippold Scholarship
Kate C. Remley Memorial Scholarship
Leroy "Bud" Getchell Scholarship
Nancy Friedman Memorial Scholarship
NASPE Outstanding Physical Education Major of the Year Award
Phyllis Wood Undergraduate Award
"Spike" Dixon Athletic Training Award
Swift-Russell Scholarship
W. W. Patty Scholarship

Applied Health Science Awards
American Dietetic Association Scholarship
American Industrial Hygiene Association Indiana Section Award
American School Health Association-Committee on Minority Affairs Award
American School Health Association Scholarship
Opal G. Conrad Scholarship
Crane Fund for Widows and Children
Ruth Mary Griswold Graduate Scholarship
Griswold Undergraduate Scholarship
Home Economics Guild of Indianapolis Award
Indiana Dietetic Association Scholarship
Donald J. Ludwig Scholarships
Northeastern Illinois Chapter American Society of Safety Engineers Award
Pantaleoni Scholarship
J. K. Rash Scholarship
Margaret Seberger Scholarship
Lute Trout Fellowship/Mary Herbernstreit Award
W. W. Patty Scholarship
William Yarber Graduate Research Award
Ruth Engs Graduate Research Award
William L. Yarber Professorship Fellow Award

Recreation and Park Administration Awards
Distinguished Undergraduate Award
Eppley Scholar Award
Walter Jamieson Memorial Scholarship
John Andrew Jarboe Memorial Scholarship
Junior Recreation Scholarship Award
Thomas J. Rillo Outdoor Recreation Consortium Scholarship
John and Nancy Ross Brookstone Award
L. B. Sharp Award
Lebert H. Weir Award
W. W. Patty Scholarship
Bruce and Sylvia Hronek Annual Award
Sharpless Family Hawaii Fieldwork Award
Bradford Woods Outdoor Adventure Therapy-Outdoor Therapeutic Recreation Award
Hamilton Center Therapeutic Recreation Award
Clinical Faculty Therapeutic Recreation Award

Indiana Park and Recreation Association Grants and Scholarships
Leisure Studies Grant
Scholarships for Children of Indiana Park and Recreation Society Members

Division of Recreational Sports Awards
Hurst-Schlafer Scholarship
William H. Lindley Jr. Award
Otto E. Ryser Gymnastics Award
Rubert Stumpner Outstanding Senior Award
Ora A. Wildermuth Recreational Sports Scholarship
Richard F. Mull Outstanding Volunteer Awards
Terry Clapacs Outstanding Manager Awards

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