University Graduate School 2002-2004 Academic Bulletin |
College of Arts and Sciences Bloomington
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Graduate Faculty
Distinguished Professor
Rudy Professor
Chancellors' Professors
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
Adjunct Professors
Adjunct Associate Professors
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Note: "I" after a faculty member's name indicates that the person teaches at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.
Director of Graduate Studies
Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy
Special Departmental Requirements
(See also general University Graduate School requirements.)
Admission Requirements
The Department of Anthropology offers all four subfields of the discipline: archaeology, (including paleoanthropology), bioanthropology, linguistic anthropology, and social/cultural anthropology). Students elect one of these as the major field, but may take courses and/or minor in any of the other subfields. Each major involves its own breadth requirements within the Department of Anthropology; the programs also differ in other ways. Students should request a copy of the current departmental Guide for Graduate Students for details of the four courses of study. All have the following requirements in common.
Foreign Language/Research Skills
Qualifying Examination
Research Proposal
Final Examination
Ph.D. Minor in Anthropology
Special Minors in Ethnomusicology, Anthropology, Health, Human Evolutionary Studies and Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
General Anthropology
A303 Evolution and Prehistory (3 cr.)
E303 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (3 cr.)
A403 Introduction to Museum Studies (3 cr.)
A405 Museum Methods (3 cr.)
A406 Field Work in Ethnography and Linguistics (1-4 cr.; 8 cr. max.)
A408 Museum Practicum (1-4 cr.; 8 cr. max.)
A495 Individual Readings in Anthropology (1-4 cr.)*
A505 Fields of Anthropology: A Graduate Survey (3 cr.) Cultural anthropology, linguistics, archaeology, physical anthropology. For graduate students of other departments and beginning graduate students in anthropology.
A506 Anthropological Statistics (3 cr.) Statistics in all fields of anthropology. Scales, frequency distributions, contingency, correlation, probability, sampling, significance tests, elementary multivariate analysis.
A521 Internship in Teaching Anthropology (3 cr.) Systematic and supervised internship required of all first-year associate instructors. Course includes formal class presentations by the departmental AI trainer, formal development of teaching materials, prescribed observations of "master teachers," and supervisory visits by the AI trainer.
A600 Seminar in Anthropology (2-4 cr.) May be taken in successive semesters for credit.
A800 Research (cr. arr.) (1) Archaeology, (2) ethnology, (3) linguistics, and/or (4) physical anthropology.
B301 Laboratory in Bioanthropology (3 cr.)
B370 Human Variation (3 cr.)
B405 Field Work in Bioanthropology (cr. arr.)
B464 Human Paleontology (3 cr.)
B466 The Primates (3 cr.)
B472 Bioanthropology of Aboriginal America (3 cr.)
B480 Human Growth and Development (3 cr.)
B500 Proseminar in Bioanthropology (3 cr.) Human evolution from the standpoint of an interaction of biological, ecological, and sociocultural factors. Survey of bioanthropology from historical, systematic, and applied viewpoints; emphasis on changing content, concepts, methods, and organization of the science.
B521 Bioanthropology Research Methods (3 cr.) P: B200, B301. Designed for advanced students of bioanthropology and related biological sciences to familiarize them with the methods and techniques of collecting, preserving, and analyzing both morphological and somatological data.
B522 Laboratory Methods in Bioanthropology (2 cr.) P: concurrent with B521. Laboratory dealing with methods and techniques of assessment and analysis of morphological and somatological data which forms the subject matter of B521.
B523 Anthropometry (3 cr.) P: B200, B301, or consent of instructor. Designed for advanced students in bioanthropology. Basic research techniques applicable to living populations. Research project on volunteer subjects required. Formation of hypotheses, data collection procedures, testing of hypotheses, and presentation of results in oral and written form will be stressed.
B524 Theory and Method in Human Paleontology (3 cr.) P: B200, B301, or consent of instructor. Emphasis on fossil hominid evolution and adaptation. Intensive study of human fossil skeletal anatomy. Reconstruction of hominid diets and positional behavior via skeletal analysis and functional morphology.
B525 Genetic Methods in Anthropology (3 cr.) P: B200, B301, or permission of instructor. Specialized training in laboratory procedures and interpretation of genetic markers found in human populations. Major systems covered are ABO, Rh, MNSs, Duffy, Kell, secretor status, and PTC testing. Emphasis on use of genetic markers in human evolutionary research.
B526 Human Osteology (3 cr.) P: B200, B301, or consent of instructor. Descriptive and functional morphology of the human skeleton with emphasis on the identification of fragmentary materials. Determination of age, sex, and stature; craniology; and research methods in skeletal biology. Guided research project in the identification of skeletal material required.
B528 Dental Anthropology (3 cr.) P: B200, B301, or consent of the instructor. Descriptive and functional morphology of primate dentitions, stressing nomenclature of crown features. Human enamel microstructure, development, wear, occlusion, pathology, odontometrics, and discrete variation as applied to research problems in bioanthropology. A guided research project is required.
B550 Issues in Human Origins: Creation and Evolution (3 cr.) Review of the creation/evolution controversy in a seminar setting. Fundamentals of organic evolution covered, especially pertaining to the origins of our species. Additionally, the major arguments as set forth by "scientific creationists" are presented, along with an appraisal of the "balanced treatment" notion that has been proposed for inclusion in public school curricula.
B568 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior (3 cr.) Major patterns of social organization in the order of primates, with closer examination of several important primate species. Darwinian theories of behavioral evolution will be examined. Particular attention will be paid to the influence of food-getting and diet on social behavior.
B600 Seminar in Bioanthropology (3 cr.) Subject will vary; students may thus receive credit more than once.
B601 Primate Anatomy (3 cr.) P: B200, B301; P or B466. Comparative anatomy of the nonhuman primates with emphasis on the analysis of bone and muscle relationships. Application of comparative techniques to current research in bioanthropology. Dissection of several primate species required.
B602 Paleopathology (3 cr.) P: B200, B301. Disease in prehistoric skeletal material and in written and visual representations. Diagnosis and epidemiological characterization of diseases of bone. A guided research project on a topic in paleopathology is required. Seminar presentation of two literature reviews and a research project are required.
E305 Introduction to Ethnomusicology (3 cr.)
E310 Introduction to the Cultures of Africa (3 cr.)
E311 The Ethnography of Eastern Africa (3 cr.)
E320 Indians of North America (3 cr.)
E321 Peoples of Mexico (3 cr.)
E322 Peoples of Brazil (3 cr.)
E325 North American Indian Musics (3 cr.)
E329 Indians in the United States in the Twentieth Century (3 cr.)
E330 Indians of South America (3 cr.)
E332 Jewish Women: Anthropological Perspectives (3 cr.)
E334 Jews in Moslem Society (3 cr.)
E340 Indians of Mexico and Central America (3 cr.)
E370 Peasant Society and Culture (3 cr.)
E371 Modern Jewish Culture and Society (3 cr.)
E375 Mental Illness in Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3 cr.)
E380 Urban Anthropology (3 cr.)
E404 Field Methods of Ethnography (3 cr.)
E407 Visual Anthropology: Filmmaking (3 cr.)
E510 Problems in African Ethnography and Ethnology (3 cr.)
E511 Ethnography of the Congo (2 cr.)
E525 Comparative Ethnology of North America (3 cr.) P: A505 or E500; E320; A506; or consent of instructor. Seminar on comparative problems of North American Indian cultures. May be repeated for credit.
E610 Seminar in Households, Family, and Gender (3 cr.) Asks how basic social units like family and household are socially constructed and maintained. Current literature on social exchange, bargaining, decision-making, and gender. Pressing current issues such as child welfare, equity in economic development, abusive relationships, and consumer choice.
E617 African Women (3 cr.) Examines the remarkably active roles that African women play in their communities. Follows the themes of autonomy and control of resources, considering both economic resources (such as land, labor, income, and cattle) and social resources (such as education, religion, and political power).
E618 Globalization and Consumer Culture (3 cr.)
E624 Native American Art (3 cr.)
E663 Exhibiting Cultures: Museums, Exhibitions, and World's Fairs (3 cr.) P: E310 or consent of instructor. Seminar in anthropological problems related to Africa. Selected topics. May be repeated for credit.
E673 Feminist Studies and Ethnographic Practice (3 cr.) Focuses on the impact of feminist theory on ethnographic practice in the fields of anthropology and criminology. We will read key works from the 1980s to the present which exemplify various feminist approaches to the study of culture and society.
E687 The Ethnography of Europe (3 cr.) Explores "Europe" as an idea, an identity, and a historical consciousness. Students discuss how European ethnography has acquired a valued status in social anthropology, how it has been instituted as a "cultural area," and how the discipline constantly revises social, cultural, political, and nationalist boundaries.
E692 The United States (3 cr.) Reviews current ethnographic studies of the United States, emphasizing themes of cultural diversity, relationships between individuals and their communities, and the roles of public institutions at local, state, and federal levels.
E372 Racism: Anthropology of Prejudice (3 cr.)
E405 Principles of Social Organization (3 cr.)
E406 Anthropological and Documentary Film (3 cr.)
E420 Economic Anthropology (3 cr.)
E425 Ethnozoology: Studies in American Indian Subsistence (3 cr.)
E427 Cultural Ecology (3 cr.)
E430 Kinship Organization (3 cr.)
E440 Political Anthropology (3 cr.)
E445 Medical Anthropology (3 cr.)
E450 Folk Religions (3 cr.)
E451 Myth and Legend: Cultural Meanings and Interpretations (3 cr.)
E453 Revitalization Movements (3 cr.)
E455 Anthropology of Religion (3 cr.)
E457 Ethnic Identity (3 cr.)
E460 The Arts in Anthropology (3 cr.)
E462 Anthropological Folklore (3 cr.)
E463 Anthropology of Dance (3 cr.)
E470 Psychological Anthropology (3 cr.)
E480 Theory of Culture Change (3 cr.)
E500 Proseminar in Cultural and Social Anthropology (3 cr.) Broad survey covering economics, ecology, kinship, life cycle, education, social stratification, political organization, religion, values, culture change, evolution, methodology, etc.
E505 Social Organization and Process (3 cr.) Anthropological analysis of sociocultural process from symbolic interactionist perspective. Topics include critical comparison of relevant theories, cross-cultural applications, and methodology of field research.
E520 Problems in Economic Anthropology (3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Seminar on problems related to the study of technologies and economic systems of non-Western peoples.
E600 Seminar in Cultural and Social Anthropology (3 cr.) Subject will vary; students may thus receive credit more than once.
E601 Basics of Human Sexuality (3 cr.) Topics are: (1) introductory lectures on mammalian behavior, anatomy, physiology, reproduction, and sexual development; (2) solitary sexual behavior: orgasm in sleep and masturbation; (3) heterosexual behavior; (4) homosexual behavior; (5) deviance and paraphilias; and (6) social control of sexuality.
E602 Levi-Strauss: Structuralism in Anthropology (3 cr.) Analysis of structuralist texts and theory. Reading and explicating the writings of Levi-Strauss in order to learn how to interpret concepts and methods of the author and how to use them for further research.
E606 Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology (3 cr.) P: must be a graduate student in anthropology or obtain consent of instructor. Organization, design, and execution of anthropological research will be examined in its many contexts; specific research techniques will be demonstrated through laboratory exercises and conduct of student projects.
E618 Globalization and Consumer Culture (3 cr.) Examines processes of globalization and economic and cultural integration, including the origin and spread of mass-consumer society. Topics include the theories of consumption, mass media and advertising, and the relationship between modernity and consumerism. Examples from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the United States are included.
E620 Seminar in Cultural Ecology (3 cr.) Rotating topics in cultural ecology: explores cultural adaptations to specific environments. Emphasis is placed on individual research by students, discussion of relevant theoretical and methodological issues, and critical evaluation of research.
E624 Native American Art (3 cr.) Addresses the principles of Native art and its materials, styles, functions, methods, meanings and the contexts in which Native art is used. In addition to addressing the principles, cultural, anthropological and Indigenous theories will be explored. Cultural background information will be interwoven in the lectures and discussions.
E641 Law as Cultural Practice in the United States (3 cr.) Explores modern life in the U.S. through two lenses: contemporary ethnography and recent Supreme Court opinions. Specific topics vary. Examples include the nature of moral traditions; civil rights; family; privacy and choice; the significance of race.
E650 African Systems of Thought (1-3 cr.) Examines approaches to the analysis of systems of thought and their correlates in social action in African societies. Focuses on structural differences among the various systems of ideas used for interpreting experience in different African societies. Attention paid to alterations made in cosmological systems in situations of social change.
E660 Arts in Anthropology Seminar (3 cr.) P: E460. Anthropology's concern with the arts; cross-cultural study and comparison; the relationships of the arts to other aspects of society and culture; problems of the cross-cultural validity of aesthetics and the interrelationships of the arts.
E661 Seminar in Ethnomusicology I (3 cr.) Techniques of transcription and analysis of the music of nonliterate peoples.
E662 Seminar in Ethnomusicology II (3 cr.) Music as it functions in human society. Role of the musician, concepts underlying production of musical sound, symbolic and other functions of music.
E663 Exhibiting Cultures: Museums, Exhibitions, and World's Fairs (3 cr.) Explores the ideas, values, and symbols that pervade and shape the practice of exhibiting other cultures. Examines the ways in which museums and other sites of exhibition accord objects particular significances, the politics of exhibitions and display strategies, and the interpretive differences between art, anthropology, and other types of museums and institutions which exhibit other cultures.
E670 Seminar in and Personality (3 cr.) Culture Seminar for the investigation of advanced problems in culture and personality. Focus will be primarily on developments since 1960, particularly in such areas as the situational determinants of personality, cognitive growth, and adolescent studies.
E675 Law and Culture (3 cr.) Introduction to classic anthropological writing on cultural concepts of law, conflict, and social ordering, concentrating on ethnographic approaches since the 1960s. Focus is cross-cultural, following the emphasis of the works themselves on Africa, native North America and the contemporary United States. Discussions emphasize the historical context of individual works and critical readings from the vantage points offered by contemporary anthropological theory.
E680 Seminar in Culture Change (3 cr.) P: three courses in cultural anthropology, including the courses listed under both ethnology and ethnography, and consent of instructor. Researches by students under the instructor's supervision, group discussions, and occasional lectures on various problems concerning culture change.
E681 Seminar in Urban Anthropology (3 cr.) P: E580. Seminar in cross-cultural urban social organization, emphasizing recruitment manifestation of urbanism in various cultural contexts and techniques of investigation. Practical work required.
E682 Memory and Culture (3 cr.) Students will interrogate the concept of "collective memory," based on Halbwachs' major contribution in the domain. This social scientific analysis of remembrance as culturally determined will review diverse contexts in which it unfolds, (i.e. art, fiction, ritual, architecture, bodily practice, national identity, and politics).
E690 Development and Anthropology (3 cr.) E420 or consent of instructor. The theory of development; the way anthropology has been employed in development schemes in Melanesia, Southeast Asia, India, Africa, and elsewhere; the practical problem of relating to development bodies such as AID and Third World governments; the ethical problem of such relationships.
G731 Seminar on Contemporary Africa (cr. arr.)
E635 French Social Thought: Anthropological Perspectives (3 cr.) Students will read and explicate the writings of six prominent scholars in twentieth-century French social thought, (i.e., Durkheim, Mauss, Levi-Strauss, Barthes, Foucault, and Bourdieu). They will discuss these thinkers' contributions to contemporary anthropological theory, and will reflect on the usage of these works in their respective doctoral projects.
H500 History of Anthropological Thought in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (3 cr.) Development of nineteenth-century and contemporary anthropological thought, with special reference to methods and theory of scientific anthropology.
H501 Contemporary Problems and Issues in Ethnological Theory (3 cr.; 6 cr. max.) P: introductory work in anthropology. Special attention to problems arising from relation of cultural anthropology to other social sciences, such as psychology and history.
H505 History of Social Anthropology (3 cr.) R: course in social organization. Seminar on development of social anthropology, with special attention to various "schools" such as functionalism and to major figures from Edward Tylor to Alfred Radcliffe-Brown.
H506 Modern Development in Social Anthropology (3 cr.) Seminar on development of social anthropology since World War II, with special attention to contributions of influential Cambridge, Manchester, and London "schools."
L500 Proseminar in Language and Culture (3 cr.) Relationships of language and culture; survey of ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, Weltanschauung theory, diglossia, bilingualism, and single language society; relevance of linguistic analysis to cultural and social anthropology.
L501-L502 Anthropological Linguistics I-II (3-3 cr.) An introduction to grammatical discovery procedure, including phonetic, phonemic, morphemic, and syntactic analysis, designed to introduce the student to techniques for use with an unknown language in the field.
L510 Elementary Lakota (Sioux) Language I (3 cr.) Introduction to Lakota (Sioux), an American Indian language spoken on the northern plains of the United States. Focuses on developing elementary reading and writing skills as well as oral fluency in the Lakota language within the context of Lakota culture.
L511 Elementary Lakota (Sioux) Language II (3 cr.) Introduction to Lakota (Sioux), an American Indian language spoken on the northern plains of the United States. Focuses on developing elementary reading and writing skills as well as oral fluency in the Lakota language within the context of Lakota culture.
L512 Intermediate Lakota (Sioux) Language I (3 cr.) Study of more complex Lakota grammatical structures, with emphasis on development of active reading, writing, and speaking skills.
L513 Intermediate Lakota (Sioux) Language II (3 cr.) Study of more complex Lakota grammatical structures, with emphasis on development of active reading, writing, and speaking skills.
L518 Navajo Language and Culture (3 cr.) Introduction to the Navajo language and an exploration of it as an integral dimension of Navajo culture. Topics include Navajo history, kinship, ritual life, beliefs, and literature, and will be grounded in the appropriate dimensions of Navajo grammar. Provides a case study to review the major issues in the field of language and culture.
L520 American Indian Languages (3 cr.) Introductory survey of the native languages of the Americas. Topics include history of the study of American Indian languages, genetic and typological classifications, structures of selected languages, the comparative (historical) study of selected language families, and the interplay between language and culture. Emphasizes diversity of New World languages.
L580 Semiotics and Human Ethnology (2 cr.) Study of the relationship between the general theory of signs and the biological study of behavior under three headings: elaboration of theoretical models, study of animal communication systems as a natural and behavioral science, and their exploitation for the benefit of humankind.
L600 Topical Seminar in the Ethnography of Communication (3 cr.) Current issues in linguistic anthropology, designed to acquaint the student with readings and points of view not covered in the introductory courses. Topics such as: (1) languages of the world, (2) variation in language, (3) problems in linguistic structure, and (4) culture and communication. May be repeated for credit with change of topic.
L605-L606 Field Methods in Anthropological Linguistics I-II (3-3 cr.)
L840 Ethnolinguistic Seminar (1-2 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Structural statements and arrangements of data in anthropology (including folklore and musicology) and linguistics. May be repeated for credit.
P301 Archaeological Methods and Analyses (3 cr.)
P310 Prehistory of Europe and Asia (3 cr.)
P314 Early Prehistory of Africa (3 cr.)
P315 Late Prehistory of Africa (3 cr.)
P360 Prehistory of North America (3 cr.)
P361 Prehistory of Midwestern United States (3 cr.)
P365 Prehistory of Western North America (3 cr.)
P370 Ancient Civilizations of the Andes (3 cr.)
P371 Prehistory of Lowland South America (3 cr.)
P380 Prehistoric Diet and Nutrition (3 cr.)
P405 Field Work in Archaeology (cr. arr.)
P425 Zooarchaeology I: Faunal Osteology (5 cr.)
P426 Zooarchaeology II: Problems in Zooarchaeology (5 cr.)
P500 Proseminar in Archaeology (3 cr.) Gives the entering graduate student background in history and frames of reference of archaeology; emphasis on place of archaeology in anthropology.
P505 History of Theory in Archaeology (3 cr.) Seminar on the development of theoretical constructs and "schools" in prehistoric archaeology. Focus on thought of major figures such as V. G. Childe, J. G. D. Clark, D. Clarke, L. R. Binford, J. C. Gardin, A. C. Renfrew, and W. W. Taylor.
P506 Laboratory Methods in Archaeology (1-6 cr.) P: P405 or consent of instructor. Specialized training in laboratory procedures and analysis of archaeological materials. Major categories of material culture to be studied include lithics, ceramics, faunal and floral remains. Emphasis is on processing, sorting, identifying and analyzing material recovered from the previous Field School in Archaeology (P405).
P509 Archaeological Ethics (3 cr.) Explores the professional responsibilities of archaeologists by examining timely issues, such as the differences and, sometimes, conflicts between international law and professional ethics, and between archaeologists and others (e.g., Native Americans, antiquities collectors) who affect and are affected by archaeological work. Some background in archaeology is helpful.
P600 Seminar in Prehistoric Archaeology (3 cr.) Subject will vary; students may thus receive credit more than once.
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