
The School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington offers a variety of undergraduate programs that lead to a Bachelor of Science degree in education and the initial teacher’s license. The key steps or benchmarks are:   

  • ADMISSION TO INDIANA UNIVERSITY: Initial assignment to University Division for orientation to the university’s 14 Schools & Colleges and +150 undergraduate programs, declare a major, obtain program planning sheet, complete prerequisites, establish 2.5 GPA minimum, and complete PRAXIS I testing. www.admit.indiana.edu 
  • ACADEMIC ADVISING: Available from the School of Education to any student in the IU system by appointment at (812) 856-8500 or e-mail: TeEdAdv [at] Indiana [dot] edu
  • ADMISSION TO THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM: Upon enrollment in or completion of all admission prerequisite courses and 21 credit hours of content, the establishment of the minimum 2.5 GPA, and successful documentation of basic skills for admission, and apply on line at the SOE website: https://info.educ.indiana.edu/teachered/.
  • PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONWhen admitted, teacher candidates will be provided with authorization to register for the prescribed blocks or clusters of the professional education methods and field experiences. Students are required to begin the professional education sequence upon admission and complete them in succession. Students who delay completion will be permitted to continue on a space available basis only.
  • FIELD EXPERIENCESRequire assignments to pre-school, elementary, and secondary schools as determined by program. Students will be held to professional standards of behavior and will be required to provide a legal criminal history check before placement.  
  • STUDENT TEACHING: Applications for student teaching placements take place a year before the assignment. All assignments are arranged by the Office of Teacher Education. Students will be required to attend an application meeting and a Pre-professional meeting before taking their assignment. Student Teaching assignments are coupled with a field based seminar.
  • RECORDSTeacher candidates are encouraged to complete a senior check with the School of Education Recorders Office before student teaching to confirm that all requirements for program completion are in process.
  • EDUCATION CAREERS SERVICESTeacher candidates are encouraged to establish and activate a placement file in anticipation of the job search. Candidates can participate in resume writing and interview techniques workshops or classes.
  • GRADUATIONStudents must file an online application through “OneStart: Apply for Degree/Graduation” with the School of Education.  
  • LICENSINGUpon successful completion of a Teacher Education Program, PRAXIS II testing, and certification in CPR/First Aid/AED teacher candidates can file online for an initial Indiana Teaching license through the School of Education. The School of Education verifies successful completion of the requirements and the State of Indiana grants the actual teacher licenses. Additional information about different state licensing requirements is available. 

Academic Bulletins

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