Departments & Programs

East Asian Languages and Cultures


The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC) is a multidisciplinary and multicultural department that aims to provide students with an enhanced understanding of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages and cultures. The department offers a wide range of culture courses, open to nonmajors, that deal with virtually every facet of the cultures of East Asia. Language courses in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are offered from beginning to advanced levels.

Two majors and two minors are offered. The majors differ in the amount of language required and in the specificity and range of culture courses allowed. All students majoring in the department are required to contact their faculty advisors at least once a semester. There is a language minor in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean, and a minor in East Asian studies, which requires no language training.

As part of the baccalaureate training, students are encouraged to study abroad in China, Japan, or Korea on one of IU's overseas study programs. Students who are returning from East Asia or who have any background in an East Asian language prior to enrolling at IU are required to take a placement exam before enrolling in a language course.

Majors, Minors, and Programs
Contact Information

Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Indiana University
250 Goodbody Hall
Bloomington, IN 47405
(812) 855-1992
ealc [at] indiana [dot] edu