Departments & Programs
The Department of Biology (BIOL) offers a wide range of programs, including B.A. and B.S. degrees in biology and microbiology and the B.S. degree in biotechnology. Because the minimal requirements for each degree differ widely and prepare students for varied careers, students should consult advisors and evaluate each degree carefully. Independent research and honors degrees can be earned under any degree program. In departmental course work the letter prefix indicates the major emphasis of the class: "A" and "P" indicate anatomy and physiology courses offered by the Medical Sciences Program; "B" indicates plant sciences; "M" a microbiological emphasis; "T" a biotechnological emphasis; "Z" a zoological emphasis; and "L" courses cover microbiological, botanical, and zoological subjects.
Majors, Minors, and Programs
- Departmental Honors Program
- Honors Courses
- Overseas Study
- Options for Special Credit
- Outside Courses for Biology Majors
- Major in Biology—B.A.
- Major in Microbiology—B.A.
- Major in Biology—B.S.
- Special B.S. for Three-Year Premedical/Predental/Preoptometry Students
- Major in Microbiology—B.S.
- Major in Biotechnology—B.S.
- B.S. in Biotechnology/J.D. 3+3 Program
- B.S. Biology/M.S. Secondary Education
- Minor in Biology
Contact Information
Department of Biology
Indiana University
Jordan Hall A115
1001 E. 3rd St.
Bloomington, IN 47405(812) 855-3810
bioadv [at] indiana [dot] edu