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College of Arts
and Sciences (College)
Academic Bulletin

College Programs
College of Arts and Sciences (College) 
Kirkwood Hall 104 
130 S. Woodlawn 
Bloomington, IN 47405  
Local (812) 855-1821 
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Individualized Major Program

Course Descriptions



Professor Raymond Hedin (English)

Assistant Director

Paul Aarstad, Ballantine Hall 129, (812) 855-9588



Web Site


Admission Requirements

Formal requirements for admission to the Individualized Major Program (IMP) are the same as those for the College of Arts and Sciences, except that the IMP requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.500. Students who do not meet this GPA requirement, but who feel that their past grades do not accurately reflect their potential for success in the IMP, may request permission from the IMP director to go through the application process. Such permission allows the applicant, like other applicants, to formally present his or her case to an Admissions Committee. This does not of course, guarantee that the student will be accepted into the IMP.

IMP students are extremely diverse; they have well-developed interests, are highly motivated, and are capable of carrying out independent work. The IMP enables such students to pursue a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in the College of Arts and Sciences through a course of study that, while meeting all College requirements and conforming to general university standards of breadth and rigor, is tailored to individual interests and goals. IMP students, working closely with their faculty sponsors, pursue interests that cut across usual departmental and disciplinary boundaries. Their programs normally combine regular courses from several departments with independent and self-directed work. It is recommended that seniors in the IMP take I470 Individualized Major Program Senior Capstone Seminar (2 cr.).

Examples of majors that have been carried out under the auspices of the Individualized Major Program include medical illustration, arts management, film/video production, paleobiology, environmental studies, screen writing, Latin American culture, photography, multimedia studies, public relations, animal psychology, and many others.

IMP students are eligible to take a second major in another department if the course credit is separate and distinct from the IMP concentration. Students in the IMP may graduate with honors if their GPA meets honors standards and if their project work is deemed of honors quality by the IMP review committee.

The Individualized Major Program is administered by a faculty committee that is responsible for granting admission to the program, for reviewing student programs under way, for evaluating a thesis or project, and for the final oral review.

Students who want detailed information concerning the IMP should consult with the assistant director in the office at Ballantine Hall 129, (812) 855-9588.

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Course Descriptions

I360 Individualized Major Program, Readings and Research (regular grading) (1–3 cr.) P: Candidate for Individualized Major Program.

I450 Individualized Major Program, Readings and Research (S/F grading) (cr. arr.) P: Admission to Individualized Major Program.

I460 Individualized Major Program, Readings and Research (regular grading) (cr. arr.) P: Admission to Individualized Major Program.

I470 Individualized Major Program Senior Capstone Seminar (2 cr.) P: Admission to Individualized Major Program. Through presentations and discussion, students prepare final projects for oral review with faculty committees. Students refine retrospective statements through peer-editing and conferences with instructor. Recommended for all IMP seniors.

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