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Animal Behavior

Undergraduate Minor in Integrative Study of Animal Behavior
Undergraduate Area Certificate in Animal Behavior
Course Description



Associate Professor Gregory E. Demas


Jeffrey R. Alberts (Psychological and Brain Sciences), Colin Allen (History and Philosophy of Science), Randall D. Beer (Cognitive Science Program), Peter Cherbas (Biology), Robert de Ruyter van Steveninck (Physics), Robert DeVoe (Emeritus, Optometry), Preston E. Garraghty (Neuroscience Program, Psychological and Brain Sciences), Julia R. Heiman (The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction), Kevin D. Hunt (Anthropology), Ellen Ketterson (Biology), Curtis M. Lively (Biology), Elisabeth Lloyd (History and Philosophy of Science), Emilia P. Martins (Biology), Craig E. Nelson (Biology), Val Nolan Jr. (Emeritus, Biology), Milos Novotny (Chemistry), Rudolph Raff (Biology), J. C. Randolph (School of Public and Environmental Affairs), George V. Rebec (Neuroscience Program, Psychological and Brain Sciences), Stephanie Sanders (Gender Studies), Kathy D. Schick (Anthropology), Dale R. Sengelaub (Neuroscience Program, Psychological and Brain Sciences), Roderick A. Suthers (Health Sciences, Neuroscience Program), William D. Timberlake (Psychological and Brain Sciences), Peter M. Todd (Psychological and Brain Sciences), Nicholas Toth (Anthropology), Michael J. Wade (Biology), Meredith J. West (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Associate Professor

Gregory D. Demas (Biology), James L. Goodson (Biology), Gregory J. Velicer (Biology), Henry D. Prange (Medical Sciences Program), Whitney M. (Reilly) Schlegel (Biology, Human Biology), S. Holly Stocking (School of Journalism), Suresh Visuanathan (School of Optometry), Cara L. Wellman (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Assistant Professors

John M. Beggs (Physics), Heather B. Bradshaw (Psychological and Brain Sciences), Richmond Harbaugh (Kelley School of Business), Laura Hurley (Biology), Daniel B. Kearns (Biology), Armin P. Moczek (Biology), Michael P. Muehlenbein (Anthropology), Christine C. Quirk (Health Sciences), Laura L. Scheiber (Anthropology), Sima Setayeshgar (Physics), Troy Smith (Biology), Sari M. van Anders (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Associate Scientist

Marcy A. Kingsbury (Biology)

Senior Scientist

Andrew King (Psychological and Brain Sciences)

Academic Advisor

Associate Professor Gregory E. Demas, Jordan Hall 265, (812) 856-0158

Program E-mail


Program URL


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The Program in Animal Behavior (ABEH) encourages students to explore the many different ways in which scientists aim to understand the physiological, environmental, and evolutionary factors influencing and constraining animal behavior. The undergraduate minor emphasizes courses needed to develop a background in the different disciplines that study animal behavior, providing students with the language they need to transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries and to reflect on the consequences of different intellectual approaches to a single problem.

To complete the minor, students take courses in evolutionary biology, neural sciences, learning, and more. They also have the opportunity to engage in their own independent research and to conduct applied internships in which they apply their newly learned knowledge to practical problems in zoos, museums, and veterinary contexts.

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Undergraduate Minor in Integrative Study of Animal Behavior


Students must complete six courses (minimum of 17 credit hours; most course choices will result in more than 17 credit hours).

  1. Students must complete two introductory courses, choosing one course from two of the following departments:

    B200 Bioanthropology (3 cr.)
    E200 Social and Cultural Anthropology (3 cr.)
    L200 Language and Culture (3 cr.)

    L111 Introduction to Biology: Evolution and Diversity (3 cr.)
    L112 Introduction to Biology: Biological Mechanisms (3 cr.)
    E111 Basic Biology by Examination I (3 cr.)
    E112 Basic Biology by Examination II (3 cr.)

    Psychological and Brain Sciences
    P101 Introductory Psychology I (3 cr.)
    P102 Introductory Psychology II (3 cr.)
    P106 General Psychology, Honors (4 cr.)

  2. Students must also complete at least one of the following courses in animal behavior:
    BIOL Z460 Ethology (3 cr.)
    PSY P417 Animal Behavior (3 cr.)

  3. Students must complete one course from two of the following categories, representing core courses for studying animal behavior.

    BIOL L318 Evolution (3 cr.) or BIOL S318 Evolution, Honors (4 cr.)
    BIOL L369 Heredity, Evolution, and Society (3 cr.)

    Learning and Development
    PSY P325 Psychology of Learning (3 cr.)
    PSY P444 Developmental Psychobiology (3 cr.)

    BIOL Z466 Endocrinology (3 cr.)
    PSY P326 Behavioral Neuroscience (3 cr.)
    BIOL L311 Genetics (3 cr.)

  4. Students must complete at least one additional upper-level course related to animal behavior. Many courses are possible, including:

    Animal Behavior
    A495 Animal Behavior Internship (1–6 cr.)

    B368 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior (3 cr.)
    B466 The Primates (3 cr.)

    Z373 Entomology (3 cr.)
    Z374 Invertebrate Zoology (3 cr.)
    L317 Developmental Biology (3 cr.)
    L376 Biology of Birds (4 cr.)
    L377 Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles (3 cr.)
    Z406 Vertebrate Zoology (5 cr.)
    L433 Tropical Biology (3 cr.)
    L465 Advanced Field Biology (3 cr.)
    L473 Ecology (3 cr.)
    L474 Field and Laboratory Ecology (2 cr.)
    Z476 Biology of Fishes (3 cr.)

    Cognitive Science
    Q301 Brain and Cognition (3 cr.)

    Psychological and Brain Sciences
    P315 Developmental Psychology (3 cr.)
    P327 Psychology of Motivation (3 cr.)
    P410 Development of the Brain and Behavior (3 cr.)
    P411 Neural Bases of Learning and Memory (3 cr.)
    P416 Evolution and Ecology of Learning (3 cr.)
    P444 Developmental Psychobiology (3 cr.)

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Undergraduate Area Certificate in Animal Behavior

A student may earn an area certificate as part of completing the bachelor's degree and in addition to completing requirements for a major. Students may be awarded either the minor or the Area Certificate in Animal Behavior.

In order to complete the area certificate, the student must complete the following in addition to the requirements for the minor:

  • One additional course from the upper-level course list from requirement 4 of the minor, or a field biology course approved by the Program in Animal Behavior director.
  • At least 3 credit hours of internship or independent research, including the submission of a written thesis in animal behavior, anthropology, biology, or psychology:

    Animal Behavior
    A495 Animal Behavior Internship (3 cr. minimum)

    A406 Fieldwork in Anthropology (3 cr. minimum)
    A408 Museum Practicum (3 cr. minimum)
    A496 Field Study in Anthropology (3 cr. minimum)

    L490 Individual Study (3 cr. minimum)

    Psychological and Brain Sciences
    P493 Supervised Research I (3 cr. minimum)
    P494 Supervised Research II (3 cr. minimum)

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Course Description

A495 Animal Behavior Internship (1–6 cr.) P: Consent of department. Hands-on animal behavior research experience in practical situations. Interns are matched with faculty mentors and internship sites. Students combine research with practical service to the host organization. May be taken or repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

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