Special Courses and ProgramsHutton Honors College (COLL or HON) Hutton Honors College (COLL or HON)Course DescriptionsH226 Interdepartmental Colloquia (3 cr.) A & H P: consent of Hutton Honors College. Honors seminar focusing on topics in arts and humanities. Does not fulfill College Topics requirement. H228 Interdepartmental Colloquia (3 cr.) S & H P: consent of Hutton Honors College. Honors seminar focusing on topics in social and historical studies. Does not fulfill College Topics requirement. H230 Interdepartmental Colloquia (3 cr.) N & M P: consent of Hutton Honors College. Honors seminar focusing on topics in natural and mathematical sciences. Does not fulfill College Topics requirement. Intensive Freshman Seminars Intensive Freshman Seminars is a unique residential program that provides a bridge to a successful college career and is open to all entering freshmen at Indiana University Bloomington. For three weeks before the fall semester begins, students may enroll in one class chosen from a wide range of topics and taught by regular faculty, live in a centrally located residence hall, and become familiar with the IU computing and library systems. Students develop close and lasting friendships through the Intensive Freshman Seminar Program.
Students planning to pursue a degree in the College of Arts and Sciences are advised to enroll in an Intensive Freshman Seminar that bears one of the following course numbers: COLL S103, COLL S104, or COLL S105. These courses fulfill the Topics requirement of the College of Arts and Sciences and carry distribution credit. All other Intensive Freshman Seminar courses will count as electives toward a degree in the College. Courses offered as Intensive Freshman Seminars change every year and are available only to matriculating students who elect to take part in the three-week Intensive Freshman Seminar Program prior to beginning the fall semester. For more information on the IFS program and courses offered, contact the IFS office at Maxwell Hall 120, (812) 855-3839. Also see the course descriptions for Freshman Seminars (COLL S103, S104, S105) under “Hutton Honors College” in the 2006–08 College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin. Global Village (GLLC)Course DescriptionG321 Intelligence and National Security (3 cr.) S & H Study and analysis of intelligence in U.S. foreign policy and national security issues from 1776 to the present. A look at wartime and peacetime tactics, the Cold War, post–September 11th strategies, and both state and non-state threats. Examines shift to human intelligence, civil liberty issues, and foreign and domestic intelligence activities.
Last updated: 12 March 2025 06 57 32
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