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College of Arts and Sciences (College) Bloomington Campus Supplement: Table of Contents



College of Arts
and Sciences (College)
Bloomington Campus
Supplement— 2006–2008

College of Arts and Sciences (College) 
Kirkwood Hall 104 
130 S. Woodlawn 
Bloomington, IN 47405  
Local (812) 855-1821 
Fax (812) 855-2060 
Contact College

Additional Programs

List of Approved Outside Minors
Jacobs School of Music
School of Public and Environmental Affairs

List of Approved Outside Minors

A student may complete up to three minors. The following minors from schools other than the College of Arts and Sciences may be included in that total, and may be listed on the transcript of a College of Arts and Sciences student who completes the appropriate requirements. Minors are listed on the transcript at the point of graduation. Students should see the relevant school and also the College of Arts and Sciences Recorder’s Office (Kirkwood Hall 001) for further information.

Business-Undergraduate (Kelley School of Business)
Dance (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (Kelley School of Business)
Environmental Management (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Environmental Sciences and Health (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Exercise Science (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Fund Raising and Resource Development (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Human Development/Family Studies (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Information Technology (Informatics)
Labor Studies for Liberal Arts (Labor Studies)
Music Studies (Jacobs School of Music)
Nutrition Science (Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
Public and Environmental Affairs (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Public Human Resources (Public and Environmental Affairs)
Public Management (Public and Environmental Affairs)

Special Minors

Business minor for Apparel Merchandising majors
Business minor for Telecommunications majors

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Jacobs School of Music


A limited number of courses in the theory and history of music given in the Jacobs School of Music are accepted for credit toward degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Effective July 1, 2007, the College of Arts and Sciences has discontinued the B.A. major in Music and the Minor in Music. College of Arts and Sciences students continue to be eligible for the Minor in Music Studies in the Jacob School of Music.

Minor in Music Studies in the Jacobs School of Music

Minimum of 20 credit hours, of which at least 15 (including a minimum of one core course) must be taken on the student’s home campus, Bloomington or Indianapolis.

Core (6 credit hours)
Z111 Introduction to Music Theory (3 cr.) and Z101 Music for the Listener (3 cr.), or T109 Rudiments of Music (3 cr.) and T151 Music Theory and Literature I (3 cr.), may be substituted for students who qualify.

Ensemble/Live Performance (2 credit hours)
Either two semesters of X001 All-Campus Ensemble (0–2 cr.) or by audition, one semester of X040 Instrumental Ensembles
(2 cr.), X070 Choral Ensembles (2 cr.), X030 Ballet Ensemble (2 cr.), X050 Marching Hundred for Non–Music Majors (2 cr.), Z161 Steel Drumming (2 cr.), Z162 Hand Drumming (2 cr.), or Z100 The Live Musical Performance (2 cr.).

Music Electives (12 credit hours)
Electives in music should be chosen based on the student’s background and interest, and with the approval of the director of music undergraduate studies. Courses may include elective performance study at the 100 level (no more than 3 credit hours) and courses with a “Z” prefix.

Other courses inside or outside of the Jacobs School of Music may be used as electives if approved by both the director of music undergraduate studies and his/her counterpart in the student’s home school (associate dean for undergraduate education in the College of Arts and Sciences, for example). Music ensemble credits beyond the two required above do not count toward music electives. At least 6 credit hours must be at the 300 level or higher.

Note: Any course in which the student receives a grade below C– may not be used to fulfill a minor requirement. The cumulative grade point average of all courses taken in fulfillment of minor requirements must be at least 2.000.

Distribution Courses

M385 Film Sound and Film Music (3 cr.) A & H
M392 Art Musics of the Non-Western World (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
M396 (AAAD A396) Art Music of Black Composers (3 cr.) A & H,    CSA
M397 (AAAD A397) Popular Music of Black America (3 cr.) A &    H, CSA
M401 History and Literature of Music I (4 cr.) A & H
M402 History and Literature of Music II (4 cr.) A & H
T418 Music and Ideas (3 cr.) A & H
Z101 Music for the Listener I (3 cr.) A & H
Z111 Introduction to Music I (3 cr.) A & H
Z171 Opera Theatre I (3. cr.) A & H
Z172 Opera Theatre II (3. cr.) A & H
Z201 History of Rock and Roll Music I (3 cr.) A & H
Z202 History of Rock and Roll Music II (3 cr.) A & H
Z211 Music Theory II (3 cr.) A & H
Z301 Rock Music in the ’70s and ’80s (3 cr.) A & H
Z311 Music Theory III (3 cr.) A & H
Z315 Music for Film (3 cr.) A & H
Z373 American Musical: Context and Development (3 cr.) A & H
Z385 History of the Blues (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
Z390 Jazz for Listeners (3 cr.) A & H
Z393 (AAAD A393) History of Jazz (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
Z394 (AAAD A394) Black Music in America (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
Z395 (AAAD A395) Contemporary Jazz and Soul Music (3 cr.) A    & H, CSA
Z401 The Music of the Beatles (3 cr.) A & H
Z402 Music of Frank Zappa (3 cr.) A & H
Z403 The Music of Jimi Hendrix (3 cr.) A & H
Z413 Latin American Popular Music (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
Z415 Connections: Music, Art, Literature (3 cr.) A & H

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School of Public and Environmental Affairs

Requirements for Minor in Public and Environmental Affairs

  1. SPEA V160 or V161
  2. SPEA E162 or E272
  3. Three of the following courses SPEA E272, E400 (may be repeated for credit with advisor approval), V220, V263, V366, V373, V432, V444, V450 (may be repeated for credit with advisor approval).

Requirements for Minor in Management

  1. SPEA V160 or V161
  2. SPEA V263
  3. Three of the following courses SPEA V220, V340,V361, V362, V366, V368, V369, V372, V373, V432, V435, V436, V443, V450 (may be repeated for credit with advisor approval), V463, V465, V475.

Certificate in Arts Administration
The School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers the Certificate in Arts Administration to provide undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Jacobs School of Music with a coordinated set of course work and experiences in arts administration to complement their primary interest in the performing or visual arts. The course work for the Certificate in Arts Administration expands students’ management skills and opportunities for employment while enhancing their applied experiences in the arts.

Students applying for the Certificate in Arts Administration must have completed at least 24 undergraduate credits at Indiana University and compiled a cumulative grade point average of 3.000 or higher. Certificate students are expected to have a solid background in either the performing or visual arts.

Certificate Requirements (21 credit hours)
The following three courses:

SPEA V362 Nonprofit Management and Leadership (3 cr.)
SPEA V373 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.)

Select one of the following courses:
SPEA V246 Elements of Governmental and Nonprofit Financial Accounting
    Cycle (3 cr.)
SPEA V372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.)
BUS L201 Legal Environment of Business(3 cr.)
BUS L250 Law and the Arts (3 cr.)

9 credit hours of the following courses:
SPEA V438 Mass Media and Public Affairs(3 cr.)
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs: Agency Management in the     Arts (3 cr.)
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs: Artistic Programming (3 cr.)
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs: Inside the Music Industry (3     cr.)
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs: Overview of the Music             Industry (3 cr.)
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs: Public Policy and the Arts     (3 cr.)
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs: The Economics and                 Administration of Arts Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V458 Fund Development for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
AADM Y412 Opera Management (3 cr.)
AMID H402 Collection Management for Historic Textiles and Costumes (3 cr.)
AMID H403 Practicum on Collection Management (3 cr.)
ANTH A401 Cultural Resource Management (3 cr.)
ANTH A403 Introduction to Museum Studies (3 cr.)
ANTH A405 Museum Methods (3 cr.)
FINA U400 Sources and Resources: Professional Skills in Fine Arts (3 cr.)
THTR T428 Production and Events Management (3 cr.)

Note: Additional Arts Administration Program courses are still in development. For information, contact the Arts Administration Office at (812) 855-0282 or Maggie Hedge at mhedge@indiana.edu.

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Office of Creative Services
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Bloomington, IN 47408-4060

Last updated: 12 March 2025 07 17 38

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