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College of Arts and Sciences (College) Bloomington Campus Supplement—June 2003

College of Arts and Sciences (College) 
Kirkwood Hall 104 
130 S. Woodlawn 
Bloomington, IN 47405 
Local (812) 855-1821 
Fax (812) 855-2060 
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Special Courses and Programs

Experimental Courses
Living Learning Centers
Special Skills Courses

Experimental Courses

Course Description

X112 Traditions and Cultures of Indiana University (2 cr.) An on-line examination of the culture of a research university as told through the storied traditions of IU Bloomington. Students will learn about the history of American higher education by examining how the campus has changed since its 1820 founding-in terms of its demography, programs, and buildings. Certain unique treasures of IUB (the Gutenberg Bible, Little 500, the Indiana Memorial Union, the Kinsey Institute) will be used to illustrate issues related to information technology, student activism, commercialization, and academic freedom.

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Living Learning Centers

Collins Living Learning Center

L102 Supplementary Component in Environmental Learning (1 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. An instructor from a course in any academic area may allow students to enroll in this supplementary course that connects content (academic) with environmental projects. The environmental learning coordinator aids the instructor in locating a host organization and developing a plan of study. May be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours.

L402 Independent Study in Local Environmental Stewardship (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. Allows upperclassmen from any related academic area to create a research project in environmental issues. The environmental learning coordinator will connect students to projects and help students develop a plan of study. May be repeated for a total of 6 credit hours.

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Special Skills Courses

Course Descriptions

Q175 Welcome to the College: A Survival Guide (1 cr.) A survival guide to the College of Arts and Sciences, this course is highly recommended for directly admitted freshmen and transfer students. With guest speakers, campus visits, and online resources, students are introduced to valuable tools at Indiana University and taught how to use these resources most effectively.

Q296 Exploration of Health Care Careers (2 cr.) P: Sophomore or junior standing and consent from the instructor. Using a combination of professional readings, presentations by practitioners, shadowing experiences, and reflective writing, this class will provide students with insight into a wide variety of career opportunities in health care.

Q398: Internship Off-Campus: Theory Into Practice (1-3 cr.) Provides opportunity to receive academic credit for a part-time or full-time internship experience that applies classroom concepts to the world of work. Requires approval from the Arts & Sciences Placement Office, learning contract, employer evaluations, weekly journal, reflective paper, and evaluation of internship site. S/F grading. Offered spring, summer, and fall. Course may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 credit hours.

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Indiana University
Office of Creative Services
Von Lee 319
517 East Kirkwood Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408-4060
(812) 855-5121


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