Student InformationProgram Planning and Counseling Guidelines Program Planning and Counseling GuidelinesThe experience of faculty and staff advisors and of successful students suggests the following guidelines for effective planning of undergraduate programs Requirements RequirementsStudents should be thoroughly familiar with the sections in this bulletin entitled General Requirements for Bachelor's Degrees and Academic Regulations and with the sections on completing fundamental skills, distribution, culture studies, and major concentration requirements. Return to Program Planning and Counseling Guidelines AdvisorsStudents should seek an appointment with an advisor in their major department well before the dates established by the university calendar for registration for future classes. In such conferences, students should, as a minimum objective, make certain that they understand the requirements for successful completion of the area requirements and that they have made an appropriate plan for the next semester. (See “Online Degree Progress Report” section in this bulletin.) Return to Program Planning and Counseling Guidelines Student ResponsibilityStudents should understand that the responsibility for making an appropriate academic program and for meeting every degree requirement rests with them; academic advisors are obligated only to assist students in meeting this responsibility. Students are responsible for monitoring their degree progress. Students needing clarification of any of the requirements for their degree program or of any information on their Degree Progress Report are urged to obtain that clarification from their academic advisor, or from the recorder’s office in the College. Requests for exceptions to departmental or College requirements may be granted by written approval from the respective department and the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Kirkwood Hall 012. Return to Program Planning and Counseling Guidelines Suggested Program for Arts and Sciences FreshmenStudents should complete their mathematics and English composition fundamental skills and one Topics course during their freshman year. The following program is suggested only as a general guide. Students should see their advisor before determining a schedule. Return to Program Planning and Counseling Guidelines Students with Learning DisabilitiesStudents with a learning disability, hearing impairment, speech impairment, or any other disability that may affect their ability to fulfill a requirement of the College should contact the Office of Disability Services for Students, Franklin Hall 096, (812) 855-7578, prior to registering. Requirements will not be waived for students with disabilities; however, some modifications may be made within specific courses. Students seeking such modifications should do so early in their academic career to ensure timely progress to degree completion. Return to Program Planning and Counseling Guidelines Academic RegulationsChange of Major Change of MajorIn order to change their major, students must contact the advisor in the department in which they wish to become a major. The advisor will submit a Major or School Change Request to the College Recorder’s Office for processing. Return to Academic Regulations Grading SystemGrades are awarded on the following basis:
Return to Academic Regulations Amended FX Policy (Extended-X) PolicyThe College of Arts and Sciences calculates FX grades as grades of F (D–X grades as grades of D–, DX grades as grades of D, D+X grades as grades of D+, C–X grades as grades of C–, CX grades as grades of C, etc.) for internal purposes and degree requirements. This calculation will apply to all categories of academic standing, including but not limited to: good standing, probation and dismissal, class rank, and all grade point average requirements in the degree, including cumulative, semester, and major concentration. Return to Academic Regulations Matriculation DateStudents who matriculate in the summer of a year are considered to be fall matriculants for degree and policy purposes. Return to Academic Regulations Pass/Fail OptionDuring the four years of their undergraduate program, students in good standing (not on probation) may enroll in a maximum of eight elective courses to be taken with a grade of P (Pass) or F (Fail). The Pass/Fail option is open for a maximum of two courses per academic year, including summer sessions. For the Pass/Fail option, the academic year is defined as beginning with the start of the fall semester and ending with the end of the second summer session. The course selected for Pass/Fail must be an elective (i.e., it cannot fulfill requirements other than the minimum 122 hours required for the degree, and the requirements for credit hours at the 300-400 level). It may not be used to satisfy any of the College of Arts and Sciences’ general education requirements, nor may it be counted as a part of the student’s concentration area, nor may it be counted toward completion of a minor or certificate program. The course or courses may be used to meet the requirement for courses at the 300-400 level. Incompleted CoursesA grade of I (Incomplete) may be given only when the work of the course is substantially completed and when the student’s work is of passing quality. A grade of I may not be given when a student has taken the final exam, or completed the final paper or project for the course. When an I is assigned, a record must be maintained in the office of the department in which the grade was given. The record will include a statement of the reason for recording the I, an adequate guide for its removal, and a suggested final grade in case the instructor should leave campus for an extended time. Return to Academic Regulations Withdrawals from CoursesThe College permits withdrawal from courses with the automatic grade of W (Withdrawal) until the end of the eighth week of classes during the regular academic year, until the end of the fourth week of classes for eight-week courses, and until the end of the first two weeks of classes during a summer session. See the Enrollment Bulletin for deadline dates. Return to Academic Regulations Grade Appeals and Retroactive ChangesAppeals of grades should be resolved with the instructor who assigned the disputed grade. If the student and instructor cannot resolve the matter, the student should discuss it further with the chair of the department offering the course. Appeals unresolved at the department level may be referred to the academic assistant deans. Appeals of grades or requests for other actions after the conclusion of a course should be made as soon as possible. Such requests will not be considered after one calendar year from the end of the semester in which the course in question was taken. Note that grades of I (Incomplete) or W (Withdrawal) may not be assigned for a course when a student has taken the final exam, or completed the final paper or project for the course. Return to Academic Regulations Addition of CoursesNo course may be added by an undergraduate student after the first week of a semester or summer session unless the instructor of the course approves and the request is approved by both the chairperson of the department in which the course is offered and the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled. Return to Academic Regulations Absences from Scheduled ClassesIllness is usually the only acceptable excuse for absence from class. Other absences must be explained to the satisfaction of the instructor, who will decide whether omitted work may be made up. The names of students who are excessively absent are to be reported by their instructor to the dean of students. Return to Academic Regulations Absences from Final ExaminationsA student who fails to attend the final examination of a course and who has a passing grade up to that time may be given a grade of I. The Committee on Absence of the Division of Student Affairs reviews excuses concerning absences from final examinations and informs instructors of its decisions. Students scheduled for more than three examinations in one day may have their examination schedule adjusted if they notify the instructor or department of the course scheduled for the fourth (and additional) final examination of the day. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the date and time of the final examination for each of his or her classes before officially enrolling. See the Enrollment Bulletin (Office of the Registrar) each semester for further information. Return to Academic Regulations TranscriptsComplete information on transcripts can be found in the Enrollment Bulletin. Requests for transcripts must be made in person or in writing to the Office of the Registrar, Franklin Hall 100, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405-7104 (or via e-mail to: Return to Academic Regulations
Academic Standing of StudentsCandidates for Bachelor's Degrees in Good Standing Candidates for Bachelor's Degrees in Good StandingStudents are considered to be candidates in good standing for an Indiana University bachelor’s degree when they have been regularly admitted by the Office of Admissions, when their academic grade point average is not less than a 2.000 (C) for the last semester’s work, and when their cumulative grade point average is at least 2.000 (C). Return to Academic Standing of Students Class StandingClass standing is based on the number of credit hours completed toward graduation: Return to Academic Standing of Students Academic ProbationStudents are on academic probation when their cumulative grade point average is below 2.000 (C). They are also on probation for the duration of the regular semester following one in which they failed to attain at least a 2.000 (C) grade point average. Students on academic probation must comply with such restrictions as the Office of the Dean of Students or the dean of their school may deem necessary. Return to Academic Standing of Students DismissalStudents are dismissed from the College of Arts and Sciences when, in the judgment of the Scholarship and Probation Committee, they have ceased to make adequate progress toward their degree. Students who fail to attain a minimum grade point average of 2.000 (C) in any two semesters and who have a cumulative grade point average below 2.000 (C) are dismissed automatically. (Note that these students will have been placed on probation at least once before dismissal.) • failing or near failing performance in any semester;
ReadmissionThe Scholarship and Probation Committee considers petitions for readmission from students who have been dismissed. A student dismissed for the first time must petition to continue as a student in the College. A student dismissed for the second time may not be admitted for the next regular semester but is eligible to submit a petition for readmission after a period of at least one regular semester. Third dismissals are generally considered final. Students should contact the College Recorder’s office (Kirkwood Hall 001) for further information concerning eligibility to petition. Return to Academic Standing of Students Restart PolicyStudents who have been away from Indiana University for at least five years, and who earned grades that make it impossible or very difficult to return to a College of Arts and Sciences degree program, may petition for a “restart.” Under a restart, the College of Arts and Sciences will establish a new degree record for the student that will consist of courses previously taken that were completed with a minimum grade of C. Note that all Indiana University course work will remain on the student’s permanent record (the university transcript); this policy will affect only the student’s College of Arts and Sciences record. Special Opportunities for Students
Basic Skills/Special SkillsThe College of Arts and Sciences takes seriously its obligation to help students achieve scholastic success. There are “Basic Skills” sections in English and mathematics to help students with deficient backgrounds in these areas to fulfill the fundamental skills requirements. Finally, the College sponsors “Special Skills” courses in such areas as campus resources and career development to help students gain maximum academic benefit from their other course work. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Career Development CenterThe Career Development Center houses four interrelated programs, which provide an array of services designed to assist undergraduate students in making informed academic and career decisions. The Career Development Center, located at 625 N. Jordan Avenue, is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit the office Web site at Career Counseling Services (CCS) provides assistance to students who are in the process of selecting a major and/or exploring career options. In addition to scheduled counseling appointments, freshmen and sophomores may obtain career planning assistance by enrolling in an eight-week, 2 credit hour course titled Q294 Basic Career Development. Credit by ExaminationStudents may receive credit for certain courses by successful performance on SAT II Subject Tests, College Board Advanced Placement Tests, and examinations offered by academic departments while at Indiana University. The appropriate department of the university reviews the College Board Advanced Placement Tests in order to make recommendations about advanced standing. Students who believe that they are prepared for advanced study or that they are eligible for special credit because of superior preparation or independent study are urged to accelerate their college programs in this manner. Credit will be recorded simply with the grade of S (Satisfactory) unless the examination clearly merits an A grade and the department requests the use of a grade other than S. Failure to pass the examination carries no penalty. Students may thus graduate early, or they may use the time gained to take courses beyond those ordinarily required for an undergraduate degree. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Dean's ListEach regular semester (excluding summer sessions), the College of Arts and Sciences will recognize those students whose semester GPA qualifies them for the Dean’s List. Students who qualify will be notified of this honor. Eligibility requirements include completion of at least 12 graded credit hours in each semester under review, and earning a minimum of a 3.700 semester GPA. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Degrees Awarded with DistinctionThe College recognizes outstanding performance in course work by awarding bachelor’s degrees with three levels of distinction: Distinction, High Distinction, and Highest Distinction. Students must have a minimum of 60 graded credit hours at Indiana University to be considered for distinction degrees. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Departmental Honors ProgramsOutstanding students can pursue independent study and research during their junior and senior years through honors programs in most departments of the College of Arts and Sciences. Ordinarily, students will apply for admission to an honors program in the second semester of their sophomore year or in the first semester of their junior year. Students must have a minimum College of Arts and Sciences grade point average of 3.300 and the approval of the department chairperson or departmental honors committee for admission and must maintain this minimum average to be graduated with honors. A potential candidate for honors should consult as soon as possible with the departmental honors advisor or the chairperson of the department about requirements. Programs vary somewhat among departments but generally include the following:
Enrollment in Reading for Honors is ordinarily done under the course number 399 for juniors and 499 for seniors. The number of credit hours earned under these two course numbers is determined by the departmental honors committee, but it normally should not exceed a maximum total of 15 credit hours. Although the university and its undergraduate schools have specific requirements for graduation, substitutions within the spirit of these requirements may be made to the benefit of the individual student. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Experimental CoursesThe College offers a number of experimental courses. These are listed under Special Courses and Programs. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Foreign StudySee “Foreign Study” in this bulletin. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Groups ProgramThe Groups Student Support Services Program provides whatever reasonable support is needed to attain the bachelor’s degree at Indiana University for individuals who are first-generation college students, are from officially determined low-income families, or are physically disabled. It is jointly funded and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and Indiana University. The program offers a variety of services including personal counseling, academic counseling, tutoring, enrollment in specialized courses, and activities that foster academic enrichment. For more information, see the Groups Web site at; call (812) 855-0507; or visit Maxwell Hall 200. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Hutton Honors CollegeIndiana University offers the Edward L. Hutton Honors College Program in an effort to present challenging educational opportunities to superior students. The Hutton Honors College has designed a variety of introductory honors experiences for qualified students. In addition to providing the entering student with special sections of traditional departmental courses, the Hutton Honors College offers innovative seminar experiences and arranges independent reading programs. Specially chosen honors advisors aid first-year students in planning their individual programs. Students in the Hutton Honors College follow no rigid program and may choose to earn a general honors notation and/or an honors degree in their discipline. A general honors education complements formal departmental or school honors programs that lead to distinctive degrees with honors. Students should contact the Hutton Honors College, 324 N. Jordan Avenue, (812) 855-3555, for further information.
Return to Special Opportunities for Students Individualized Major ProgramSee alphabetical listing in this bulletin for more information. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity (formerly MEDIC-B)See "Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity" in this bulletin. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Intensive Freshman Seminars (IFS)See “Intensive Freshman Seminars” in this bulletin. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Language Placement TestsStudents who wish to continue at Indiana University a foreign language begun in high school or at another university must take a foreign language placement test. Contact the Evaluation Services and Testing office at (812) 855-1595 or foreign language departments for more information. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Living-Learning CentersLiving-Learning centers (LLC) are residential-academic programs located in residence halls. Students may choose between two living-learning centers associated with the College: Collins Living-Learning Center, located in the Collins Quadrangle; and the Global Village, located in Foster-Martin. Membership in these centers is based on an application available from Residential Programs and Services and from most university offices. Return to Special Opportunities for Students McNair Scholars ProgramSee “McNair Scholars Program” in this bulletin. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Military Science and Aerospace StudiesQualified men and women may elect to earn credits leading to a commission as a second lieutenant in the United States Army or Air Force. Credits earned in Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC may be applied toward the 122 credit hour total required for graduation. More specific information may be obtained from the offices of the particular ROTC units in which the student is interested: Military Science (Army), 814 E. Third Street, (812) 855-7682; and Aerospace Studies (Air Force), 814 E. Third Street, (812) 855-4191. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Overseas Study ProgramsIndiana University Programs Return to Special Opportunities for Students Pass/Fail OptionStudents wishing to explore new subject areas without the risk of harming their grade point average may consider the Pass/Fail option. See “Pass/Fail Option” under “Academic Regulations.” Return to Special Opportunities for Students Phi Beta KappaThe Society of Phi Beta Kappa, founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, is the oldest academic Greek-letter society in existence. Throughout its history, Phi Beta Kappa has held as its primary objective the recognition of excellence in the academic performance of undergraduate students who are candidates for degrees in the liberal arts and sciences in U.S. colleges and universities. There are at present 270 chapters of Phi Beta Kappa. Indiana University’s chapter, Gamma of Indiana, was established in 1911. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Science Courses for Non-Science MajorsThese courses are specially designed for the non-science major; they challenge the liberal arts student to understand modern science and scientific concepts and methods. During any academic year, courses of this type are available in astronomy, the biological sciences, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and psychological and brain sciences. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Second Bachelor's DegreeIn certain cases the dean may admit bachelor’s degree holders to candidacy for a second bachelor’s degree. When such admission is granted, the candidates must earn at least 26 additional credit hours in residence and meet the requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences and of the department in which they are candidates. Students may also be admitted to candidacy for a simultaneous second degree. In the case of simultaneous conferral of the first and second undergraduate degrees, 26 additional residency hours for the second degree are not required. Students currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in the College of Arts and Sciences should consult their academic advisor regarding the approval process. All other students seeking second degree candidacy should schedule an appointment with the advisor in the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, (812) 855‑1647, Kirkwood Hall 012. Some students will be required to submit an appropriate Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score as part of the admission process. This requirement applies to international students from countries where English is not the language of instruction, who have not otherwise been admitted to the university in undergraduate status, and who are applying to the university for admission directly into a second undergraduate degree program in the College. Students with a bachelor’s degree who wish to further their education should consider becoming qualified for admission to a graduate program. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Special Skills CoursesSee “Special Skills Courses” in this bulletin. Return to Special Opportunities for Students Student RecordsRelease of Information in Student Records
Last updated: 12 March 2025 07 26 51
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