Russian and East European InstituteFaculty FacultyDirectorProfessor David L. Ransel (History) ProfessorsMichael Alexeev (Economics), David Audretsch (School of Public and Environmental Affairs), Randall Baker (School of Public and Environmental Affairs), Jack Bielasiak (Political Science), Henry Cooper (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Devin DeWeese (Central Eurasian Studies), Benoit Eklof (History), Ronald Feldstein (Slavic Languages and Literatures), William Fierman (Central Eurasian Studies), Steven Franks (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Roy Gardner (Economics), Jeffrey Hart (Political Science), Jeffrey C. Isaac (Political Science), Dov-Ber Kerler (Jewish Studies), Janet Kennedy (Fine Arts), Hiroaki Kuromiya (History), John Mikesell (School of Public and Environmental Affairs), Martha Nyikos (School of Education), Christine Ogan (School of Journalism), Phillip Parnell (Criminal Justice), Nina Perlina (Slavic Languages and Literatures), David Ransel (History), Toivo Raun (Central Eurasian Studies), Jean C. Robinson (Political Science), Alvin Rosenfeld (Jewish Studies, English), Anya Peterson Royce (Anthropology), M. Nazif Shahrani (Anthropology, Central Eurasian Studies, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures), Beverly Stoeltje (Anthropology), Mihaly Szegedy-Maszak (Central Eurasian Studies), Bronislava Volkova (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Charles Wise (School of Public and Environmental Affairs) Associate ProfessorsChristopher Atwood (Central Eurasian Studies), Matthew Auer (School of Public and Environmental Affairs), Joelle Bahloul (Anthropology, Jewish Studies), Bonnie Brownlee (School of Journalism), Maria Bucur-Deckard (History), Andrew Durkin (Slavic Languages and Literatures), George Fowler (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Christina Illias (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Owen V. Johnson (School of Journalism, History), Bill Johnston (Linguistics), Michael Kaganovich (Economics), Dodona Kiziria (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Jerzy Kolodziej (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Robert Kravchuk (School of Public and Environmental Affairs), Terrence Mason (School of Education), Bryan McCormick (Recreation and Park Administration), William Pridemore (Criminal Justice), Steven Raymer (School of Journalism), Robert Rohrschneider (Political Science), Dina Spechler (Political Science), Herbert Terry (Telecommunications), Frances Trix (Linguistics), Jeffrey Veidlinger (History, Jewish Studies) Assistant ProfessorsAaron Beaver (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Justyna Beinek (Slavic Languages and Literatures), Aurelian Craiutu (Political Science), Halina Goldberg (Musicology), Lynn Hooker (Central Eurasian Studies), Frederika Kaestle (Anthropology), Matthias Lehmann (History, Jewish Studies), Paul Losensky (Central Eurasian Studies), Joshua Malitsky (Communication and Cultures), Sarah Phillips (Anthropology), Marci Shore (History), Beate Sissenich (Political Science) Academic AdvisingBallantine Hall 565, (812) 855-7309 IntroductionThe Russian and East European Institute (REEI) offers an interdisciplinary program designed to give undergraduates comprehensive training in the Russian and East European areas. The university offers a wide range of Russian and East European courses in 13 departments in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Schools of Business, Education, Fine Arts, Journalism, Library Science, Music, and Public and Environmental Affairs. The program does not grant an undergraduate major, but students can obtain an undergraduate minor on one of two tracks: a regular minor or a minor with language certificate. The minor is awarded along with the bachelor's degree. Minors in Russian and East European StudiesThe minors indicate that students have achieved special competence in the Russian and East European area, successfully completing interdisciplinary area course work. Two minors, described below, are available. The first minor requires a distribution of area courses in three disciplinary groupings. The second minor, in addition to area courses, includes a language certificate. The second minor is particularly useful to those who are planning to undertake graduate study in the Russian or East European field. The minors are awarded to those who earn the bachelor's degree and complete the requirements below. Academic StandingStudents must have a minimum grade point average of 3.000 (B) or the permission of the director to enter either undergraduate minor program. Applications are available from the Russian and East European Institute (REEI) in Ballantine Hall 565. Minor in Russian and East European StudiesRequirementsStudents must complete 15 credit hours, selected in consultation with the REEI advisor, with a minimum average grade of B, in area-related courses, including a minimum of 3 credit hours each from history, social sciences, and literature/culture distribution groups from the list below. Institute courses R302 and R303 can be used to meet the requirement for any of the distribution groups. Nine of these credit hours must be at the 300 level or above. Courses taken to satisfy the institute minor requirements may also be used to meet College distribution requirements. Minor in Russian and East European Studies with Language CertificationRequirementsSame course requirements as above; in addition, students must complete 6 credit hours beyond the first-year level (with at least a grade of B) of any one of the following languages: Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian and Croatian, Uzbek, Yiddish, or another area language. Students may be exempted from the 6 credit hour requirement by demonstrating equivalent language knowledge with the approval of an REEI advisor. Course DescriptionsR300 Russian and East European Issues (1-4 cr.) Brief examination of selected topics related to Russia and East Europe. Variable topics. May be repeated with different topics for a total of 6 credit hours. R301 Russian and East European Area Topics (3 cr.) S & H, CSA Selected topics related to politics, culture, economics, and society in the Russian and East European area. R302 Russia, Past and Present (3 cr.) S & H, CSA Interdisciplinary study of the geography, natural resources, peoples, religions, economy, political and social systems, education, law, cultures, literatures, and arts of Russia. Emphasis on recent developments with appropriate attention to historical roots. Credit given for only one of the following: R302 or HIST D302. R303 Eastern Europe, Past and Present (3 cr.) S & H, CSA Interdisciplinary study of the geography, natural resources, peoples, religions, economy, political and social systems, education, law, cultures, literatures, and arts of East Central and Southeastern Europe. Emphasis on recent developments with appropriate attention to historical roots. R495 Readings in Russian and East European Studies (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor and the director of the Russian and East European Institute. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours. Courses Satisfying Distribution Requirements for the REEI MinorThe following is a list of existing courses that were offered in the last three years and are expected to be offered again. This list is subject to change. A current list of courses for each semester may be obtained in Ballantine Hall 565. Please consult with the REEI advisor prior to registering for courses to count toward the minor. (REE=Russian and/or East European.) Group I (Historical)Central Eurasian Studies College of Arts and Sciences Geography History Collins Living-Learning Center Group II (Social Science)Anthropology Kelley School of Business Central Eurasian Studies College of Arts and Sciences Criminal Justice Economics Foster International Collins Living-Learning Center Political Science Group III (Literature and Culture)Central Eurasian StudiesU320 Topics in Central Eurasian Studies (REE Literature/Culture Topics) (3-4 cr.) U370 Uralic Peoples (3 cr.) S & H U397 Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (3 cr.) S & H, CSA U398 Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia (3 cr.) S & H, CSA U426 Modern Hungarian Literature (3 cr.) A & H College of Arts and Sciences E103 Topics in Arts and Humanities (REE Literature/Culture Topics) (3 cr.) A & H E104 Topics in Social and Historical Studies (REE Literature/Culture Topics) (3 cr.) S & H S104 Freshman Seminar in Social and Historical Studies (REE Literature/Culture Topics) (3 cr.) S & H Comparative Literature Fine Arts Germanic Studies Hutton Honors College School of Journalism Collins Living-Learning Center Religious Studies Slavic Languages and Literatures Language ClassesStudents completing the undergraduate minor in Russian and East European studies with language certification are required to complete at least 6 credit hours of language study above the first-year level in a related language (Czech, Estonian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian and Croatian, or Yiddish). The following courses count toward this requirement: Slavic Languages and Literatures Central Eurasian Studies Germanic Studies
Last updated: 13 March 2025 16 21 29
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