Additional ProgramsApproved Outside Minors List of Approved Outside MinorsA student may complete up to three minors. The following minors from schools other than the College of Arts and Sciences may be included in that total, and may be listed on the transcript of a College of Arts and Sciences student who completes the appropriate requirements. Minors are listed on the transcript at the point of graduation. Students should see the relevant school and also the College of Arts and Sciences Recorder's Office (Kirkwood Hall 001) for further information. Business-Undergraduate (Kelley School of Business) Special MinorsBusiness minor for Apparel Merchandising majors Kelley School of BusinessStudents certified to earn a bachelor's degree in the College of Arts and Sciences who have already completed 26 or more credit hours of college course work that count toward graduation may obtain the minors listed below from the Kelley School of Business by successfully completing the business course work given for each. Any course in which the student receives a grade below C may not be used to fulfill a minor requirement. An overall grade point average of 2.000 is required to earn each minor. All 300-level courses must be taken on the IU Bloomington campus. The College of Arts and Sciences limits the number to 22 credit hours outside the College that will count toward a degree. Students who are unclear about these rules should check with the College Recorder's Office, Kirkwood Hall 001. Students should fill out an Application for Minor form in the College Recorder's Office during their senior year to have the minors listed on the transcript. Apparel Merchandising and Telecommunications have established their own requirements for a minor in business; students majoring in those areas should consult with their major advisor. Minor in BusinessStudents pursuing a baccalaureate degree on the Bloomington campus in the College of Arts and Sciences; the School of Music; the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; the School of Continuing Studies; or the School of Public and Environmental Affairs may obtain a minor in business by successfully fulfilling the following requirements (course may not be taken through independent study). Complete 26 or more credit hours of college course work that counts toward graduation and be admitted to a degree-granting school. Successfully complete the following courses: Four of the following five: Important Note: The College of Arts and Sciences, School of Continuing Studies, and School of Journalism require a grade of C- or higher in each course (except for K 201, which requires a grade of C- or higher), and an overall GPA of 2.000 in all courses required for the minor. All other units or schools on the Bloomington campus require a grade of C- in K 201 and an overall GPA of 2.000 in all courses required for the minor. The College of Arts and Sciences (COLL) limits the number of credit hours outside the College that will count towards a degree. See the College of Arts and Sciences Bulletin for details. Students who are unclear about requirements or minimum grades should check with the College Recorder's Office, Kirkwood Hall 001. It is the student's responsibility to check with his or her individual school to make sure the proper procedures for declaring the minor and completing requirements are followed. Students completing a business minor should fill out an Application for Minor form in the Recorder's Office of the school in which they intend to graduate in order to have the minor listed on their transcripts. Students should meet with an advisor from their major department to ensure that program planning is accurate. Minor in Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementBUS A200 (see note below) One additional elective from Bus F300, P300, G300, J306, or Z302. BUS A200 note: Students may complete A100 and either A201 or A202 instead of A200 for either minor (A100 is a prerequisite for both A201 and A202). BUS K201 note: Computer Science majors may substitute CSCI C211 for K201 in either minor. Note for both minors: All 300- and 400-level course work must be completed on the Bloomington campus. None of the course work may be taken by independent study/ correspondence, distance education, or "Courses to Go." School of DentistryStudents may be admitted to the School of Dentistry upon receipt of their bachelor's degrees or at the end of three years in the College of Arts and Sciences. Information regarding admission to the School of Dentistry may be obtained from the director of admissions of the School of Dentistry and from the Health Professions and Prelaw Center, Maxwell Hall 010, (812) 855-1873. Bachelor's Degree-D.D.S. ProgramStudents who are admitted to the School of Dentistry after completing 90 credit hours in the College of Arts and Sciences and who have satisfied the fundamental skills, distribution, and major concentration requirements, including a concentration in the College, may apply 32 credit hours earned their first year in dentistry as electives and, at the end of that year, earn the bachelor's degree. See also "General Requirements for Bachelor's Degrees" in this bulletin. Earth ScienceCandidates for the B.A. degree who wish to qualify for a secondary teacher's certificate (see below) in earth science or to obtain training in the interdisciplinary field of earth science for any other purpose may do so as majors in either the Department of Geography or the Department of Geological Sciences. For courses that satisfy the requirements for Indiana teacher certification in earth science, see the School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin. School of EducationWith very careful planning, a student may earn a teacher's certificate for senior high/junior high/middle school or all-grade education while working toward a bachelor's degree in the College of Arts and Sciences, while still completing the requirements for each in four years. For details, see the School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin. Most undergraduate professional education courses numbered 301 and above (except H340, K306, P312, and P313) are closed to students who have not been admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Students are encouraged to apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program during the second semester of their sophomore year. Criteria for admission are:
Minimum Academic Standards for Licensing
A candidate must take certain required course work in three broad categories:
Courses used to satisfy general-education requirements also may be applied to fulfill requirements for a subject matter concentration. In such a case the course may be used to meet all requirements to which it will apply, but the credit hours may be counted only once toward the total 124 credit hours needed for a degree. No courses below the 100 level and no College of Arts and Sciences "J" courses may be used to meet this requirement. Licensure in any of the areas offered by the School of Education of Indiana University requires completion of specified general-education and professional courses in addition to the completion of the subject area or areas. To be eligible for secondary levels and K-12 school settings licensure, at least one content area is required. All secondary and K-12 setting programs are under revision. Please contact a School of Education advisor for accurate and current information. Environmental StudiesEffective July 1, 2006, the College of Arts and Sciences will discontinue the B.A. major in Environmental Studies (which has always been available only as a second major). College of Arts and Sciences students on the IU Bloomington campus who are currently in this major (formally declared), or who formally declare the major by 4:00 p.m. on June 30, 2006, will be allowed to complete the major as long as they do so in a timely manner (within eight years of their matriculation to the IU system, any campus). There will be no change to the B.S. in Environmental Science (B.S.E.S.), which will remain available to students in the College of Arts and Sciences and in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Health, Physical Education, and RecreationDepartment of KinesiologyDance MinorThis minor requires 18 credit hours. A minimum grade of C- is required in each course. A minimum overall minor GPA of 2.000 is required. The pass/fail option is not permitted for minor courses. REQUIRED CORE COURSES EMPHASIS Teaching/Dance Science OR Performance/Choreography OR Interdisciplinary MODERN TECHNIQUE SUPPORTING TECHNIQUE
Select 3 credit hours of a supporting dance form (OR choose 3 additional credit hours from 'Modern Technique' above) Note: The College of Arts and Sciences limits the number of outside hours that will count toward a degree. Students should check with an advisor in their school for information about minor rules. HPER will provide a letter or certificate indicating completion of the minor upon request. Exercise Science MinorThis minor requires 18 credit hours. A minimum grade of C- is required in each course. A minimum overall minor GPA of 2.0 is required. The pass/fail option is not permitted for minor courses. Kinesiology Core (3 cr.)Required: HPER P212 Introduction to Exercise Science (3 cr.) Select 15 credit hours from the following courses: Department of Applied HealthScienceMinor in Human Development/ Family Studies (15 cr.)A minimum grade of C- is required in each course. A minimum overall minor GPA of 2.000 is required. The pass/fail option is not permitted for minor courses. Required (6 cr.): Elective courses-select two courses (6 cr.): Minor in Nutrition Science (15 cr.)A minimum grade of C- is required in each course. A minimum overall minor GPA of 2.000 is required. The pass/fail option is not permitted for minor courses. Required (6 cr.): Select 3 of the following 5 courses (9 cr.): Department of Recreation and Park AdministrationMinor in Fundraising and Resource Development (18 cr.)2.000 minimum cumulative GPA required. No Pass/Fail. Required courses (5 cr.) Choose two courses in fundraising and resource development from the following list (4 cr.): Choose one course in ethics from the following list (3 cr.): Choose one course in writing and public speaking from the following list (3 cr.): Choose one course in social organization and behavior from the following list (3 cr.): Note: An internship (T499) is strongly recommended for all minor students. A C- minimum grade is required for each course by all College of Arts and Science minor students. A minimum of 6 credit hours must be taken at the 300400 course level by all College of Arts and Science minor students. School of InformaticsMinor in InformaticsStudents earning a bachelor's degree in the College of Arts and Sciences may obtain a minor from the School of Informatics by successfully completing the following.
Certificate in InformaticsStudents earning a bachelor's degree in the College of Arts and Sciences may obtain a certificate from the School of Informatics by completing the following.
In addition, students must take an additional course (3 credit hours) from the School of Informatics curriculum. These additional courses can be chosen from the listed electives for the School of Informatics and can therefore be taken in another department, if the other department is not the student's major department. School of JournalismCertificate in JournalismStudents in good academic standing at Indiana University who are not majoring in telecommunications or any other mass communications discipline are eligible to apply to the certificate program in journalism. Students must file an application with the School of Journalism for admission to the certificate program. Students must successfully complete 26 credit hours, including the following, to be eligible for admission to the program:
The following are courses required for the certificate. A grade of C or higher in each course and an overall GPA of 2.000 in all courses taken for the Certificate are required.
Division of Labor StudiesMinor in Labor StudiesA minimum grade of C- is required in each course. A minimum overall minor GPA of 2.000 is required. The pass/fail option is not permitted for minor courses. The Minor in Labor Studies for Liberal Arts consists of 15 credit hours, of which 6 credit hours must be drawn from the following lower division courses: In addition, 9 credit hours are required from the following: School of MedicineMedical Sciences ProgramFacultyInterim Director Professor John B. Watkins Professors Talmage R. Bosin (Emeritus), Mark Braun, Bruce J. Martin, Anthony Mescher, Anton Neff, Roderick Suthers Associate Professors David Daleke, John Foley, Joseph Near, Kenneth Nephew, Henry Prange, Claire Walczak Assistant Professors Steve Dougherty, Richard Mynark, Valerie O'Loughlin, Christine Quirk, Mark Ronan Although a bachelor's degree is not offered in either anatomy or physiology, the courses listed below are undergraduate courses offered under the auspices of the School of Medicine, Medical Sciences Program. Students should also see the "Biology" section in this bulletin. CoursesMSCI M131 Disease and the Human Body (3 cr.) N & M Academic counseling information and assistance may be obtained at the Health Professions and Prelaw Center, Maxwell Hall 010, (812) 855-1873. Jacobs School of MusicIntroductionA limited number of courses in the theory and history of music given in the Jacobs School of Music are accepted for credit toward degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences. The B.A. in music is designed for students who want a general knowledge of the history and theory of music; it is not a professional degree. Students working toward this degree are not eligible to take courses in music education such as methods, student teaching, etc., to fulfill certification requirements. Major in Music-B.A.Effective July 1, 2007, the College of Arts and Sciences will discontinue the B.A. major in Music. College of Arts and Sciences students on the IU Bloomington campus who are currently in this major (formally declared), or who formally declare the major by 4:00 p.m. on June 30, 2007, will be allowed to complete the major as long as they do so in a timely manner (making themselves eligible for graduation within eight years of their matriculation to the IU system, any campus). Requirements Students must complete the following, (for course descriptions see the Jacobs School of Music Bulletin):
Students satisfying requirements for the B.A. with a major in music are required to earn credits in applied music and ensembles, credits that are considered outside the College of Arts and Sciences. Students earning the B.A. with a major in music may take a maximum of 32 credit hours outside the College if the courses are required for their major degree program. In addition to the basic university fees, students will pay the performance study fee for each performance study course taken. Minor in Music in the College of Arts and SciencesEffective July 1, 2007, the College of Arts and Sciences will discontinue the Minor in Music in the College of Arts and Sciences. College of Arts and Sciences students on the IU Bloomington campus who are currently in this minor (formally declared), or who formally declare this minor by 4:00 p.m. on June 30, 2007, will be allowed to complete the minor as long as they do so in a timely manner (in conjunction with graduation with an appropriate bachelor's degree within eight years of their matriculation to the IU system, any campus). Requirements At least 15 credit hours in music, including T151-T152 (3-3 cr.), T251-T252 (3-3 cr.), and one course from the following: T351, M401, M402, M410, T412, T416, T417, T418, or another "M" or "T" course at the 400 level, as approved by the director of undergraduate studies in music. Admission to the minor must be approved by the director of undergraduate studies in music. Note: Any course in which the student receives a grade below C may not be used to fulfill a minor requirement. The cumulative grade point average of all courses taken in fulfillment of minor requirements must be at least 2.000. Minor in Music Studies in the Jacobs School of MusicRequirements Minimum of 20 credit hours, of which at least 15 (including a minimum of one core course) must be taken on the student's home campus, Bloomington or Indianapolis. Core (6 credit hours)Z111 Introduction to Music Theory (3 cr.) and Z101 Music for the Listener (3 cr.), or T109 Rudiments of Music (3 cr.) and T151 Music Theory and Literature I (3 cr.), may be substituted for students who qualify. Ensemble/Live Performance (2 credit hours)Either two semesters of X001 Ensemble for Non Music Majors (1 cr.) or by audition, one semester of X040 Instrumental Ensembles (2 cr.), X070 Choral Ensembles (2 cr.), X030 Ballet Ensemble (2 cr.), X050 Marching Hundred for Non-Music Majors (2 cr.), or Z100 The Live Musical Performance (2 cr.). Music Electives (12 credit hours)Electives in music should be chosen based on the student's background and interest, and with the approval of the director of music undergraduate studies. Courses may include elective performance study at the 100 level (no more than 3 credit hours) and courses with a "Z" prefix. Other courses inside or outside of the Jacobs School of Music may be used as electives if approved by both the director of music undergraduate studies and his/her counterpart in the student's home school (associate dean for undergraduate education in the College of Arts and Sciences, for example). Music ensemble credits beyond the two required above will not count toward music electives. At least 6 credit hours must be at the 300 level or higher. Note: Any course in which the student receives a grade below C may not be used to fulfill a minor requirement. The cumulative grade point average of all courses taken in fulfillment of minor requirements must be at least 2.0. Distribution CoursesM393 (Z393, AAAD A393) History of Jazz (3 cr.) A & H, CSA School of OptometryIntroductionThe school offers three outstanding degree programs: the two-year Associate of Science program in optometric technology for optometric technicians and opticians, the Doctor of Optometry program for the education of optometrists, and the graduate program in vision science, which leads to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees for those interested in research and teaching. Optician/Technician ProgramStudents completing the program are qualified to begin a career as an optometric technician or an optician. The general nontechnical courses, such as English composition and required electives, may be completed either before or after the technical courses. An additional option allows students to become laboratory opticians by completing courses in lens surfacing and fabrication (optician's laboratory concentration). Doctor of Optometry ProgramA student may be admitted to the school's Doctor of Optometry program after earning a bachelor's degree or after completing a minimum of 90 credit hours in the College of Arts and Sciences. Major areas of concentration are typically in the physical, biological, or behavioral sciences, but other fields may be selected. General courses specifically required for admission to the optometry program are listed in the School of Optometry bulletin. Bachelor's Degree-O.D. ProgramA student who is admitted to the School of Optometry after completing 90 credit hours in the College of Arts and Sciences and who has satisfied the fundamental skills, distribution, and major concentration requirements, including a concentration in a department of the College, may apply 32 credit hours in optometry as electives toward the bachelor's degree to be received in the initial major. See also "General Requirements for Bachelor's Degrees" in this bulletin. Courses for the NonmajorCertain courses offered by the School of Optometry, such as those that examine fundamental aspects of vision, may have application to the career fields of students completing majors in other degree programs. With the necessary prerequisites and permission of both the instructor and the dean of the School of Optometry, a nonmajor may be allowed to register for one such optometry course per semester or summer session. For advice on optometry courses that might fulfill a specific objective, the student should consult the Office of Student Administration, School of Optometry 310, (812) 855-1917. School of Public and Environmental AffairsStudents earning a bachelor's degree in the College of Arts and Sciences may obtain a minor from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA). SPEA offers 11 minors on the Bloomington campus and the College of Arts and Sciences has approved the following five for its students:
Students must fill out a form in the SPEA Undergraduate Office before the minor can be added to their academic record. Note: Each minor consists of five SPEA courses. Any course in which the student receives a grade below C may not be used to fulfill a minor requirement. The cumulative grade point average of all courses taken in fulfillment of minor requirements must be at least 2.000. Requirements for Minor in Public and Environmental Affairs
Requirements for Minor in Environmental Management
Requirements for Minor in Environmental Science and Health
Requirements for Minor in Human Resources
Requirements for Minor in Management
Note: The College of Arts and Sciences limits to 22 the number of credit hours outside the College that will count toward a degree. Students who are unclear about these rules should check with the College Recorder's Office, Kirkwood Hall 001. For information on B.S. in Environmental Science (B.S.E.S.) see the "Environmental Science" entry in this bulletin. School of Social WorkFacultyDean Professor Michael Patchner Coordinator of B.S.W. Program, Bloomington Assistant Professor Katharine V. Byers Assistant Professor Carol Hostetter, Sabrina Williamson Field Coordinator Carlene Quinn Undergraduate ProgramThe School of Social Work offers an undergraduate program leading to the Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.) The B.S.W. prepares students for entry-level social work positions in a variety of social service fields. In addition, graduates of this program who are admitted to many graduate programs may receive advance credit toward completion of the requirements for the degree of Master of Social Work. All of the required social work courses for the B.S.W. degree are offered on the Indiana University campuses at Bloomington, Indianapolis (IUPUI), and Richmond (East). Admission Requirements Students are admitted to the program each year on a competitive basis. The following are the minimum requirements for admission to the program:
Applications may be submitted any time prior to the priority date of April 1 for admission the following fall semester. Application packets are available in the School of Social Work office and online each December. Admission decisions are made in late May, and students are notified about their applications in June. The School of Social Work has a strong commitment to diversity and non-discrimination. Indeed, diversity is celebrated as a strength. This perspective is demonstrated by the composition of its faculty and student body, curriculum content, recruitment and retention activities, selection of its field practicum sites, and participation in university committees and activities. For further information, call the School of Social Work Bloomington office, 1127 E. Atwater Avenue, (812) 855-4427, or visit the Web site ( Studying AbroadThe College of Arts and Sciences encourages students to take part in programs of overseas study sponsored by Indiana University (see the section "Overseas Study Programs" elsewhere in this bulletin). However, students may apply to programs administered by other institutions and organizations. Credits from nonIndiana University programs may be accepted as transfer credit, subject to the following conditions:
To assure that credits can be accepted from a particular overseas program, students are urged to submit a credit transfer agreement form to the Office of International Admissions prior to committing themselves to participating in the program. Forms may be obtained online from the Office of Overseas Study ( noniu.shtml credit) Under certain circumstances students may be permitted to use Indiana University financial aid toward programs sponsored by organizations other than Indiana University. Information and application forms may be obtained from the Office of Overseas Study, Franklin Hall 303, (812) 855-9304. For such an application to be approved, the course work undertaken overseas must be integral to the student's major program at Indiana University, and the application must be approved by the student's academic department and the Office of Overseas Study. Urban StudiesStudents interested in the Urban Studies Certificate program should contact Susan L. White ( in Student Building 120 (812-855-6303) regarding the status of the program.
Last updated: 12 March 2025 07 13 02
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