Minor in West European Studies
Course Descriptions
Joint-Listed Courses
Cross-Listed Courses
Distinguished Professor David Audretsch (School of Public and Environmental Affairs)
Chancellors' Professor
Roy Gardner (Economics)
Robert H. Shaffer Class of 1967 Endowed Chair
William Corsaro (Sociology)
Rudy Professor
Albert Valdman (French and Italian)
Ameritech Endowed Chair
David Audretsch (School of Public and Environmental Affairs)
Amoco Professor
Michele Fratianni (Kelley School of Business)
Roscoe C. O'Byrne Chair
Alfred Aman (School of Law)
Allen Douglas (West European Studies), Norman Furniss (Political Science), Darlene Sadlier (Spanish and Portuguese), Robert Agranoff (School of Public and Environmental Affairs), Mary Ellen Bieder (Spanish and Portuguese), Matei Calinescu (Comparative Literature), Edward Carmines (Political Science), William Cohen (History), Stephen A. Conrad (School of Law), Evangelos Coufoudakis (Political Science), John Daniels (Kelley School of Business), James Diehl (History), Jane Fulcher (School of Music), Carol Greenhouse (Anthropology), Russell Hanson (Political Science), Jeffrey Hart (Political Science), David Hertz (Comparative Literature), Ingeborg Hoesterey (Germanic Studies), Albrecht Holschuh (Germanic Studies), Oscar Kenshur (Comparative Literature), Joseph Miller (Kelley School of Business), Christine Ogan (School of Journalism), M. Jeanne Peterson (History), James Riley (History), Alvin Rosenfeld (English and Jewish Studies), Darlene Sadlier (Spanish and Portuguese), John Scanlan (School of Law), Josep Sobrer (Spanish and Portuguese), Timothy Tilton (Political Science), Stephen Wailes (Germanic Studies), Lois Wise (School of Public and Environmental Affairs)
Associate Professors
George Alter (History), Joelle Bahloul (Jewish Studies and Anthropology), Michael Berkvam (French and Italian), Andrea Ciccarelli (French and Italian), Marc Dollinger (Kelley School of Business), John Efron (History), Catherine Fraser (Germanic Studies), Owen V. Johnson (School of Journalism), Ilinca Johnston (Comparative Literature and Communication and Culture), Thomas Lyon (Kelley School of Business), Barbara Klinger (Comparative Literature), David Pace (History), Angela Pao (Comparative Literature), Robert Rohrschneider (Political Science), Richard Stryker (Political Science)
Assistant Professor
Carl Ipsen
Academic Advising
David Audretsch, Ballantine Hall 542, (812) 855-3280
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The West European Studies Program (WEUR) aims to provide an interdisciplinary program of instruction. Focus is on modern Europe-defined to include problems from the past relevant to an understanding of the present. To give structure to the program, a series of core courses and seminars is offered, and courses from other departments and schools that address topics concerning Western Europe are cross-listed. Further information, including listings of current course offerings, is available from the program office, Ballantine Hall 542.
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Minor in West European Studies
Students must meet with the West European studies academic advisor to apply for acceptance.
Students must complete the following:
- W301/Y335.
- Two 400-level West European studies courses (excluding W415 and W496) or a cross-listed course.
- Two additional West European studies courses. This may include W415, W496, or a cross-listed course.
- Four semesters of a West European language or equivalent.
With approval of the undergraduate advisor, students may use one Topics course (COAS E103 or E104) on Western Europe in fulfilling requirement number three above.
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Course Descriptions
W210 Honors Seminar (3 cr.) Intensive examination of selected topics for freshman and sophomore honors students. Emphasis on critical discussion and preparation of papers. May be repeated once for credit.
W301 Modern European Politics and Society (3 cr.) CSB The politics, economics, and social structures of Western European countries. Examination of selected domestic and international issues, including the welfare states, the European community, and West-East European relations.
W304 Model European Union (1-3 cr.) A course with two interrelated parts. The first involves an analysis of the decision-making powers of the European Union (EU). This analysis then leads to a formal simulation of the EU. This course may be repeated for credit, for a maximum of 3 credit hours.
W401 Topics in European Intellectual History (3 cr.) A survey of modern European intellectual history from the French Revolution to the present. Open to advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
W405 Special Topics in West European Studies (3 cr.) CSB, approved topics only. Selected ideas, trends, and problems in contemporary Western Europe from the perspective of social and behavioral sciences. Specific topics will be announced each semester. May be repeated for up to 12 credit hours with different topics. I Sem., II Sem.
W406 Special Topics in West European Studies (3 cr.) CSB, approved topics only. Selected ideas, trends, and problems in contemporary Western Europe from the perspective of arts and humanities. Specific topics will be announced each semester. May be repeated for up to 12 credit hours with different topics. I Sem., II Sem., SS.
W415 Individual Readings in West European Studies (1-3 cr.; may be repeated) P: consent of instructor and chairperson. I Sem., II Sem., SS.
W496 Foreign Study of Western Europe (3-8 cr.) P: Consent of chairperson. Planning of research project during summer or semester preceding year or summer abroad. Time spent in research abroad must amount to at least one week for each credit hour granted. Research paper must be presented by end of semester following foreign study. May only be taken once. I Sem., II Sem., SS.
Modern Greek
E100 Beginning Modern Greek I (4 cr.) A rapid survey of fundamentals designed to acquaint the student with the oral and written language. Especially useful for those planning to study or travel in Greece and for those planning to read modern Greek literature. I Sem.
E150 Beginning Modern Greek II (4 cr.) P: E100 or equivalent. Second semester of a rapid survey of fundamentals designed to acquaint the student with the oral and written language. Especially useful for those planning to study or travel in Greece and for those planning to read modern Greek literature. II Sem.
E200 Second-Year Modern Greek (3 cr.) P: E150 or equivalent. Completion of grammar and syntax not covered in E100-E150 and practice in reading selections from a number of modern writers. I Sem.
E250 Readings in Modern Greek Writers (3 cr.) P: E200 or equivalent. Continuation of first-semester E200 Second-Year Modern Greek. Students enrolling must have either taken E200 or placement exam. Course will build on language skills acquired during first semester. This will involve covering more advanced grammar and vocabulary, and developing writing skills. Emphasis placed on verbal expression.
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Joint-Listed Courses
The following courses will partially fulfill the minor in West European studies requirements. These joint-listed courses are occasionally offered under West European studies course numbers. For general seminar courses, students should verify West European studies credit with the West European studies academic advisor.
Students may find a course on modern Western Europe that is not listed among the joint-listed courses. In such a case, they should consult the West European Studies academic advisor.
Comparative Literature
C400 Studies in Comparative Literature (Modern Europe) (3 cr.) A & H
French and Italian
M450 Seminar in Italian Literature (Modern Era) (3 cr.)
M455 Readings in Italian Cinema (3 cr.) A & H
B378 History of Germany since 1648 II (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
J400 Seminar for History Majors (Modern Europe) (3 cr.) S & H
Political Science
Y331 British Politics (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
Y335 Western European Politics (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
Y362 International Politics of Selected Regions (Europe) (3 cr.) S & H
Y376 International Political Economy (3 cr.) S & H
Y401 Topics in Political Science (Europe) (3 cr.) S & H
Communication and Culture
C394 History of European and American Films II (Europe) (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
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Cross-Listed Courses
The following cross-listed courses are not joint-listed as West European Studies courses. Only one cross-listed course may be used to fulfill the West European Studies minor, unless prior approval is granted by the West European Studies academic advisor or department chairperson.
E370 Peasant Society and Culture (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
Comparative Literature
C337 The Twentieth Century: Tradition and Change (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
C347 Ideas in Literature (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
E303 Survey of International Economics (3 cr.) S & H
L305 Chaucer (3 cr.) A & H
L306 Middle English Literature (3 cr.) A & H
L308 Elizabethan Drama and Its Background (3 cr.) A & H
L309 Elizabethan Poetry (3 cr.) A & H
L313 Early Plays of Shakespeare (3 cr.) A & H
L314 Late Plays of Shakespeare (3 cr.) A & H
L317 English Poetry of the Early Seventeenth Century (3 cr.) A & H
L318 Milton (3 cr.) A & H
L320 Restoration and Early Eighteenth-Century Literature (3 cr.) A & H
L327 Later Eighteenth-Century Literature (3 cr.) A & H
L332 Romantic Literature (3 cr.) A & H
L335 Victorian Literature (3 cr.) A & H
L345 Twentieth-Century British Poetry (3 cr.) A & H
L346 Twentieth-Century British Fiction (3 cr.) A & H
L347 British Fiction to 1800 (3 cr.) A & H
L348 Nineteenth-Century British Fiction (3 cr.) A & H
L365 Modern Drama: Continental (3 cr.) A & H
L366 Modern Drama: English, Irish, American, and Post-Colonial (3 cr.) A & H
L369 Studies in British and American Authors (3 cr.) A & H
L373 Interdisciplinary Approaches to English and American Literature I (3 cr.) A & H
L375 Studies in Jewish Literature (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
L378 Studies in Women and Literature (3 cr.) A & H
L380 Literary Modernism (3 cr.) A & H
L383 Studies in British or Commonwealth Culture (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
L395 British and American Film Studies (3 cr.) A & H
L450 Seminar: British and American Authors (3 cr.)
Fine Arts
A226 Survey of Medieval Art (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
A233 Renaissance and Baroque Art in Italy, 1250-1700 (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
A234 (FRIT M234) Renaissance Florence (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
A310 Topics in Ancient Art (3 cr.) A & H
A312 The Art of the Roman Empire from Augustus to Constantine (3 cr.) S & H
A313 Greek Pottery and Painting (3 cr.)
A314 History of Greek Sculpture (3 cr.)
A321 Early Medieval Art (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
A322 Romanesque and Gothic Art (3 cr.) S & H
A325 Medieval Architecture (3 cr.) S & H
A331 Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Art in Italy (3 cr.) S & H
A332 Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Art in Southern Europe (3 cr.) S & H
A333 From Van Eyck to Vermeer (3 cr.) S & H
A337 Age of Rubens and Rembrandt (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
A341 Nineteenth-Century European Art (3 cr.) S & H
A342 Twentieth-Century Art (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
A347 Picasso (3 cr.) A & H
A349 Dada and Surrealism (3 cr.)
A350 Topics in Modern Art (3 cr.)
A410 Topics in Ancient Art (4 cr.) S & H
A412 (CLAS C412) The Art and Archaeology of the Aegean (3 cr.) A & H
A413 (CLAS C413) The Art and Archaeology of Greece (3 cr.) A & H
A414 (CLAS C414) The Art and Archaeology of Rome (3 cr.) A & H
A415 Roman Painting (4 cr.) S & H
A416 Greek Architecture (4 cr.)
A417 Roman Sculpture (4 cr.) S & H
A418 Roman Architecture (4 cr.)
A419 Fieldwork in Ancient and Medieval Archaeology (1-8 cr.)
A421 Early Christian Art (4 cr.) S & H
A423 Romanesque Art (4 cr.) S & H
A424 Gothic Art (4 cr.) S & H
A425 Byzantine Art (4 cr.) S & H
A426 History of Medieval Stained Glass (3 cr.)
A436 Italian Art of the Fifteenth Century (4 cr.) S & H
A437 Early Netherlandish Painting (4 cr.) S & H
A440 Nineteenth-Century Painting (4 cr.) CSB
A441 Nineteenth-Century Painting II (4 cr.) CSB
A442 Twentieth-Century Art, 1900-1924 (4 cr.) CSB
A449 Twentieth-Century Art, 1925-1970 (4 cr.)
Folklore and Ethnomusicology
F312 European Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
French and Italian
F300 Lectures et analyses littéraires (3 cr.) A & H
F305 Théâtre et essai (3 cr.) A & H
F306 Roman et poésie (3 cr.) A & H
F310 Twentieth-Century Literature in Translation (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
F311 Contemporary France: Film and Culture (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
F317 French in the Business World (3 cr.) S & H
F333 Intensive Writing in French Culture (3 cr.) CSB
F361 Introduction historique à la civilisation française I (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
F362 Introduction historique à la civilisation française II (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
F363 Introduction à la France moderne (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
F375 Thèmes et perspectives littéraires (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
F402 Introduction to French Linguistics (3 cr.)
F410 French Literature of the Middle Ages (3 cr.) CSA
F413 French Renaissance (3 cr.)
F423 Tragédie classique (3 cr.)
F424 Comédie classique (3 cr.)
F425 Prose et poésie du dix-septième siècle (3 cr.)
F435 Enlightenment Narrative (3 cr.)
F436 Voltaire, Diderot, and Rousseau (3 cr.)
F443 Nineteenth-Century Novel I (3 cr.)
F444 Nineteenth-Century Novel II (3 cr.)
F445 Nineteenth-Century Drama (3 cr.)
F446 Poésie du dix-neuvième siècle (3 cr.)
F450 Colloquium in French Studies (2-3 cr.) A & H, CSA
F453 Le Roman au 20e siècle I (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
F454 Le Roman au 20e siècle II (3 cr.)
F456 La Poésie au 20e siècle (3 cr.) A & H
F459 Le Théâtre au 20e siècle (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
F461 La France contemporaine (3 cr.) CSB
F463 Civilisation française I (3 cr.) CSA
F464 Civilisation française II (3 cr.) CSB
F474 Thème et version (3 cr.)
F475 Le Français oral: cours avancé (2 cr.)
M234 Renaissance Florence (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
M235 Rome, the City and the Myth (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
M305 Civiltà Italiana Moderna (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
M307 Masterpieces of Italian Literature I (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
M308 Masterpieces of Italian Literature II (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
M315 Italian Conversation and Diction I (3 cr.)
M316 Italian Conversation and Diction II (3 cr.)
M333 Dante and His Times (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
M345 Literature of Italian Renaissance Art (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
M390 Studies in the Italian Film (3 cr.) A & H
M403 Italian Renaissance Epic (3 cr.) A & H
M435 Theatre Workshop (3 cr.)
M445 Risorgimento (3 cr.)
M446 Nineteenth-Century Italian Literature (3 cr.)
M450 Seminar in Italian Literature (3 cr.)
M453 Twentieth-Century Italian Literature and Culture (3 cr.) A & H
M455 Readings in the Italian Cinema (3 cr.) A & H
M456 Il Decadentismo Italiano (3 cr.)
G428 Geography of Western Europe (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
Germanic Studies
G300 Deutsch: Mittelstufe I (3 cr.)
G305 Introduction to German Literature: Types (3 cr.) A & H
G306 Introduction to German Literature: Themes (3 cr.) A & H
G330 Deutsch: Mittelstufe II (4 cr.)
G362 Deutsche Landeskunde (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
G363 Deutsche Kulturgeschichte (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
G400 Deutsch: Oberstufe (4 cr.)
G403 Deutsche Literatur: Mittelater bis Romantik (3 cr.) A & H
G404 Deutsche Literatur seit der Romantik (3 cr.) A & H
G415 Perspectives on German Literature (3 cr.) A & H
G416 Studies in German Authors (3 cr.) A & H
G418 German Film and Popular Culture (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
G448 The Sounds of Modern German (3 cr.) N & M
G451 Introduction to the Structure of Modern German (3 cr.) N & M
G458 Principles of German Word Formation (3 cr.) N & M
G464 Kultur und Gesellschaft (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
N350 Dutch Culture: The Modern Netherlands (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
N450 Introduction to the Civilization of the Netherlands (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
V400 Contemporary Germany (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
V405 Special Topics in German Studies (1-3 cr.)
V406 Literature and Society since 1945 (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
V415 Individual Readings in German Studies (1-3 cr.)
B323 History of the Holocaust (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
B324 Zionism and the State of Israel (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
B325 Christian-Jewish Relations (3 cr.) S & H
B342 Women in Medieval Society (3 cr.) S & H
B343 Medieval Sexuality (3 cr.) S & H
B351 Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
B352 Western Europe in the High and Later Middle Ages (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
B353 The Renaissance (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
B354 The Reformation (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
B355 Europe: Louis XIV to French Revolution (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
B356 French Revolution and Napoleon (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
B357 Modern France (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
B359 Europe from Napoleon to the First World War I (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
B360 Europe from Napoleon to the First World War II (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
B361 Europe in the Twentieth Century I (3 cr.) S & H
B362 Europe in the Twentieth Century II (3 cr.) S & H
B366 Paris and Berlin in the 1920s (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
B368 Modern Italy (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
B377 History of Germany since 1648 I (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
B378 History of Germany since 1648 II (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
B400 Issues in Western European History (3 cr.) S & H
History and Philosophy of Science
X456 Philosophy of Science in Antiquity (3 cr.) A & H
X370 Science and Gender (3 cr.) S & H
X371 Topics in the Science of Sex and Gender (3 cr.)
X390 Space, Time, and Relativity (3 cr.) A & H
X456 Historical Development of Philosophy of Science (3 cr.)
X451 Scientific Understanding (3 cr.) A & H
X452 Modern Philosophy of Science (3 cr.) A & H
Medieval Studies
M390 Studies in Medieval Culture (2-4 cr.)
M490 Topics in Medieval Studies (2-4 cr.)
P201 Ancient Greek Philosophy (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
P205 Modern Jewish Philosophy (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
P211 Modern Philosophy: Descartes through Kant (3 cr.) A & H
P304 Nineteenth-Century Philosophy (3 cr.) A & H
P305 Topics in the Philosophy of Judaism (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
P330 Marxist Philosophy (3 cr.) A & H
P335 Phenomenology and Existentialism (3 cr.) A & H
P340 Classics in Ethics (3 cr.) A & H
P343 Classics in Social and Political Philosophy (3 cr.) A & H
P345 Problems in Social and Political Philosophy (3 cr.) A & H
P371 Philosophy of Religion (3 cr.) A & H
Political Science
Y331 British Politics (3 cr.) S & H, CSB
Y350 European Integration (3 cr.) S & H
Y351 Political Simulations (1-3 cr.)
Y352 The Holocaust, Genocide, and Political Responsibility (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
Y362 International Politics of Selected Regions (3 cr.) S & H (when topic is on Western Europe)
Y363 Comparative Foreign Policy (3 cr.) S & H (when topic is on Western Europe)
Y366 Current Foreign Policy Problems (3 cr.) S & H
Y372 The Analysis of International Politics (3 cr.) S & H
Religious Studies
R220 The Christian Church in New Testament Times (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
R245 Introduction to Judaism (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
R320 Development of the Jesus Traditions (3 cr.) A & H
R325 Paul and His Influence in Early Christianity (3 cr.) A & H
R327 Christianity, 50-450 (3 cr.) A & H
R330 Christianity, 408-1500 (3 cr.) A & H
R331 Christianity, 1500-2000 (3 cr.) A & H
R333 Religion and Its Critics (3 cr.) A & H
R342 Religious Thought in Medieval Judaism (3 cr.) A & H
R345 Religious Issues in Contemporary Judaism (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
R362 Religion in Literature (3 cr.) A & H
R364 Feminist Critique of Western Religion (3 cr.) A & H
R420 Religion in the Ancient Mediterranean World (3 cr.) A & H
R425 Gnostic Religion and Literature (3 cr.) A & H
R430 Topics in the History of Christianity (3 cr.) A & H
S302 Organizational Life (3 cr.) S & H
S311 Politics and Society (3 cr.) S & H
S312 Education and Society (3 cr.) S & H
S313 Religion and Society (3 cr.) S & H
Spanish and Portuguese
C400 Catalan Language and Culture I (3 cr.)
C410 Catalan Language and Culture II (3 cr.)
C450 Modern Catalan Literature (3 cr.) A & H
P311 Advanced Grammar and Composition in Portuguese (3 cr.)
P400 Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World I (3 cr.) A & H
P401 Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World I (3 cr.) A & H
S315 Spanish in the Business World (3 cr.)
S331 The Hispanic World I (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
S332 The Hispanic World II (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
S333 The Hispanic World (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
S408 Survey of Spanish Literature II (3 cr.) A & H
S411 Spanish Culture and Civilization (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
S419 Modern Spanish Prose Fiction (3 cr.) A & H
S450 Don Quixote (3 cr.) A & H
S470 Women and Hispanic Literature (3 cr.) A & H
S473 Hispanic Literature and Literary Theory (3 cr.) A & H
S474 Hispanic Literature and Society (3 cr.) A & H
S495 Hispanic Colloquium (1-3 cr.)
Theatre and Drama
T370 History of Western Theatre and Drama I (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
T371 History of the Theatre II (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
T462 Development of Dramatic Art III (3 cr.) A & H, CSB
Kelley School of Business
D300 International Business Administration (3 cr.)
D301 International Business Environment (3 cr.)
D302 International Business: Operating International Enterprises (3 cr.)
School of Journalism
J414 International News-Gathering Systems (3 cr.)
J460 Reporting Foreign Affairs (3 cr.)
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