Certificate in African Studies
Course Descriptions
Cross-Listed Courses
Director and Graduate Advisor
Professor John Hanson
Associate Director and Undergraduate Advisor
Maria Grosz-Ngate
Salih Altoma (Emeritus, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures), A. B. Assensoh (Afro-American Studies), Harbans Bhola (School of Education), George Brooks (History), William Cohen (History), Hasan El-Shamy (Folklore and Ethnomusicology), Maurice Garnier (Sociology), Paula Girshick (Anthropology), Eileen Julien (Comparative Literature), Phyllis Martin (History), Heitor Martins (Emeritus, Spanish and Portuguese), Portia Maultsby (Folklore and Ethnomusicology), Patrick McNaughton (Fine Arts), Emilio Moran (Anthropology), Paul Newman (Linguistics), Christine Ogan (Journalism), Patrick O'Meara (Political Science, Public and Environmental Affairs), Robert Port (Linguistics), Darlene Sadlier (Spanish and Portuguese), Jeanne Sept, (Anthropology), Ruth Stone (Folklore and Ethnomusicology), Nicholas Toth (Anthropology), Albert Wertheim (English), Richard Wilk (Anthropology)
Associate Professors
Robert Botne (Linguistics), Trevor Brown (Journalism), Mellonee Burnim (Folklore and Ethnomusicology), Gracia Clark (Anthropology), Claude Clegg (History), Michael Gasser (Computer Science and Linguistics), Clark Gibson (Political Science), Maria Elizabeth Grabe (Journalism), John Hanson (History), Kevin Hunt (Anthropology), John Johnson (Folklore and Ethnomusicology), Patrick Munson (Anthropology), Samuel Obeng (Linguistics), Kathy Schick (Anthropology), Beverly Stoeltje (Folklore and Ethnomusicology), Richard Stryker (Political Science), Jon Unruh (Geography)
Assistant Professors
Marion Frank-Wilson (English), Jane Goodman (Communications and Culture), Maria Grosz-Ngate (Anthropology), Murray McGibbon (Theatre and Drama), Diane Pelrine (Fine Arts), Daniel Reed (Folklore and Ethnomusicology), Daniel Walker (History)
Academic Advising
Woodburn Hall 221, (812) 855-6825
Area Studies Librarian
Marion Frank-Wilson
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The African Studies Program (AFRI) provides unique opportunities for students on the Indiana University Bloomington campus to study with distinguished faculty members, to meet with visiting Africanists from all over the world, to learn African languages, and to use the outstanding facilities of the library, the Archives of Traditional Music, and the Fine Arts Museum. The program has both regional and subject-area concentrations in which faculty conduct research and offer courses. Regularly offered language courses include Arabic, Hausa, Swahili, Twi, and Xhosa (offered regularly on a tutorial basis). Tutorial sections in many other African languages are provided as student need requires.
Undergraduate students can earn a Certificate in African Studies by completing a flexible course of study designed to fit their individual interests and needs. A certificate is more rigorous than a minor, showing potential employers and graduate schools that students have completed a comprehensive course of study in an important world region. A Certificate in African Studies also complements a major in many departments and professional schools throughout the university. Recognition that a student has earned a certificate appears on the transcript along with the student's major department. The certificate is awarded upon graduation from Indiana University.
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Certificate in African Studies
The Certificate in African Studies provides a background for careers in foreign service, government, business, law, the academic world, and other areas.
Required Courses
The certificate requires completion of 18 credit hours of Africa-related course work. In addition to L231 African Civilization and L232 Africa in the Twentieth Century, students must complete four elective courses, one of which must be at the 300 or 400 level. Elective courses may be selected from the dozens of Africa-related courses taught in the major disciplines and schools of the university. To be counted toward the certificate, elective courses must be taught by an African Studies Program faculty affiliate.
Students must also enroll for two semesters in a language other than English that is spoken on the African continent or demonstrate proficiency in such a language.
Completion of the language proficiency requirement does not count toward the required 18 credit hours needed for the certificate. Each semester the Africa Studies Program provides a list of courses that can be taken for certificate credit.
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Course Descriptions
L231 African Civilization (3 cr.) S & H, CSA An historical introduction to Africa.
L232 Africa in the Twentieth Century (3 cr.) S & H, CSA An introduction to current social, economic, and political issues in Africa.
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Cross-Listed Courses
Afro-American Studies
A150 Survey of the Culture of Black Americans (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
A210 Black Women in the Diaspora (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
A352 Afro-American Art II: Afro-American Artists (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
A355 Afro-American History I (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
A356 Afro-American History II (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
A391 Black Nationalism (3 cr.) S & H
A394 Black Music in America (3) A & H, CSA
A400 Topics in Afro-American Studies (History of Social Movements: Afro-American and Pan-African Protest Strategies) (3 cr.)
A105 Human Origins and Prehistory (3 cr.) S & H
A303 Evolution and Prehistory (3 cr.) S & H
E105 Culture and Society (3 cr.) S & H
E200 Social and Cultural Anthropology (3 cr.) S & H
E310 Introduction to the Cultures of Africa (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
E400 Undergraduate Seminar (3 cr.)
E405 Principles of Social Organization (3 cr.)
E417 African Women (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
E420 Economic Anthropology (3 cr.) S & H
E427 Cultural Ecology (3 cr.) S & H
E440 Political Anthropology (3 cr.)
E455 Anthropology of Religion (3 cr.) S & H
E480 Theory of Culture Change (3 cr.)
E490 Development and Anthropology (3 cr.)
L200 Language and Culture (3 cr.) S & H
P200 Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology (3 cr.) S & H
P314 Earlier Prehistory of Africa (3 cr.) S & H
P315 Later Prehistory of Africa (3 cr.) S & H
P380 Prehistoric Diet and Nutrition (3 cr.) N & M
P600 Seminar in Prehistoric Archaeology: Problems in Paleoanthropology (3 cr.)
College of Arts and Sciences
E103 Topics Pertaining to African Studies (3 cr.)
E104 Topics Pertaining to African Studies (3 cr.)
Comparative Literature
C261 Introduction to African Literature (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
C340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.) A & H, CSA (Topics with emphasis on Africa)
C361 Literature and Cultures of Africa (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
C370 Arabic-Western Literary Relations (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
C400 Studies in Comparative Literature (3 cr.) A & H (Topics with emphasis on Africa)
C464 French Language Literature of Africa and the Americas (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
E337 Economic Development (3 cr.)
Fine Arts
A150 African, New World, and Oceanic Art (3 cr.) S & H
A250 Introduction to African Art (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
A356 Art of Central Africa (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
A453-A454 Art of Sub-Saharan Africa I-II (4-4 cr.) S & H, CSA
A455 Art, Craft, and Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa (3 cr.) CSA
A458 Topics in Ethnographic Arts (3 cr.) S & H
Folklore and Ethnomusicology
F101 Introduction to Folklore (3 cr.) A & H
F111 World Music and Culture (3 cr.) A & H
F121 Topic: Black Music of Two Worlds A & H, CSA
F301 African Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3) A & H, CSA
F307 Middle Eastern Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.) A & H, CSA (Topics with emphasis on North African communities)
F354 African American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
F492 Traditional Musical Instruments (3 cr.) A & H
F494 Transcription and Analysis of Traditional Music (3 cr.) A & H
G425 Africa: Contemporary Geography Problems (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
B391 Themes in World History (3 cr.) S & H
E100 Issues in African History (3 cr.) S & H
E331 African History from Ancient Times to Empires and City States (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
E332 African History from Colonial Rule to Independence (3-3 cr.) S & H, CSA
E333 Conflict in Southern Africa (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
E334 History of Western Africa (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
E336 History of East Africa (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
E338 History of Muslim West Africa (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
H101-H102 The World in the Twentieth Century I-II (3-3 cr.) I: S & H. II: S & H, CSA
H203 Islamic Civilization to 1300 (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
H227 African Civilization (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
J200 Seminar in History (3 cr.) S & H (Topics with emphasis on Africa)
B101-B102 Elementary Bambara I-II (4-4 cr.)
B201-B202 Intermediate Bambara I-II (3-3 cr.)
F101-F102 Elementary African Languages I-II (4-4 cr.) Twi, Zulu
F201-F202 Intermediate African Languages I-II (3-3 cr.) Twi, Zulu
F301-F302 Advanced African Languages I-II (3-3 cr.) Twi, Zulu
H101-H102 Elementary Hausa I-II (4-4 cr.)
H201-H202 Intermediate Hausa I-II (3-3 cr.)
H301-H302 Advanced Hausa I-II (3-3 cr.)
L367 Languages of the World (3 cr.) S & H
L431 Field Methods (3 cr.)
L432 Advanced Field Methods (3 cr.)
L480 Introduction to African Linguistics (3 cr.) S & H
L481 Languages in Africa (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
L490 Linguistic Structures (3 cr.)
S101-S102 Elementary Swahili I-II (4-4 cr.)
S201-S202 Intermediate Swahili I-II (3-3 cr.)
S301-S302 Advanced Swahili I-II (3-3 cr.)
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
A100-A150 Elementary Arabic I-II (4-4 cr.)
A200-A250 Intermediate Arabic I-II (3-3 cr.)
A300-A350 Advanced Arabic I-II (3-3 cr.)
N223 Conversational Arabic I (3 cr.)
N255 Multimedia Arabic (3 cr.)
N300 Literature of the Ottoman Court in Translation (3 cr.) A & H, CSA
N312 Classical Arabic Grammar (3 cr.)
Political Science
Y200 Contemporary Political Topics (3 cr.) S & H
Y324 Women and Politics (3 cr.) S & H
Y338 African Politics (3 cr.) S & H, CSA
Y342 Topics on the Regional Politics of Africa (3 cr.) S & H
Y343 Developmental Problems in the Third World (3 cr.) S & H
Y362 International Politics of Selected Regions (Africa) (3 cr.) S & H
Y396 Seminar: U.S. and World Hunger and Poverty (3 cr.)
Spanish and Portuguese
P290 Topics on Luso-Brazilian Culture (3 cr.) (Africa)
School of Journalism
J414 International News Gathering Systems (3 cr.) (Africa)
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) (Africa)
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