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Kelley School of
Business 2008-2010
Academic Bulletin

Undergraduate Program
Kelley School of Business  
Indiana University  
1309 East Tenth Street, BU224  
Bloomington, IN 47405  
Local: (812) 855-0611  
Contact Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate Program

About the Undergraduate Program
Objectives of the Program
Admission Requirements
Computer Recommendations
Policies Governing the Undergraduate Program

About the Undergraduate Program

The Undergraduate Program of the Kelley School of Business requires a breadth of education and provides opportunities for specialization. It ensures the development of a basic understanding of the principles, practices, and trends involved in the management of business organizations in the dynamic economic, social, and political environment of the world today. All business majors complete a rigorous semester of junior-level courses in the areas of marketing, operations, finance, and strategic management, known collectively as the Integrative Core or I-Core. In addition to the basic requirements, students choose from a wide variety of business majors.

The study of business and economics is complemented by the study of general education. As a member of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, the school subscribes to the principle that a significant portion of a student’s academic program should be in general education subjects. The application of this principle promotes a balanced program of study.

To develop leadership skills and a sense of social responsibility, students are strongly encouraged to participate in one or more of the several hundred student organizations and clubs at Indiana University. Through the Kelley School of Business Civic Leadership Development program, special emphasis is placed on volunteerism and the personal benefits derived from community service.

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Objectives of the Program

Graduates of the Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Program should possess:

  • a broad-based knowledge of business, the global business environment, and the role business plays in societies
  • an understanding of the diverse national, international, political, social, and economic environments in which businesses operate
  • a general knowledge and appreciation of accomplishments in the physical sciences, arts, humanities, and social sciences
  • the ability to articulate their thoughts orally and in writing
  • an understanding of how to incorporate ethical principles in all processes and decisions
  • an appreciation of the opportunities and problems involved in managing complex organizations
  • the skills and capability to work effectively with others in the completion of joint tasks
  • the ability to find and formulate problems, think analytically, and recommend solutions
  • the understanding and expertise needed to function effectively in an advanced technological environment

In summary, graduates of the Undergraduate Program of the Kelley School have the opportunity to acquire an education that will serve them throughout their lives and careers.

Admission Requirements

The Kelley School offers two admission options:

Direct Freshman Admission
Standard Admission

Direct Freshman Admission

Selected students may be offered the opportunity to enter the Kelley School as freshmen. These students must have a minimum SAT score of 1270 or a minimum ACT score of 29 and be in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class or have a 3.6 high school GPA. Students who meet these criteria must list business as their intended major on their IU application in order to be offered direct admission. Offers will be sent to students approximately one month following their admission to IU Bloomington.

Standard Admission

Standard Admission to the Kelley School is selective. To be considered, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be admitted to IU Bloomington and enrolled on the Bloomington campus for at least one term.
  2. Complete at least 26 credit hours of college coursework that count toward graduation. The coursework may be taken at Indiana University or at another accredited institution offering a comparable program.
  3. Achieve grades of B or better in all pre-admission college courses.
  4. Successfully complete the English Composition requirement.
  5. Successfully complete at least three of the following courses:
    1. BUS-K 201 The Computer in Business
    2. MATH-M 118 Finite Mathematics
    3. MATH-M 119 Brief Survey of Calculus I
    4. BUS-X 100 (or BUS-G 100)
  6. Submit an online application at www.kelley.iu.edu/ugrad by the required deadline. Application deadlines are April 1 for fall semester admission and November 1 for spring semester admission. Grades for all coursework required for fall admission must be recorded on the student’s IU Bloomington transcript by July 10.

Factors such as extracurricular activities, community service, work experience and optional letters of recommendation are also considered, but are of less importance than the academic performance factors.

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Computer Recommendations

Students must use computers that are capable of running Microsoft Office applications. For general advice regarding the purchase of a computer, contact the University Information Technology Services (UITS) Support Center at (812) 855-6789 or via e-mail at ithelp@indiana.edu. IU maintains some discount agreements with vendors which are applicable to personal purchases for students. Potential discount systems are available at http://uits.iu.edu/scripts/ose.cgi?amdt.ose.help.

UITS maintains a walk-in support center called the Information Commons located in the main library on the first floor (Monday–Thursday 8 a.m.–midnight; Friday 8 a.m.–9 p.m., Saturday noon–5 p.m., Sunday noon–midnight).

Students can find the Kelley School’s latest recommendations on new computer purchases or information on ordering notebook computers from the school-approved vendor on our website: www.kelley.iu.edu/ugrad.

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Policies Governing the Undergraduate Program

Grading System
Scholastic Standards
Academic Misconduct
Academic Regulations
Transfer Students
Transfer of Credit

Grading System

The official grading system of the university and the equivalent grade point values are as follows:

A+ or A 4.0 C 2.0
A- 3.7 C- 1.7
B+ 3.3 D+ 1.3
B 3.0 D 1.0
B- 2.7 D- 0.7
C+ 2.3 F 0.0

No grade points are assigned for the following grade symbols: I (incomplete), NC (no credit), NR (no report filed by instructor), P (passing), R (deferred), S (satisfactory), W (withdrawn), and FN (failed/not attending).

Grade Point Average
The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours completed in which grades of A through F are earned.

The GPA is based only upon coursework taken at Indiana University campuses. Credit earned at another institution might be applied toward degree requirements, but the grades earned at other institutions will not be calculated in the Indiana University semester or cumulative grade point averages.

Extended X Policy
Although students may utilize the Extended X policy (for courses taken within the first 45 college credit hours) for the university GPA, the Kelley School does not recognize the Extended X policy for Kelley School GPA purposes. The Kelley School includes both the Extended X grade and the original grade for the Kelley GPA; however, students do not receive additional credits for repeating a course. The Kelley GPA applies to admission, graduation, and all categories of academic standing for current students. However, the university GPA is the one that is listed on the official IU transcript. For further information, please see the guidelines outlined in the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin.

Auditing Classes
The Kelley School does not allow students to audit business courses.

Pass/Fail Option
Students in the Kelley School may elect to take a maximum of two courses under the Pass/Fail option per year. The procedure and deadline for declaring this option may be found in the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin. Special regulations affecting the Pass/Fail option for Kelley School students are as follows:

  1. Only one course each semester or one course for an entire summer may be taken under the Pass/Fail option.
  2. Pass/Fail may only be used for Supplemental Hours. Kelley School students may not take any business, 27-hour Core, or other required course Pass/Fail.
  3. A grade of P is not counted in the grade point average; a grade of F is included. Grades of P may not be changed to any other letter grade.

Incomplete Courses
A temporary grade of Incomplete (I) on the transcript indicates that the coursework completed is satisfactory but that the entire course has not been completed. A grade of I may be assigned only if the student is not in attendance during the last 25 percent of an academic term and the instructor has reason to believe that the absence was beyond the student’s control. Otherwise, the instructor shall assign a grade of F.

It is the instructor’s responsibility to specify the work to be done to remove the I grade and the period of time allowed for completion. Upon satisfactory completion of the work within the time allowed, the I will be removed and the earned grade recorded. An incomplete grade will be automatically changed to an F after one calendar year unless the course instructor has submitted a grade earlier. A student who has received a grade of Incomplete should not register for the course a second time, but should arrange with the instructor to have the I grade changed to a letter grade upon completion of requirements.

R Grade
The R grade (deferred grade) on the final report indicates that, for this course, the work of the student can be evaluated only after two or more terms. Courses in which an R grade is assigned will be announced as deferred grade courses in the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin.

The grade of W (withdrawal) is given automatically to the student who withdraws from courses by the registrar’s designated deadline as listed in the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin. The grade of W will be recorded on the date of withdrawal.

Withdrawals after the registrar’s deadline are rarely permitted. Exceptions are made only for urgent reasons. The desire to avoid a low grade is not an acceptable reason for withdrawal from a course after the registrar’s deadline.

In order to withdraw from a course after the automatic withdrawal period, Kelley School students must obtain a petition form from a business academic advisor and submit it to the Petitions Committee through the Undergraduate Program Office in the Kelley School. Students must provide written documentation supporting the petition. The Petitions Committee may give the instructor of the course the opportunity to comment on the petition if appropriate. A minimum of 10 business days is required for the Petitions Committee to determine approval or denial of a petition. If the petition is approved, the student will be assigned an automatic grade of W. If the petition is denied, the student has two options: (1) to remain in the course and receive whatever grade is earned, or (2) to withdraw from the course with a grade of F, regardless of the student’s current grade in the course.

Non–business students enrolled in business courses must petition their own schools.

In the case of withdrawal from all subjects, a student must be passing the course(s) on the date of withdrawal to qualify for a grade of W. In any course that the student is failing on the date of withdrawal, the grade assigned will be F. Students who wish to withdraw from all courses during a semester must contact the Office of Student Advocates, Owen Hall 202, to complete the withdrawal process.

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Scholastic Standards

Minimum Grades
The Kelley School requires a grade of C or higher in all I-Core prerequisite courses. A minimum grade of C is also required in each of the five courses that comprise the Integrative Core. In addition, many majors within the school have minimum grade requirements. Please see a business academic advisor for accurate minimum grade requirements.

Students may repeat each course once to achieve the required grade. If, after the second attempt, the minimum grade of C is not met, the student must see a business academic advisor to discuss repeating the course again.

Academic Standing
A student is considered to be in good standing when his or her grade point average is 2.0 or higher for the last semester’s coursework and when his or her cumulative grade point average is at least 2.0.

Probation and Dismissal
The Probation Committee may review a student’s academic record at any time and take appropriate action. Any student who does not possess the necessary preliminary training or who lacks other qualifications may be required by the committee to enroll in such courses as the committee may designate or to take other corrective action. Upon the recommendation of the Probation Committee, and with the approval of the Dean of the Kelley School, any student whose work is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is unethical may be dismissed from the Kelley School.

A student is on general academic probation following any full-time enrollment period in which he or she fails to attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0. A student is on critical probation and may be subject to restricted enrollment or dismissal when the student’s cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0 or the student’s grade point average has been below 2.0 in two full-time enrollment periods. A student will not be able to graduate if the major grade point average or the cumulative grade point average is below 2.0. The student must meet with a business academic advisor to discuss the difficulties and plan for academic improvement for the following semester.

At the discretion of the Probation Committee, students may be dismissed from the Kelley School if their cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0 or if a student fails to meet the terms of his or her probation contract.

The Probation Committee may consider petitions from students who have been dismissed. In such cases, petitions must be submitted in accordance with the original terms of dismissal and at least 30 days prior to the semester or summer session in which the student wishes to be readmitted.

Honor Code
The Kelley School of Business Honor Code provides an opportunity for students to actively shape their future behaviors, values, and lifestyles. This student-written code proclaims a commitment to ethical principles and fair academic competition and unifies students by a set of values that holds honesty and integrity in the highest regard. The Kelley School of Business Student Ethics Committee works with faculty and students to ensure that the standards of the honor code are upheld. The Honor Code may be found at www.kelley.iu.edu/ugrad.

Academic Misconduct

Indiana University and the Kelley School expect students to follow the fundamental principles of academic integrity in the pursuit of learning. Academic integrity requires that students take credit only for ideas and efforts that are their own. Violation of these principles is considered an act of misconduct.

Academic misconduct is defined in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The penalties and procedures that apply when academic misconduct occurs are stated in the code. The policy on academic misconduct is also printed each semester in the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin.

The Kelley School strictly follows the guidelines stated in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. In addition, the school may also consider it appropriate to remove the student from the course involved and to assign a grade of F.

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Academic Regulations

Academic Standing
Academic standing is determined by the total number of credit hours completed for graduation. The following credit hours are required: senior, 86 or more; junior, 56-85; sophomore, 26-55; freshman, fewer than 26.

Term Load
A typical academic load is 15 to 17 credit hours per term. Students wishing to register for more than 19 credit hours in a given term should have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher or have attained a grade point average of at least 3.0 during the previous full term. To enroll in more than 19 credit hours, students must see a business academic advisor for authorization.

Addition of Classes
No course may be added after the first two weeks of a full term or the first week of a summer session unless the instructor of the class recommends that an exception be made to this policy, and there is seating room according to the fire code. Because of the nature of the work, the length of the class, or group assignments, some instructors only allow students to add their courses during the first week of a term.

Business Courses Numbered 300-499
Enrollment in business courses numbered 300-499 is limited to the following students:

  1. Kelley School students.
  2. Non-Kelley School students who are planning to complete one of the business minors or a Business Foundations Certificate.
  3. Non-Kelley School students who are registered for degree programs requiring specific business courses (such programs include Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design, Health Administration, Journalism, Sports Marketing and Management, Informatics, and Telecommunications). Enrollment will be permitted only in required business courses. Prerequisites must be fulfilled for admission to business courses.
  4. Other students with specific permission of the department offering the course (departments may choose to declare certain courses as open enrollment courses).

Credit for Independent Study by Correspondence/Distance Education
The Kelley School faculty and staff strongly advise students to complete all their coursework in the classroom. The school will, however, accept a total of six credits by correspondence study or distance education to count toward some portions of the degree. Because of their basic importance in the degree program, the following courses may not be taken online, by correspondence study or distance education: admission courses, business courses, I-Core prerequisites, and ECON-E 202.

Note: All correspondence/distance education courses taken in the final semester to fulfill degree requirements must be completed three weeks prior to the end of the semester to allow time for final grades to be posted.

Credit by Self-Acquired Competency
The Kelley School does not award academic credit on the basis of self-acquired competency. However, the school will give examinations for credit in specific courses if the department offering the course believes that a student’s experience gives the student a reasonable chance of passing the examination. To be eligible to take a credit examination, the student must be currently enrolled at Indiana University.

The Kelley School will not accept self-acquired competency credit, for business coursework, awarded by any other division/school of Indiana University or by other institutions.

For non–business courses, the school will accept credit for specific courses awarded on the basis of self-acquired competency by other baccalaureate degree-granting units of Indiana University and by other institutions accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges or comparable regional associations.

Kelley School students are encouraged to pursue internships; those interested should contact the Kelley Undergraduate Career Services Office (UCSO). During the term (summer, fall, or spring) of the internship, students should enroll in either BUS-W 499 (no credit) or BUS-X 490 (includes academic work, for credit). Students apply for authorization to enroll in either of these courses through the UCSO website at https://ucso.indiana.edu/cgi-bin/index.cfm.

Physical Education Courses
A maximum of 4 credit hours of physical education (HPER-E) courses may be applied toward the 124 credit hour total required for graduation and/or the 62 credit hour total required for general education.

ROTC Courses
Indiana University grants academic credit for ROTC courses offered by the Departments of Aerospace Studies and Military Science. Credits earned for ROTC courses will be counted toward the degree requirements as Supplemental General Education credits.

Prerequisites for Business Courses
Students must have the prerequisites on their IU transcript or be currently enrolled in the prerequisites exactly as indicated in the notes of the online Schedule of Classes for each course.

Duplication of Credit
Before enrolling in any course, students are strongly advised to check with a business academic advisor about potential problems with cross listing or course duplication.

Transfer of Integrative Core Credit
Students who expect to earn the Bachelor of Science in Business from the Bloomington campus must complete the courses in the business Integrative Core on the Bloomington campus. Exceptions to this are made only for students who completed the Integrative Core at IUPUI before transferring to the Bloomington campus.


Senior Residence Requirement
Students who expect to receive the B.S. degree in business from IU Bloomington must complete the final 30 credit hours of coursework toward the degree program on the Bloomington campus or in an approved program. For exceptions to this requirement, please see a business academic advisor in the Kelley School.

Graduation Applications
Candidates for the B.S. degree in business must apply for graduation online at www.kelley.iu.edu/ugrad/apps. Application deadlines are September 15 for December graduation, November 1 for May graduation, and February 1 for June or August graduation. Failure to apply by the deadline might delay the official date of graduation.

Credits for all coursework, including final term courses, independent study, correspondence, distance education, and transfer coursework, must be recorded on the candidate’s Indiana University transcript prior to the degree conferral deadline.

Statute of Limitations
Candidates for the B.S. degree in business have the right to complete the degree requirements specified by the bulletin in effect at the time they entered Indiana University, provided: (1) the required courses are available and (2) no more than eight calendar years have elapsed since the date of entry. In the event that the required courses are not available or that more than eight years have elapsed, students must apply to the Undergraduate Program Office in the Kelley School to have their programs updated to meet the degree requirements currently in effect.

Transfer Students

Transfer students must be admitted to Indiana University and enroll through the University Division for at least the first term on campus. They are then eligible to apply using Standard Admission. Transfer students must apply for Kelley School admission and be admitted during their first two terms on the IU Bloomington campus.

Transfer students are not guaranteed the availability of needed courses during their first term and it is likely that transfer students will need more than four years in order to complete their degree. Overall, the Kelley School recommends that students transfer as soon as possible so that they prepare for upper level business courses by taking the prerequisites on the IU Bloomington campus. Business academic advisors can assist students in evaluating which courses are best taken at IU Bloomington and which ones are appropriate to take at other schools. The Kelley School does not recommend transfer after the first four terms of undergraduate work.

Transfer of Credit

Transfers from Colleges and Universities outside the U.S.
The Kelley School does not award business course credit for business courses transferred from colleges or universities outside the United States. All business courses taken outside the United States will be accepted for undistributed (elective) credit hours only.

Students who have taken a business computer skills, financial accounting, or managerial accounting class will be able to sit for a competency exam in any of these three areas during the first week of fall or spring classes. Students who perform successfully on these competency tests will receive course waivers, but not course credit.

This policy changes the amount of time required for international transfer students to complete Kelley School degree requirements. Students considering transfer, who have already completed a considerable number of business courses, are encouraged to carefully examine the advisability of transferring to the Kelley School to complete an undergraduate degree.

Transfers from Other Colleges and Universities inside the U.S.
Acceptance of credit from other U.S. institutions will be determined by the Indiana University Office of Admissions. The applicability of credit toward degree requirements in the Kelley School will be determined by the school.

  • 100/200 level business courses that are accepted for transfer are usually accepted for specific course equivalency.
  • 300/400 level business courses may not be taken away from the Bloomington campus; transfer credit for these courses will be accepted as undistributed (elective) credit only.

Transfer of Credits from Other Indiana University Campuses
Students who wish to transfer to the Kelley School at Bloomington from another IU campus are required to meet the same admission requirements to the school as students from other institutions. As is true for other transfer students, students transferring from another IU campus must complete an Inter-Campus Transfer Request and enroll through the University Division for their first term on the Bloomington campus; they are eligible to apply for admission to business after they have completed at least one Bloomington term and all of their business admission courses; they must apply for Kelley School admission and be admitted during their first two terms on the IU Bloomington campus.

Students who expect to earn the B.S. degree in business from IU’s Bloomington campus must complete the last 30 credit hours of the degree program in Bloomington. I-Core must be taken on the Bloomington campus or on the IUPUI campus prior to transfer to the Bloomington campus.

Transfer Credit Details
The total number of credits accepted for transfer from a four-year institution is limited to a maximum of 90 credit hours. The total number of credits accepted for transfer from a junior college or a community college is limited to a maximum of 60 credit hours. If credits are transferred from both two- and four-year schools, the combined number of credits accepted for transfer is 90. Although they are often visible on the transcript and are considered for admission purposes, course grades from non-IU institutions are not included in the IU GPA; only credit hours earned in a course are recorded. Course grades from other IU campuses are included in the GPA. The official evaluation of credit is completed after a student is admitted to the university. However, many course equivalencies can be found on the IU Admissions Credit Transfer Services website at http://cts.admissions.indiana.edu/index.cfm.

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