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School of Public
and Environmental
Affairs 2008-2010
Academic Bulletin

SPEA Web Site
Undergraduate Advising Office
SPEA 240
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405-1701
(800) 765-7755 Local (812) 855-0635
Contact SPEA

SPEA Web Site
Business/SPEA Building (BS) 3027
801 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-4656 toll free (877) 292-9321
Contact SPEA

Undergraduate Programs

Programs and Information
Requirements for Admission
Policies Governing the Undergraduate Program
Honors and Accelerated Master’s Programs
International Programs
Washington Leadership Program
Indiana Leadership Seminar
Indiana Law Enforcement and Indianapolis Fire Department Academy Credits

Programs and Information

The Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers a wide range of undergraduate programs on their Bloomington-Indianapolis core campuses. The undergraduate degrees are the Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs (B.S.P.A.), the Bachelor of Science in Public Health (B.S.P.H.), the Bachelor of Science in Health Services Management (B.S.H.S.M.), the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (B.S.C.J.), Bachelor of Science in Arts Management (B.S.A.M.) and, through a joint program with the College of Arts and Sciences, a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (B.S.E.S.). The Associate of Science in Criminal Justice (A.S.C.J.) degree is offfered on the Columbus campus. In addition, the undergraduate program includes minors and certificate programs.

On July 1, 2008, the Divisions of Public and Environmental Affairs located on the Fort Wayne, Kokomo, Northwest (Gary), and East (Richmond) campuses became SPEA affiliated programs. As affiliated programs, these divisions will continue to offer the SPEA curriculum approved for their campus; will continue to grant SPEA degrees to students who fulfill the necessary degree requirements; and will continue to use the SPEA name for academic purposes. Courses will continue to be transferable between the affiliated programs and the Bloomington-Indianapolis core campus programs. Not all degrees, minors, and certificates are offered at all campuses.

Information concerning these programs can be obtained by visiting our Web site at www.indiana.edu/~speaweb or from the following SPEA core campus offices:

Director, Undergraduate Programs
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
SPEA Building 240
Indiana University
1315 E. Tenth Street
Bloomington, IN 47405-2100
(812) 855-9485
Toll free: (800) 765-7755

Student Services Office
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Business/SPEA Building 3027
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
801 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5152
(317) 274-4656
Toll free: (877) 292-9321

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Requirements for Admission

SPEA Bloomington requires application to its undergraduate programs before a student reaches 75 credit hours. It is a competitive admission process. Students are required to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3 and to complete one of the courses listed below with a minimum grade of C.
SPEA-E 162 Environment and People (3 cr.)
SPEA-E 272 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 160 National and International Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3 cr.)

The minimum cumulative GPA requirement for admission may be subject to change. Students should apply for admission when they are enrolled in the preadmission course. Admission decisions are based on the grade in the above required course, the SPEA GPA, the cumulative GPA, and grade trends. A minimum cumulative GPA requirement for admission is established each semester.

Applications for the Bloomington programs are available in the SPEA Undergraduate Advising Office (SPEA 240) and on the Web at www.indiana.edu/~speaweb/admissions/ba_apply_online.php. Application deadlines are May 1 for fall admission and December 1 for spring admission.

Direct Admission to SPEA Bloomington
Students directly admitted into SPEA out of high school have the advantages of not having to apply for admission to SPEA in their sophomore year (a competitive process); they work directly with SPEA advisors, faculty, and upperclassmen during their freshman year; and they get a jumpstart on planning their academic and post-baccalaureate careers. Directly admitted students may also receive priority attention if they apply for SPEA’s prestigious Washington Leadership Program and they receive peer mentoring from a SPEA Student Ambassador. To be eligible for direct admission to SPEA, a student must indicate on their IU admission application that they are interested in being admitted directly to SPEA. They must also be accepted to Indiana University. Direct admit students must rank within the top 15% of their high school class and score a minimum of 1250 on the SAT or score a minimum of 28 on the ACT.

SPEA Indianapolis has a special program to admit freshman students simultaneously to SPEA and to the University College. To be eligible for this dual admission, applicants must meet the general university and campus requirements for admission; have a minimum combined SAT (or equivalent) test score of 990 and be in the top quartile in their high school ranking.

Students who do not qualify for dual admission at Indianapolis or choose not to apply for freshman-level entry may be admitted to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs after they have completed 12 credit hours with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00.

Indianapolis undergraduate students who are admitted to SPEA are required to attend the Undergraduate Induction, which is scheduled during the fall and spring semesters. The induction provides students with an opportunity to become acquainted with SPEA faculty and staff, and orients students to SPEA’s policies and procedures to ensure a successful transition to SPEA.

Intercampus Transfer

Students admitted to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at any campus of Indiana University may transfer permanently to SPEA on another campus, provided they meet the requirements for admission and good academic standing at the desired campus. Students wanting a temporary intercampus transfer need only meet the good academic standing requirements.

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Policies Governing the Undergraduate Program

The following academic policies of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs are applicable to all SPEA undergraduate programs regardless of the campus where they are offered. Additional policies at individual campuses may also apply to SPEA students.

Grading Policies
SPEA follows the official grading system of Indiana University, which is as follows:

A+, A = 4.00
C = 2.00
A– = 3.70
C– = 1.70
B+ = 3.30
D+ = 1.30
B = 3.00
D = 1.00
B– = 2.70
D– = 0.70
C+ = 2.30
F = 0.00

The following grades carry no points: I (Incomplete—an Incomplete will change to an F if the work is not completed within the time period specified by the instructor [an instructor can specify any period of time up to one year]), NR (No Grade Reported), P (Pass), R (Deferred), S (Satisfactory), W (Withdrawal —check the current Enrollment and Student Academic Information Handbook for deadlines).

On the Bloomington campus, any SPEA undergraduate student may retake a course for which he/she received a grade below an A during the first 45 hours of course work. Students may exercise this option for no more than three courses, totaling no more than 10 credits and may use this option only once for a given course.

The Indianapolis campus has an expanded policy for grade replacement. A student may replace any grade in a course by retaking it a second time. Both courses must have been taken since fall of 1996 at IUPUI and must be processed prior to graduation. Students may replace 5 grades for a total of 15 credit hours.

Good Academic Standing
Students are in good academic standing when their semester and their cumulative grade point averages are 2.00 or above and their SPEA grade point average is at least 2.30. Students must be in good academic standing to graduate.

A student will be placed on academic probation if his/her cumulative or semester grade point average is below 2.00 or his/her SPEA GPA falls below 2.30. In order for the SPEA GPA to be considered, a student must have completed 12 or more credit hours in the major. If a student is not making satisfactory progress toward a degree at the conclusion of the probation semester, the student may be dismissed from the school.

Critical Probation
Under special circumstances, SPEA students may be placed on critical probation. If the student is given the opportunity to enroll under critical probation, SPEA will establish strict conditions that must be met before that student will be allowed to register for future classes.

Students who fail to return to good standing at the conclusion of critical probation may be dismissed from the school.

If, in the opinion of the appropriate program director, a student is not making satisfactory progress toward his/her degree, he/she may be dismissed. Dismissed students will have their upcoming semester courses cancelled.

Dismissed students must petition their campus program director for readmission. Dismissed students whose petitions are denied will not be allowed to register.

The Indianapolis Forgiveness Policy applies to former IU students pursuing a first undergraduate degree who have been away from the IU system and have not attended any other college or university, including any campus of IU, for the last five years. Students may apply for forgiveness upon application for admission to a degree-granting unit. If the student has not yet been admitted to a degree-granting unit, the student should submit a notification of intent to petition for academic forgiveness as part of the academic advising process. If the petition is approved, the student starts with a fresh cumulative grade point index, after which all the rules of academic probation and dismissal (for SPEA) will apply. The school will evaluate the student’s transcript, and all courses taken previously will remain on the permanent record. Only credit hours for courses with grades C or above, P, or S may be counted toward degree completion. After approval, the student must complete a minimum of 32 credit hours on the IUPUI campus in order to meet the graduation residency requirement.

Grade Appeals
Students have one year to appeal a grade given by a SPEA faculty member. Students in Indianapolis have 90 days after the conclusion of a course to appeal a grade. Resolution of the issue with the class instructor must be attempted before submitting a written appeal to the appropriate program director. In the event the instructor for the Indianapolis campus cannot be contacted, the student must give a notice of intent to appeal at 90 days.

Student Rights and Responsibilities
Each student is responsible for knowing their rights and responsibilities as a member of the academic community as outlined in the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. In accordance with federal law, student records are confidential and are available to other persons only under specific conditions, as outlined in university regulations. Among the student’s obligations is that each student is responsible for knowing and meeting the requirements for their academic programs. Faculty and staff are available to guide and assist students, but the responsibility rests with the student. SPEA students who engage in academic or personal misconduct are subject to SPEA’s judicial process and disciplinary actions.

SPEA Indianapolis fully supports the rights and responsibilities of students as defined in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The code spells out expectations for faculty and students, and provides the framework for SPEA’s judicial process. SPEA students are expected to meet their responsibilities for academic and personal conduct. Failure to meet these responsibilities will subject the student to the school’s judicial process and disciplinary actions.

Academic Integrity
This is a basic principle requiring that students take credit only for ideas and efforts that are their own. Academic dishonesty violates that principle and undermines the bonds of trust and cooperation among members of the university community. Penalties and procedures that are applicable when academic misconduct or dishonesty occurs are provided in the SPEA Student Honor Code (www.iu.edu/~speaweb/careers/honor_code.php), and the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. The policy on academic dishonesty is also published each semester in the Bloomington Enrollment and Student Academic Information Handbook. Indianapolis publishes its policies in the Undergraduate Student Handbook, which is distributed annually to incoming students, and in the Syllabus Addendum, which is distributed to all students each semester.

Indianapolis Statement on Civility
SPEA, which is a professional school, expects students to conduct themselves in a courteous and civil manner in interactions with professors, staff, and fellow students. Examples of discourteous behavior during class include reading the newspaper, working crossword puzzles, listening to headphones, using computers to surf the Web or for other non-class activities, talking or laughing with others, arriving late, and so forth. These behaviors are distracting to the instructor, to staff, and to classmates, and SPEA faculty and staff will address these problems as they arise either in class or on an individual basis. Disorderly conduct that interferes with teaching, research, administration, or other university or university-authorized activity will not be tolerated, and it may result in disciplinary action, including possible suspension and/or expulsion from the university.

Sex Offenders Screening Policy for Students/Applicants
Indianapolis applicants should be aware that criminal convictions may result in ineligibility for participation in certain courses/activities within the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Questions regarding school policy on such matters should be addressed to the appropriate program director or the director of student services.

Other Policies Concerning Degree Requirements

Bulletin Policy
Students are expected to complete the requirements for their undergraduate degree within 10 years of admission to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Students are allowed to continue beyond this time period only at the discretion of the undergraduate program director or campus director. If a student has not taken classes for three years or more, that student must satisfy the program requirements of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs in effect at the time of reactivation. Requests for deviation from requirements listed in the bulletin must be approved in writing by the program director, whose decision is final.

Transfer Course Policy On the Indianapolis campus, no more than 50 percent of courses taken to satisfy the requirements of the Criminal Justice or Public Safety Management degrees.

Concentrations may be transfer courses from other accredited institutions of higher learning, including all IU campuses.

Hours Requirements
Students must successfully complete a minimum of 120 credit hours for most of the Bachelor of Science degrees and a minimum of 60 credit hours for the Associate of Science degree. However, the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science requires 122 credit hours. The campus at which a student completes the plurality of course work will award the degree, provided that campus is authorized to grant the degree/major/concentration and that the student has been admitted to that campus. Students may transfer no more than 90 credit hours (60 credits from a junior college) toward a Bachelor of Science degree or 30 credit hours toward an Associate of Science degree. Class standing, based on total credit hours that count toward minimum degree requirements, is as follows: senior, 86 or more; junior, 56-85; sophomore, 26-55; freshman, fewer than 26.

Grade Point Average Requirement
A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 is required for the B.S. and A.S. degrees. In addition, a SPEA core and major/concentration GPA of 2.30 must be maintained in order to graduate.

As a joint degree from the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Public Affairs, the B.S. in Environmental Science requires a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C) to graduate. All courses taken to satisfy major requirements must be completed with a C– or higher and with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C) for all courses taken in the major.

Bloomington students seeking certificates or minors from SPEA, the minimum GPA requirement is 2.00 in all applicable course work. In Indianapolis students enrolled in a certificate program must complete it with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Generally, courses taken to meet a specific degree requirement cannot be double-counted (used to satisfy any other degree requirement). Students earning a SPEA major, minor, or certificate may double-count two courses across any allowable combination of these programs. In Indianapolis, the following restrictions apply: 1) students are limited to two minors and 2) students may not earn a certificate in the same area as their major.

Application for Degree
All students must complete an application for degree at the SPEA Records office on their campus. This application must be filed six months before the expected graduation date.

Degrees Awarded with Distinction
SPEA recognizes outstanding performance by awarding bachelor’s and associate degrees with three levels of distinction to students. The levels of distinction are as follows: highest: 3.90 and above, high: 3.70 through 3.89, distinction: 3.50 through 3.69.

Requirements for a Second Bachelor’s Degree
Students must petition for approval to work toward a second bachelor’s degree. If permission is granted, students are required to take 30 credit hours beyond the credits used for the first bachelor’s degree and satisfy all the requirements for the second degree. Generally, SPEA encourages students to work toward a graduate degree rather than a second bachelor’s degree.

Available Options
A student in good academic standing may choose to take a maximum of eight elective courses (two per academic year) pass/fail for the B.S. degree or two courses for the A.S. degree. Deadlines for exercising this option are published in the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Handbook and are strictly enforced.

With prior approval, a student may take three courses, totaling no more than 10 credit hours, by independent study through the School of Continuing Studies. Under no circumstances may a student satisfy a core or major/concentration requirement by independent study.

With SPEA faculty approval, a student in good standing may earn a maximum of 9 credit hours through the SPEA internship program.

SPEA students may choose to pursue a minor from another school, department, or within SPEA in an area other than their degree or major/concentration. Students interested in a minor should contact that department for additional information.

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Honors and Accelerated Master’s Programs

SPEA’s Honors Program indulges the talents and creativity of SPEA undergraduates who excel in the classroom and who are destined for leadership roles in public affairs, public health, and environmental affairs. Prior to being invited to the Bloomington SPEA Honors Program students must complete a minimum of 26 credit hours of course work with at least a 3.5 cumulative and 3.5 SPEA grade point average. In all cases, the student must be currently enrolled as a SPEA major or applying (or preparing to apply) for SPEA admission. To maintain eligibility in the program, all students must maintain a cumulative and SPEA GPA of at least 3.5. All SPEA majors with at least a minimum cumulative and SPEA GPA of 3.5 at the end of their freshman year will be invited to join the Honors Program.

On the Bloomington campus, benefits of the SPEA Honors Program include: confirmation of a diploma “With Public and Environmental Affairs Honors” notation; advanced course work and opportunities for in-depth research projects with SPEA faculty; interaction with like-minded students in the SPEA Honors Program and the Hutton Honors College; competitively awarded funding opportunities to support academic related travel, research projects, and internships through the Hutton Honors College; automatic admission to SPEA’s prestigious Washington Leadership Program, IU at Oxford Summer Program and Scholars in Global Citizenship Program; provisional admission to SPEA’s accelerated Master of Public Affairs or Environmental Science or Health Administration degree programs; and counsel from an Honors Program advisor.

On the Indianapolis campus, qualified SPEA students are encouraged to apply to the campuswide IUPUI Honors Program. Benefits of this program include advanced coursework, opportunities for community service, interaction with like-minded students, participation in honors events and the IUPUI Honors Club, eligibility for residence in the IUPUI Honors House, opportunities for research with faculty, and funding to support academic-related research and travel.

The Accelerated Master’s Program (A.M.P.) is a competitive program for outstanding SPEA students. Students may apply to the Master of Public Affairs (M.P.A.), the Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.), or the Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.S.E.S.) programs early in their junior year.

Participation in this program allows the student to fulfill some graduate program requirements during the senior year. Graduate courses count for both graduate and undergraduate degree requirements. Before starting the graduate program, students must have satisfied all general education requirements with a minimum of 96 credit hours completed toward their bachelor’s degree. For additional information, students should contact the appropriate program director.

For students who wish to enroll in the accelerated Master of Public Affairs program on the Indianapolis campus, the following are required.

  • Students should have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 overall and a 3.5 within their major.
  • Students accepted into the program may begin when they have earned 96 credit hours in the undergraduate degree program, including specified courses in the major.
  • Students must take all 48 credit hours of the M.P.A. and can count a maximum of 24 graduate credits hours to reach the 120 credit hours required for the B.S.P.A./B.S.C.J.
  • Students are required to complete the undergraduate capstone as part of the accelerated M.P.A.
  • Students must be enrolled as a graduate student during the last 24 credit hours of the program.
  • Students must apply for the graduate program by completing the M.P.A. application when applying for the accelerated Master of Public Affairs program. All letters of recommendation must be from faculty; at least one letter must be from either the program director or faculty advisor.
  • Students applying for the accelerated program are not required to take the GRE as a condition of admission.

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International Programs

SPEA offers several opportunities to study abroad for credit:

  • IU at Oxford Program (summer)
  • The Parliamentary Internship Program in Canberra, Australia (year-round)
  • Scholars in Global Citizenship

An unforgettable new summer program for undergraduates hosted by SPEA is the IU at Oxford Program. Students will attend the University of Oxford for a summer program of rigorous study, and sightseeing in historic Oxford, England. Students will earn 6 SPEA credit hours by examining critical public policy issues with acclaimed Oxford scholars and IU faculty.

The Parliamentary internship is available with or without course work and is offered each semester and during the summer (the Australian winter).

The Scholars in Global Citizenship Program prepares groups of high-achieving IU undergraduates to discover and learn from countries that are in the midst of major economic and political changes, with a special focus on countries in Asia. The program consists of a 2nd 8 weeks course for 3 credit hours offered in the spring semester followed by an intensive 10 day study tour overseas. The study tour encourages students to consider how globalization affects governments, businesses, community organizations, and ordinary people.

In addition, IU offers many other officially approved study abroad programs that can, with the authorization of your advisor, count for SPEA credit.

These programs are taught in English, and the IU credit obtained costs the same as it would if you remained on campus. Financial aid that you have obtained for your studies is normally applied to these overseas experiences.

Our purpose in creating these study abroad opportunities is to provide you with a unique chance to broaden your horizons, help you prepare yourself for a world that is becoming much more international and global, and allow you to challenge yourself by facing something new. Of course, there are opportunities to travel and socialize as well as study—and that is all part of the educational experience. More than 200 SPEA students have benefited from this opportunity. Experience has taught us that studying abroad does not adversely affect your GPA, increase your cost of study, or delay your graduation. There are many programs from which to choose, and students are advised to make use of the overseas study resource center on the third floor of Franklin Hall or at BS 3027, SPEA Student Services, on the Indianapolis campus.

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Washington Leadership Program

IU’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs proudly offers the Washington Leadership Program each fall and spring semester in Washington, D.C. The Washington Leadership Program is a unique opportunity for talented undergraduate students to receive in-depth exposure to key policy makers and government officials in our nation’s capital. Students from all majors at all campuses are eligible to apply. This program consists of two senior-level seminars (each worth 3 credit hours) and an internship (worth 5 or 6 credit hours). Students complete internships by working four days per week in an assigned congressional or senate office, trade association, or federal agency, or in a health, environmental, or nonprofit organization.

Housing is arranged in nearby Silver Spring, MD. Tuition is based on the regular fees for Indiana University. Students in the program remain eligible for any scholarships or financial aid they would normally receive as Indiana University students. Interested regional campus students should contact the SPEA program director or undergraduate advisor. In Bloomington, students should contact the SPEA office of Career Services. Further information can be obtained by visiting the Washington Leadership Program Web site: www.indiana.edu/~speaweb/careers/wlp.php.

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Indiana Leadership Seminar

The Indiana Leadership Seminar offers senior honor students a chance to participate in research projects with a state agency. The focus is to develop professional skills and provide networking opportunities for future career connections as students apply classroom theory to real-world problems. The Indiana Leadership Seminar will complete the requirement of the major capstone course for students enrolled for the full year, both fall and spring semesters. Interested students should contact their academic advisor or program director.

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Indiana Law Enforcement and Indianapolis Fire Department Academy Credits

Graduates of Indiana Law Enforcement Academies (for full-time sworn officers) are eligible for 12 undergraduate credit hours from SPEA. After admission to IUPUI, academy graduates should contact SPEA Student Services ([317] 274-4656) or their faculty advisor for credit for SPEA-J 320, SPEA-J 301, and 6 credit hours of SPEA-J 380. Once graduation from the academy with a 77 percent score or better has been confirmed by SPEA, there is no charge for this credit as long as students take one additional regular course from IUPUI after application for the credit. (Students who have previously attended IUPUI need not take an additional course.) These 12 credit hours all count toward the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice in SPEA.

Firefighters who graduated from any of the following fire department academies are eligible for 9 undergraduate credit hours from SPEA. Indianapolis, Pike Township, Washington Township, Lawrence Township, City of Lawrence, Perry Township, Warren Township, Franklin Township, City of Franklin, Decatur Township, Wayne Township, Brownsburg, Avon, Carmel, Fishers, Greenwood, Noblesville, Speedway, and Beech Grove.

After admission to IUPUI, IFD academy graduates should contact SPEA student services or their faculty advisor for credit for SPEA-J 376, SPEA-V 375, and SPEA-V 380. Once graduation from the academy with a 77 percent score or better has been confirmed by SPEA, there is no charge for this credit as long as students take at least one additional regular course from IUPUI after application for this credit. (Students who have previously attended IUPUI need not take an additional course.) These 9 credit hours all count toward the SPEA Public Safety Management major. If these credits are combined with other special credits available to students of fire science, firefighters are well on their way toward a SPEA degree.

For further information, contact the SPEA-IUPUI Recorder at (317) 274-4656.

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