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School of Public
and Environmental
Affairs 2004-2006
Academic Bulletin

SPEA Web Site
Undergraduate Advising Office
SPEA 240
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405-1701
(800) 765-7755 Local (812) 855-0635
Contact SPEA

SPEA Web Site
Business/SPEA Building (BS) 3027
801 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
317) 274-4656 toll free (877) 292-9321
Contact SPEA

School of Public and Environmental Affairs

About the Program
Career Services & Alumni Affairs Office (CaSAA)
SPEA Alumni Association
SPEA Centers, Institutes, Programs, and Services
Alpha Phi Sigma
Pi Alpha Alpha

About the Program

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) is a multidisciplinary division of Indiana University. The school is organized as a professional school, committed to teaching, research, and service. The interests of the faculty and professional staff typically fall into one or more of the following areas: policy and administration; finance and economics; nonprofit management; urban affairs; environmental science and policy; criminal justice, law, and public safety; health science and administration. The school’s faculty, staff, and students work individually and jointly to solve problems that require SPEA’s unique combination of in-depth knowledge in the natural, behavioral, social, and administrative sciences.

SPEA, because of its broad program base, can offer scientific and technical assistance to Indiana communities. Public and private organizations, as well as all levels of government, benefit from the knowledge and expertise of SPEA faculty, staff, and students.

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers bachelor of science degrees and associate of science degrees. These programs provide a sound general education with specialized study of criminal justice, public affairs, public health, or environmental systems. The school also offers minors and certificate programs.

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Career Services & Alumni Affairs Office (CaSAA)

This Bloomington-based office assists students in making the transition from the university setting to the working world. Workshops, individual counseling, alumni mentoring, and an extensive library are provided to all of our students. The Career Service & Alumni Affairs Office (CaSAA) provides coaching to our students in an effort to help our students develop necessary critical job search strategies and techniques. Further assistance is offered through a course, SPEA-V 252 Career Development. Other services include interviews with on-campus recruiters, on-site employer visits, automated resume preparation and distribution to employers, bulletins, job fairs, directories, and networking.

An experiential requirement is a component of most SPEA undergraduate programs on the Bloomington campus, which students usually fulfill with an internship. Internships give students an excellent opportunity to apply classroom theory and teaching techniques to real-life experiences. Students must be in good academic standing and file an internship contract with the Career Services & Alumni Affairs Office. Work can be full or part-time, paid or unpaid; however, prior approval by the CaSAA undergraduate career counselor and the student’s undergraduate advisor is always required. In addition, SPEA students must have completed a specified course in their major/concentration and be a junior or senior in class standing.

The internship program is designed for maximum flexibility so that many valuable learning experiences can qualify as internships. The purpose of the internship is to develop professional-level skills. All credit for an internship is awarded on an S/F (Satisfactory/ Fail) basis. Credit is not granted for work experience obtained prior to approval of an internship and enrollment in the appropriate internship class. Please visit the CaSAA Web site (www.indiana.edu/~speacare) for further information on required paperwork.

Students seeking career-planning assistance should check with the Career Services & Alumni Affairs Office, located on the Bloomington campus in SPEA 200, (812) 855-9639, for answers to specific questions.

Career-planning assistance is also available on other campuses. For information, contact:

Indianapolis Campus
Career Center
Business/SPEA 2010
(317) 274-2554

Fort Wayne Campus
Career Services
Kettler Hall 109
(260) 481-6595

East Campus
Career Planning and Placement
Springwood 204
(765) 973-8450

Kokomo Campus
Career Services
Kelley Center 200
(765) 455-9301

Northwest Campus
Career Services
Moraine 101
(219) 980-6650

South Bend Campus
Career Services
Administration 137a
(574) 237-4425

Southeast Campus
Career Services and Placement
University Center 008
(812) 941-2275

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SPEA Alumni Association

SPEA has a strong commitment to its alumni and considers its alumni one of its most valuable resources. We maintain contact with alumni through the SPEA Alumni Association, a constituent society within the parent Indiana University Alumni Association. The SPEA Alumni Association publishes the school’s magazine, Alumni Update, mailed two times a year to more than 18,000 SPEA alumni located in all 50 states and 50 foreign countries. Through this newsletter, alumni, faculty, and students are able to maintain contact. The Alumni Association raises funds for student scholarships with a summer golf outing in Indianapolis and with specialized efforts for specific programs. It sponsors the publication of an alumni directory as well as other alumni events in several major cities. The SPEA Alumni Association is governed by an elected board of directors, which meets biannually.

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SPEA Centers, Institutes, Programs, and Services

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs encompasses public service activities that complement innovative academic programs. The school provides a wide variety of services to a number of federal, state, and local agencies.

The Business/SPEA Library fulfills the research and study needs of the School of Business and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. The library has extensive electronic and traditional resources. Detailed information about the Business/ SPEA Library can be found at its Web site at www.libraries.iub.edu/index.php?pageId=77.

The Community Research Institute (CRI) located on the Fort Wayne campus, provides research and assistance for the economic, social, and public sector development of northeast Indiana. Additional information about CRI can be found at www.ipfw.edu/cri/cri.htm.

The goals of the Environmental Science Research Center are to promote excellence in environmental science research and foster increased interdisciplinary collaboration among environmental science faculty on the Indiana University Bloomington campus. The center has no degree programs. The center can be listed as an affiliation of the associated faculty in publications and in correspondence. In this way, the visibility of the environmental sciences at IU Bloomington will be enhanced. Activities of the center include seminars, discussion groups, and proposal preparation workshops. The center director is Distinguished Professor Ronald A. Hites.

SPEA's Executive Education Program offers governmental, health care, and nonprofit leaders and managers concentrated academic offerings including the Master of Public Affairs (M.P.A.) and the Public Management Certificate. Noncredit professional seminars are offered as well. Each year thousands of public managers attend Executive Education Programs to update techniques and improve management skills to increase leadership abilities and meet the challenges of managing in a changing world.

The Geographic Information Systems Laboratory (GIS) is a state-of-the-art computing facility. The lab has information processing technology that manages, analyzes, and displays spatial data for scientific and policy research. Information about the GIS Lab can be found at www.indiana.edu/~speagis.

The Great Lakes Center for Public Affairs and Administration is a unit of the Division of Public and Environmental Affairs on the IU Northwest campus. The center conducts research and provides technical services to units of governments and other institutions in northwest Indiana. The center also focuses on issues in public affairs and administration in the Great Lakes region.

The Indiana Conflict Resolution Institute (ICRI) has a three-fold mission: teaching, research, and service in conflict resolution and dispute resolution processes. ICRI’s teaching mission includes the development of undergraduate, graduate, continuing education, and executive education curricula to foster a deeper understanding and broader use of dispute resolution processes such as mediation facilitation, early neutral evaluation, ombudsmen programs, arbitration, partnering, and related consensus-based processes. ICRI also provides training workshops in principled negotiation and mediation. Its research mission includes evaluation of dispute resolution processes and programs in public and nonprofit organizations, with the goal of contributing to continuous improvement in both the processes and our knowledge of their impact on participants and organizations. ICRI’s service mission is to support conflict resolution programs in Monroe County and the state of Indiana. Additional information about ICRI can be found at www.spea.indiana.edu/icri.

The Institute for Development Strategies, co-sponsored by the Office of Research and the University Graduate School and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, is a university-wide research program linking faculty resources from various departments and campuses. The institute examines research-related problems in the field of regional economic development at the state, national, and international levels. It focuses on mobilization of regional resources for development and conducts research on the causes and consequences of regional change. Additional information can be found at www.spea.indiana.edu/ids.

The Institute for Family and Social Responsibility (FASR) is a joint effort of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) and the School of Social Work, with its focus on social policy research and outreach activities. The institute’s mission is to bring together the resources of citizens, governments, communities, and Indiana University to better the lives of children and families. Ongoing and completed research projects examine the impact of welfare reforms; the adequacy of child support guidelines; programmatic improvements from two new E-government child support innovations; the efficacy of community-based child abuse prevention interventions; community responses to the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families legislation; the scope and level of involvement of faith-based organizations in delivering social services to current and former welfare recipients; and AIDS education for incarcerated youth, battered women, and the homeless. The institute serves as the National Child Support Enforcement Research Clearinghouse. Currently, the institute is operating two U.S. State Department-sponsored curricula and research projects between SPEA and the Volga Regional Academy of Civil Service and the Northwest Academy of Public Administration in Russia. Both projects have significant components focused on the effectiveness, financing, and management of social welfare programs. The FASR institute also administers a university-wide competitive student internship program in collaboration with the Indiana Family Social Services Administration. Annually, the institute co-sponsors a Family Impact Seminar for state legislators. Further information concerning FASR can be found at www.spea.indiana.edu/fasr/.

The Midwestern Regional Center for Global Environmental Change, located on the Bloomington campus, is one of six regional centers of the National Institute for Global Environmental Change, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Midwestern center, together with the other five centers, provides research support in the field of global environmental change. The other regional centers are located at the University of California—Davis, University of Nebraska—Lincoln, University of Alabama, Harvard University, and Tulane University. The center supports the mission of the national institute by participating in a variety of research activities that focus on global climate change, development of early warning systems for energy-related changes, analysis of energy-related environmental risks, training of environmental scientists, and preparation of public education programs on global climate change.

The Transportation Research Center was established to coordinate and facilitate the transportation research activities of the university. The center’s expertise lies in the areas of transportation safety, urban public transit, transport management, and transport regulatory policy. The center uses a staff of professional researchers, faculty, and graduate students in performing research projects for federal, state, and local government agencies, and for the private sector.

The Center for Urban Policy and the Environment is a nonpartisan applied research organization in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University­Purdue University Indianapolis. The center, now more than 10 years old, is one of the largest of its kind in the country.

Any social and economic issues that affect quality of life are of interest to center researchers. Some of the research topics have ranged from community safety and riverboat gambling to neighborhood empowerment, the property tax structure, the economic impact of the arts and sports, and drinking water and sewer infrastructures. With an award of general support from Lilly Endowment, Inc., center scholars have conducted ongoing studies on Central Indiana. These investigations have helped policymakers understand how investments by households, businesses, governments, and nonprofits have influenced the Central Indiana region.

Center scholars, staff, and student interns typically form project teams and work in partnership with local governments, nonprofit organizations, and private businesses. Over the years, the center has worked with more than 100 clients and partners. These include the city of Indianapolis, the Indiana Port Commission, Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library, Indiana Gaming Commission, Indiana General Assembly and Office of the Governor, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Central Indiana Corporate Partnership, Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership, Indiana Land Resources Council, the Ford Foundation, and the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland.

For more information about the Center, visit its Web site at www.urbancenter.iupui.edu.

Center for Urban Policy and the Environment
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
342 N. Senate Avenue, 3rd Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204-1708

Contact: John L. Krauss, Director
(317) 261-3000; (317) 261-3050 (fax); jKrauss@iupui.edu

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Alpha Phi Sigma

Alpha Phi Sigma is the national criminal justice honor society, with chapters established on the Northwest, Fort Wayne, South Bend, Kokomo, and Indianapolis campuses of Indiana University. The society recognizes scholastic excellence of students in the field of criminal justice. It was founded in 1942 and was admitted to the Association of College Honor Societies in l980. To be eligible, undergraduate students must have earned an overall grade point average of at least 3.00 for at least 40 credit hours of course work, and must include at least four criminal justice courses with a minimum 3.20 grade point average. To remain in good standing, students must maintain an overall grade point average of at least 3.00 and a grade point average of at least 3.20 in all criminal justice courses completed. Local chapters may modify these requirements. Please check with your local faculty advisor.

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Pi Alpha Alpha

Pi Alpha Alpha is the national honorary society for schools of public affairs and administration. The society acknowledges outstanding scholarship and contributions to these fields. It was founded in 1972 by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA) to honor those whose performance in public affairs has been distinguished. The Indiana chapter of Pi Alpha Alpha is a charter chapter. Membership in Pi Alpha Alpha may be compared to membership in Phi Beta Kappa for liberal arts graduates. A person evaluating credentials in the various fields of public service should recognize the professional quality such a membership represents.

Undergraduate students are eligible for Pi Alpha Alpha membership when they are in the top 10 percent of their graduating class with a minimum grade point average of 3.50 in at least 15 credit hours of SPEA courses, when they are in the last semester of the junior year or in the senior year, and when they have earned a grade point average of at least 3.00 in all course work.

Alumni are eligible for membership if they meet all the requirements of student membership, even if they graduated before induction by the Indiana chapter.

Honorary membership is available to any person who has achieved distinction in public administration and who has the distinguished qualities that Pi Alpha Alpha fosters.

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