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School of Public
and Environmental
Affairs 2004-2006
Academic Bulletin

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Course Descriptions

Undergraduate Courses

The abbreviation "P" refers to course prerequisites and "R" to recommended prerequisite courses. Prerequisites can be waived by the instructor of the course. The number of hours of credit is indicated in parentheses following the course title. Courses are listed in four groups: environmental, public health, criminal justice, and public affairs.

Environmental Courses
Public Health Courses
Criminal Justice Courses
Public Affairs Courses

Environmental Courses

E 100 Environmental Topics (1-3 cr.) Study of selected issues in environmental affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
E 162 Environment and People (3 cr.) An interdisciplinary examination of the problems of population, pollution, and natural resources and their implications for society. Credit not given for both SPEA-E 162 and E 262.
E 262 Environmental Problems and Solutions (3 cr.) An integrated approach to understanding and solving environmental problems. Topics may include ecosystem restoration, surface water and groundwater contamination, air pollution, and global environmental change. This course is intended primarily for majors in the B.S.E.S. degree program.
E 272 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3 cr.) P: a statistics course. Application of principles from life and physical sciences to the understanding and management of the environment. Emphasis will be placed on (1) the physical and biological restraints on resource availability and use, and (2) the technological and scientific options to solving environmental problems.
E 311 Introduction to Risk Assessment and Risk Communication (3 cr.) This course will cover basic human health and risk assessment procedures, as outlined by the various regulatory agencies (especially EPA) and standard setting groups. Because risk communication is an integral part of any risk management process, risk communication techniques and applications will be integrated into the course material.
E 325 Computing for Environmental Scientists (1-3 cr.) P: MATH-M 118 or M 119; K 300 or equivalent; SPEA-E 272. Survey of computing applications to environmental issues. Personal computing emphasized. Application of spreadsheets, graphics, simple statistics, and BASIC programming to environmental science issues. Manipulation and interpretation of real data, case studies, and projects. Many software packages used.
E 326 Mathematical Methods in Environmental Science (3 cr.) P: MATH-M 119 or M 211; CSCI-C 211 or BUS-K 201; and K 300. Mathematical modeling in environmental science. Expressing problems as equations. Applications and numerical evaluation of derivatives and integrals. Derivation and solution of differential equations. Use of package FORTRAN subroutines in problem solving. Statistics applied to environmental science.
E 340 Environmental Economics and Finance (3 cr.) This course familiarizes students with the principles of environmental economics, finance, and cost-benefit analysis. The incentive effects of environmental policy design are assessed. Policy instruments include tradeable permits, emissions taxes, deposit-refund systems, pollution-prevention programs, and voluntary agreements. Project appraisal techniques are then developed and applied to specific case evaluations.
E 355 Introduction to Limnology (3 cr.) Limnology is the integrated science of inland waters. Principles of physics, chemistry, geology, and biology combine to form the basis for understanding how lakes and streams function as aquatic ecosystems. The course will highlight the effects of human activity on lake and stream ecosystems.
E 360 Introduction to Biological Resources (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272; any biology course. This course provides the necessary background for students interested in fisheries, wildlife, or forest management who have had little course work or experience with the taxonomy, ecology, or natural history of plants or animals.
E 363 Environmental Management (3 cr.) Introductory course in environmental management. Subjects covered include current issues and trends, total quality environment management, managing scientific and technical personnel, managing contracts and grants, nontraditional approaches to regulation, environmental conflict resolution, working with the media, risk communication, and working with communities.
E 400 Topics in Environmental Studies (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272. An interdisciplinary consideration of specific environmental topics. May be repeated for credit.
E 410 Introduction to Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272 or H 316; any biology course. Study of toxic mechanisms, pathology, and disease development resulting from exposure to biological and chemical agents in the environment.
E 411 Introduction to Groundwater Hydrology (3 cr.) An overview is presented of the theory and practice of groundwater movement, groundwater contamination, and aquifer testing and remediation, as well as policy issues such as groundwater management. The formal lectures are supplemented by several guest speakers, who are professionals working in different areas of groundwater hydrology.
E 412 Risk Communication (3 cr.) Risk communication is the means by which technical information is communicated to others (the public included), especially in the context of making decisions about environmentally related policy (such as siting of a landfill). The course emphasizes both theory (in lectures) and practical experience through developing and acting in role-play scenarios.
E 418 Vector-Based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.) Introduction to geographic information systems using vector data structure Vector GIS capabilities and uses. Data structure and file management of spatial data. Laboratory exercises using ARC/INFO software.
E 419 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.) Applications of remotely sensed data and raster geographic information systems in environmental research. Concepts of remote sensing. Image acquisition from different sensors, ranging from aerial photography to various types of satellite imagery. Image processing and analysis. Raster geographic information systems. Raster-vector integration. Concepts of spatial analysis.
E 431 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272 or H 316; CHEM-C 101 or equivalent; MATH-M 119 or equivalent. Health and ecological premises for water and wastewater treatment; principles of water supply; treatment, distribution, and construction; basis for water standards and laboratory examinations; wastewater disposal methods and construction for private installations, institutions, municipalities, and industries; water quality control with respect to wastewater pollution.
E 432 Introduction to Applied Ecology (3 cr.) This course provides an introduction to applied ecology for non-science majors.
E 440 Wetlands: Biology and Regulation (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272 or H 316; any biology course. This course focuses on structural and functional characteristics of wetlands, their importance as a natural resource, and their value to society. Topics include characteristics used to identify wetlands, classification of wetlands, adaptations for living in wetlands, community structure and ecosystem processes, wetland functions, and values and management of wetlands.
E 441 Controversies in Environmental Health (3 cr.) A skills course in a debate format. Skills are developed by researching, preparing arguments for, and debating topics related to environmental health and health of the environment. Clear writing skills are also emphasized, as the students write up debate evaluations, which are critically graded for content, form, and style.
E 442 Habitat Analysis—Terrestrial (3 cr.) This is an experiential field methods course. Students work as teams, collecting field data to test hypotheses about forest habitats. Students will learn new methods and field skills in local parks and forests, then prepare scientific reports that incorporate statistical analysis to be presented in a class symposium.
E 443 Habitat Analysis—Aquatic (3 cr.) This is an experiential field methods course. Students work in teams, collecting field data to test hypotheses about aquatic habitats. Students will learn new methods and field skills in local creeks, lakes, and wetlands, then prepare scientific reports that incorporate statistical analysis to be presented in a class symposium.
E 451 Air Pollution and Control (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272 or H 316; CHEM-C 101 or equivalent; MATH-M 118 or equivalent. A survey course covering the chemistry, transport, and fate of air pollutants related to current issues of air quality, such as photochemical smog, ozone depletion, particulate matter, and indoor air quality. Topics include the types, sources, health and environmental effects, measurement, evaluation, control, regulation, and modeling of air pollution concentrations.
E 452 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272 or H 316. Types and sources of solid waste; collection methods; disposal techniques: sanitary landfill, incineration, composting, reclaiming, or recycling; advantages and disadvantages of each; special and hazardous waste handling; operation and management of solid and hazardous waste programs.
E 455 Limnology (4 cr.) P: College chemistry and biology or permission of instructor. Limnology is the ecology of inland lakes and streams, combining the principles of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics to understand how they function. The effects of human perturbation on aquatic systems will be highlighted in both lectures and laboratory work to aid student understanding of the concepts involved.
E 456 Lake and Watershed Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272 or H 316; CHEM-C 101 or equivalent. Students will learn to apply basic limnological principles to diagnose lake and watershed problems, to understand lake response to pollution, to identify appropriate management solutions, and to predict lake response to management.
E 457 Introduction to Conservation Biology (3 cr.) P: a 300-level ecology course. Ecological principles associated with rare species and with biodiversity, laws and statutes used to conserve biodiversity, and land and species management practices. The aim is to understand scientific and political complexities of conservation biology and to study different methods used to conserve living resources and resolve conflicts associated with conservation.
E 459 Field Techniques in Ecology (3 cr.) P: one semester of statistics. Course provides an introduction to field research on ecology. Field labs teach techniques associated with geographic and map work, population estimation, habitat measurement in a variety of settings, and soil sampling. Indoor work covers descriptive, univariate, and bivariate statistical techniques, data display, and report writing.
E 460 Fisheries and Wildlife Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272 or H 316; any biology course. This course first reviews taxonomy, vertebrate biology, and population ecology, then introduces the student to a variety of conflicts concerning fisheries and wildlife. Cases examine endangered species, over harvesting, maximum sustained yield, habitat evaluation, and recreational use.
E 461 Fisheries and Wildlife Management Laboratory (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 272 or H 316; any biology course; and SPEA-E 460 (can be concurrent). Practical experience course in which students identify fish and wildlife in the field for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of and making recommendations for change to existing wildlife plans.
E 465 Environmental Management in the Tropics (3 cr.) Historical examination of land use in tropical, non-Western cultures. Resource use in physical and cultural settings is explored through an interface with ecology, economics, and policy analysis. Common principles of analysis are used to help the students understand the cultural and historical dimensions of how people relate to their environment.
E 466 International and Comparative Environmental Policy (3 cr.) This course explores how stakeholders manage environmental problems that extend beyond national borders. Key questions considered include the following: How do nations resolve environmental conflict? Is environmental diplomacy in a state of crisis? How can we improve international environmental management? Historical, contemporary, and emerging institutions for international environmental protection are examined.
E 470 Elements of Fluid Mechanics (3 cr.) P: E 272 or H 316; MATH-M 119 or equivalent. Introduction to the fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics that relate to environmental science. Topics are selected from three disciplines. From hydraulics: hydrostatics, flow-through pipes, and open channels. From water surface hydrology: water balances, stream-flow measurements, and calculations. From groundwater hydrology: Darcy’s Law, flow nets, and pumping tests.
E 475 Techniques of Environmental Science (3 cr.) P: SPEA- E 272 or H 316. Principles and methods of sampling, collection, measurement, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data concerning environmental science. Through lab demonstrations and field work, students will become familiar with instrumentation and analytical methods currently used in environmental analysis. Team instruction will be used to demonstrate techniques.
E 476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3 cr.) Introductory course in environmental law and regulation. Subjects covered include command and control regulation, air quality, water quality, toxics, waste management, energy, natural resources, international environmental law, and alternative dispute resolution.
E 490 Directed Field Research in Environmental Science (1-4 cr.) Individualized laboratory or field-based research in any field of environmental science, under the direction of an advising professor. Students are expected to write a report on their research at the end of each semester. May be used to fulfill laboratory course requirement with the permission of the appropriate science department.
E 491 Honors Research in Environmental Science (1-4 cr.) Individualized laboratory or field-based honors research in any field of environmental science, under direction of an advising professor. Students are expected to write a report on their research at the end of each semester. May be used to fulfill laboratory course requirement with permission of the appropriate science department.

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Public Health Courses

H 120 Contemporary Health Issues (1-3 cr.) An examination of current public health, environmental health, and health service delivery issues in the United States. Topics include the organization and costs of health systems, access to care, the interrelationships between risk factors and health, and environmental challenges facing our society and their impact on health.
H 316 Environmental Science and Health (3 cr.) A study of human interaction with the environment and potential impacts of environmental agents on health and safety. Hazards from natural sources and human activities that contaminate our air, land, water, food, homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces are examined. Environmental control activities, including pollution control technology and policy, are also examined.
H 320 Health Systems Administration (3 cr.) An overview of the U.S. health care delivery system. It examines the organization, function, and role of the system; current system problems; and alternative systems or solutions.
H 322 Principles of Epidemiology (3 cr.) A basic overview of epidemiologic methodology and techniques. Both communicable and chronic disease risk factors will be discussed, along with data acquisition, analysis techniques, and current published epidemiological studies.
H 342 Community Health Education (3 cr.) A study of theory and practice in the field of professional health education. The process of behavioral change is examined. Procedures for the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health education practices are considered.
H 352 Health Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.) A study of the financial management of health care facilities, based on generally accepted business principles. Accounting and managerial control of cash, accounts receivable, inventory control, budgeting, and cost control, as well as accounting and evaluation of short- and long-term debt will be examined.
H 353 Advanced Health Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 352. This course builds upon H 352 Health Finance and Budgeting course. Will use a series of case studies to apply techniques and principles taught in SPEA-H 352.
H 354 Health Economics (3 cr.) This course applies economics to the study of administrative and policy issues in the health care sector. Economic concepts are used to explain the system of health care financing and the organization of health care delivery in the U.S. The economic evaluation of health care programs is also discussed.
H 365 Health Administration Practicum (2 cr.) P: SPEA-H 320. The Health Administration Practicum will consist of a personal career-planning component coupled with weekly field visits to health care agencies in central Indiana. Students must perform satisfactorily in both parts of the practicum to receive a passing grade.
H 367 Environmental Science and Health Practicum (2 cr.) P: SPEA-H 316. The Environmental Science and Health Practicum will consist of a personal career-planning component coupled with a weekly field visits to environmental science and health-related organizations in central Indiana. Students must perform satisfactorily in both parts of the practicum to receive a passing grade.
H 371 Human Resources Management in Health Care Facilities (3 cr.) This course covers the function of management, which is concerned with the acquisition, development, and use of human resources in the field of health care delivery. Labor relations relating to health care delivery are also included.
H 401 Strategic Planning for Health Care Organizations (3 cr.) This course examines strategic planning techniques as they apply to health care organizations. Students will develop and defend a comprehensive strategic plan for a case facility. One half of the course will be conducted in a workshop format.
H 402 Hospital Administration (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 320. The study of organization, structure, function, and fiscal operations within hospitals. The role of the hospital in the community, relationship to official and voluntary health agencies, coordination of hospital departments, and managerial involvement will be examined.
H 411 Long-Term Care Administration (3 cr.) Nursing home regulations, legal aspects, and insurance; personnel management; medical records; diet and food service; rehabilitation; nursing services; psychiatric aspects in handling of geriatric patients; professional standards; use of volunteer groups.
H 416 Environmental Health Policy (3 cr.) Study of professional requirements and duties of the environmental health functions within health agencies; consideration of applicable laws and standards in each environmental health function; environmental health program planning, evaluation, implementation, and personnel responsibilities.
H 420 Health Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 320. This course will focus on current health policy issues within the context of the U.S. health care system. The course will familiarize students with the political environment of public policy, introduce major health care policy perspectives, and apply those analytical models to a series of health policy issues.
H 422 The Social Epidemics: AIDS, Violence, and Substance Abuse (3 cr.) This course examines HIV/AIDS, violence, and substance abuse in the context of racial, gender, sexual orientation, and class dynamics that may underlie the way these pathologies affect certain populations. Emphasized is the recognition that how we define disease and causation can influence how we attempt to find a cure. (Fort Wayne only)
H 423 Disease Vector Control (3 cr.) Survey of animal and insect disease vectors and economic pests of public health significance; vector and pest identification and control procedures; survey of the classification, application, and restriction of pesticides in controlling disease vectors and economic pests commonly found in the United States.
H 428 Food Science and Sanitation (3 cr.) Basic concepts of food technology, with emphasis on methods and procedures in food processing to minimize contamination and to prevent food-related illness. Federal, state, and local food laws and inspection procedures will be examined.
H 432 Health Care Marketing (3 cr.) A practical study of marketing in health care institutions, health service organizations, and health insurers. A basic foundation in marketing principles, new methods in marketing products and services, and inexpensive marketing techniques will be examined.
H 433 Industrial Hygiene (3 cr.) Survey of the technical and regulatory aspects of protecting the health and safety of workers. Topics include basic toxicology; skin, eye, and respiratory hazards; measuring hazardous atmospheres; ventilation systems; fire and explosion hazards; emergency response; occupational hearing loss; radiation; prevention of accidents; cumulative trauma; and personal protective equipment.
H 441 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3 cr.) An overview of the liability and legal responsibility, as well as legal recourse, that health care facilities may exercise. This course will discuss policies and standards relating to health facility administration. Also included is a discussion of financial aspects unique to the hospital/health care facility environment, such as third-party payments and federal assistance.
H 448 Public Health Education Methods (3 cr.) Usual techniques of group work with investigations of social and psychological factors that determine effectiveness in promoting public health. Laboratory time provides opportunity for competence in group work and in design and use of promotional materials.
H 455 Topics in Public Health (1-3 cr.) Extensive discussion of selected topics in public health. The topic may change from semester to semester, based on resource availability and student demand. May be repeated for credit.
H 456 Managed Care (3 cr.) Course examines the organizational structures of managed care as used in the health industry. The strengths and weaknesses of managed care organizations are examined, as well as the performance of both public and private managed care organizations. Course also examines and discusses current issues surrounding managed care.
H 459 Environmental Science and Health Data Analysis (4 cr.) Provides students with an understanding of the basic principles needed to perform sampling and analysis of field and laboratory environmental data. Topics include properties of chemical and biological constituents, detection limits, calibration, quality control, precision accuracy, and statistical analysis.
H 460 Techniques in Environmental Science and Health (4 cr.) P: SPEA-H 459. Basic physical, chemical, and biological examinations and standards for potable water quality, wastewater treatment determinations, and stream pollution control. Basic physical, chemical, and biological (ergonometric) examinations used in industrial hygiene and air pollution control. Instruction in basic laboratory skills and techniques for performing these examinations.
H 466 Public Health Field Experience (1 cr.) Supervised advanced training in professional and technical functions in public health; guided student activity and performance in professional public health functions. Individualized programs may be arranged to suit students’ areas of concentration.
H 472 Applied Health Administration (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 320. This course is a study of the complexities of multi-institutional arrangements and integrated services in the U.S. health care industry. The focus is applying management skills to and making comparisons of the current driving forces among health care delivery system components.
H 474 Health Administration Seminar (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 320 and senior standing. This course will examine current issues in public health and governmental and private initiatives to resolve these issues.

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Criminal Justice Courses

J 101 The American Criminal Justice System (3 cr.) Introduction to the criminal justice system of the United States and its function in contemporary society.
J 201 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. This course examines the impact of sociological, biological, and economic theories of crime and the practice of criminal justice. Focus is on the nature and importance of theory, context of theoretical developments, methods for the critical analysis of theoretical developments, and policy implications of the varying perspectives considered.
J 202 Criminal Justice Data, Methods, and Resources (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Course examines basic concepts of criminal justice. Students become familiar with research techniques necessary for systematic analysis of the criminal justice system, offender behavior, crime trends, and program effectiveness. Students will learn to critically evaluate existing research. Students will become familiar with existing sources of criminal justice data and will learn to assess the quality of that data.
J 222 Murder in America: Causes and Consequences (3 cr.) An investigation of homicide in the United States. Focus on the level and nature of homicides as well as domestic homicides, serial and mass murder, race, ethnicity and gender, drugs and alcohol, school and workplace homicides, investigation, profiling and the death penalty, and homicide prevention and intervention programs.
J 260 Topics in Criminal Justice (1-3 cr.) Study of selected issues in criminal justice. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
J 301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101; R: SPEA-J 201 and SPEA-J 202. The development, limitations, and application of substantive criminal law, utilizing the case-study method.
J 302 Procedural Criminal Law (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Criminal law application and procedure from the initiation of police activity through the correctional process, utilizing the case-study method.
J 303 Evidence (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. The rules of law governing proof at trial of disputed issues of fact; burden of proof; presumptions and judicial notice; examination, impeachment, competency, and privileges of witnesses; hearsay rule and exceptions—all related as nearly as possible to criminal, as opposed to civil, processes.
J 304 Correctional Law (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Legal problems from conviction to release: pre-sentence investigations, sentencing, probation and parole, incarceration, loss and restoration of civil rights.
J 305 Juvenile Justice (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. This course is designed to provide an overview of the justice system’s response to abused, neglected, and dependent children; juvenile misconduct; and delinquent behavior. An extensive review of the development of recent legal changes to the court, options for prevention, treatment of juvenile offenders, and possible system reforms.
J 306 The Criminal Courts (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101; R: SPEA-J 201 and SPEA-J 202. An analysis of the criminal justice process from prosecution through appeal. The organization and operation of felony and misdemeanor courts are examined. Topics include prosecutorial decision making, plea bargaining, judicial selection, and the conduct of trials, sentencing, and appeal.
J 310 Introduction to Administrative Processes (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Introduction to principles of management and systems theory for the administration of criminal justice agencies. Credit not given for both SPEA-J 310 and SPEA-V 270.
J 320 Criminal Investigation (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Theory of investigation, crime scene procedures, interviews, interrogations, surveillances, and sources of information; collection and preservation of physical evidence; investigative techniques in specific crimes.
J 321 American Policing (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101; R: SPEA-J 201 and SPEA-J 202. This course will examine the history, evolution, and organization of policing in the United States. Emphasis is placed on such major contemporary issues as the police role, discretion, use of force, corruption, accountability, and community policing.
J 322 Introduction to Criminalistics (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101; R: SPEA-J 301. The broad range of physical evidence developed through the investigative process, and methods of identifying and establishing validity and relevance through forensic laboratory techniques.
J 324 Technology, Crime, and Public Safety (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Focuses on role of technological systems in criminal justice, system types available, evolving applications, usages by public safety organizations, technology use by criminals and terrorists, the management and organizational effects of technologies, training, cost issues, anticipated impacts of technologies, and the political and legal implications for citizens and the public.
J 331 Corrections (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101; R: SPEA-J 201 and SPEA-J 202. This course examines the historical development of the U.S. correctional system; the study of administration of local, state, and federal corrections programs, including jails, probation, community corrections, and prisons. Includes the study of punishment rationales, current correctional policies, and possibilities for reform.
J 355 Global Criminal Justice Perspectives (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. An international review of select criminal justice perspectives and systems within the primary legal traditions of common, civil, Islamic, and socialist systems, as well as those that do not fit into established categories, such as Native American and African tribal justice.
J 369 Private Justice: Police, Courts, and Corrections (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. This course examines the role of private policing and security, courts and adjudication, and corrections. Includes legislative and ethical issues and the economics of criminal and juvenile justice privatization. Principles of loss prevention, protection of assets, relationship between public and private services, and current issues in privatization will be discussed.
J 370 Seminar in Criminal Justice (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Selected contemporary topics in criminal justice. May be repeated for credit.
J 376 Principles of Public Safety (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Examination of threats to public safety and of governmental response at various levels to those threats. Treatment of areas such as transportation and highway threats; occupational safety and health; criminal threats; emergency and disaster planning; consumer protection; and fire control and suppression. Discussion of techniques to identify and measure risk, the acceptability of risk, and governmental attempts to control risk.
J 380 Internship in Criminal Justice (1-6 cr.) P: permission of instructor. Open to interested students who qualify upon approval of the faculty. Students may be placed with various criminal justice agencies for assignment to defined tasks relevant to their educational interests. Tasks may involve staff work or research. Full-time participants may earn up to 6 credit hours. May be repeated for credit. Course is graded S/F (Satisfactory/Fail).
J 433 Institutional Corrections (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. The history and development of the jail, penitentiary, prison, and reformatory. Analysis and evaluation of contemporary imprisonment.
J 439 Crime and Public Policy (3 cr.) P: Senior standing or consent of instructor. A detailed examination of the major efforts designed to control or reduce crime. A review of existing knowledge is followed by an investigation of current crime control theories, proposals, and programs.
J 440 Corrections in the Community (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. A detailed analysis of correctional alternatives to incarceration that focus on the reintegration of the offender while remaining in the community. Because of their extensive use, considerable attention is given to probation and parole. Other topics include diversion, community residential programs, restitution, halfway houses, and home detention.
J 445 Trends in Corrections (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. Analysis and evaluation of contemporary correctional systems. Discussion of recent research concerning the correctional institution and the various field services.
J 460 Police in the Community (3 cr.) P: SPEA-J 101. In-depth examination of crime as an urban policy problem, focusing on the role of police and victims in defining crime as a policy problem, and their role in seeking to reduce the incidence of crime.
J 470 Seminar in Criminal Justice (3 cr.) P: senior standing. Emphasizes current developments in legal, administrative, and operational aspects of the criminal justice system.
J 480 Research in Criminal Justice (1-6 cr.) P: junior standing and consent of instructor. Individual research under guidance of faculty member.

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Public Affairs Courses

K 300 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.) P: MATH-M 014 or equivalent. R: MATH-M 118. An introduction to statistics. Nature of statistical data. Ordering and manipulation of data. Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Elementary probability. Concepts of statistical inference decision: estimation and hypothesis testing. Special topics discussed may include regression and correlation, analysis of variance, nonparametric methods. Credit not given for both K300 and either ECON E 270/E 370, SOC-S 250, or PSY/MATH-K 310.
K 301 Statistics Laboratory This course is an optional module to accompany SPEA-K 300 Statistical Techniques and must be taken concurrently with K 300. The course focuses on application techniques being taught in K 300. This course will allow students to obtain tutoring with specific problems. Sessions are linked to K 300 lectures.
V 100 Current Topics in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Readings and discussion of current public issues and problems. May be repeated for credit.
V 160 National and International Policy (3 cr.) This course will discuss current debates about United States public policy on the national and international levels. Some policy issues covered are economics, crime, security, health, and energy. Credit not given for both V 160 and V 170.
V 161 Urban Problems and Solutions (3 cr.) An introduction to urban policy issues. Topics include political, social, and economic foundations and development of cities and suburbs; urban planning; poverty; and other selected urban problems. Credit not given for both V 161 and V 264.
V 170 Introduction to Public Affairs (3 cr.) Broad coverage of public affairs through critical and analytical inquiry into policy making at all levels of government. Particular emphasis on intergovernmental relations as they affect policy in the federal system. Credit not given for both V 160 and V 170.
V 221 Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.) This course provides a broad overview of the U.S. nonprofit sector. Topics include the sector’s size and scope and its religious, historical, and theoretical underpinnings. It also examines perspectives on why people organize, donate to, and volunteer for nonprofit organizations, and looks at current challenges that the sector faces.
V 241 Management Foundations and Approaches (3 cr.) This course examines core functions of management and the political socio-economic context within which organizations operate in different sectors of employment. It is organized into five main parts: what management entails; approaches to the study of management; contextual factors; core issues; and management functions. Course concludes with a capstone exercise.
V 246 Elements of Governmental and Nonprofit Financial Accounting Cycle (3 cr.) This course is designed to prepare students for next level courses in governmental accounting and reporting; nonprofit accounting and reporting; and health accounting and finance.
V 252 Career Development (1-3 cr.) Career planning and placement strategies, assessment of labor market information, market surveys, and development of customized portfolios. Emphasis given to projects, papers, and independent research.
V 260 Topics in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Study of selected issues in public affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
V 261 Computers in Public Affairs (3 cr.) An introduction to computer applications in public affairs. Topics include basic terminology, core concepts, and issues associated with managing operating systems, designing networks, and applying user information technology to public affairs problems. Issues of security and ethics in computing are also considered. Credit given for only one of BUS-K 201, CSCI-A 106, CSCI-A 110, and SPEA-V 261.
V 263 Public Management (3 cr.) This course is an examination of the management process in public organizations in the United States. Special attention will be given to external influences on public managers, the effect of the intergovernmental environment and, in particular, problems of management in a democratic, limited government system.
V 264 Urban Structure and Policy (3 cr.) An introduction to urban government and policy issues. Topics include urban government structure and policy making, the economic foundations and development of cities, demography of cities and suburbs, land-use planning, and other selected urban policy problems. Credit not given for both SPEA-V 161 and SPEA-V 264.
V 267 American Humanics Management Institute (1 cr.) Students attending the American Humanics Management Institute (AHMI) are required to participate in orientation meetings to plan for AHMI and raise funds for the trip. AHMI is held annually in January. Permission of the American Humanics Campus Director is required. May be repeated for credit.
V 268 American Humanics Topics (1-3 cr.) Topics covering specific American Humanics competencies reflecting the particular needs and interests of participating students and the local advisory board for the program. Topics may include risk management, fundraising, board and committee development, and nonprofit marketing. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
V 270 Survey of Administrative Techniques (3 cr.) Introduction to principles of management and systems theory for the administration of public agencies. Credit not given for both SPEA-V 270 and SPEA-J 310.
V 272 Terrorism and Public Policy (3 cr.) A survey of the incidence of terrorism in democratic societies, with particular emphasis on public policy responses designed to combat terrorism in cities. Overviews of ongoing conflicts with terrorist organizations in various countries are interspersed with analyses of significant terrorist events and public policies and responses such events create.
V 340 Urban Government Administration (3 cr.) Structure of local government in the United States, federalism and intergovernmental relations, policy problems faced by local officials, and the implications of these problems for local government administrators.
V 346 Introduction to Government Accounting and Financial Reporting (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 246 (Bloomington only); BUS-A 201 or permission of the instructor. An introduction to government accounting, including comparison with accounting for the private sector; intended as background for the use of financial administrators. The course deals primarily with municipal accounting.
V 348 Management Science (3 cr.) P: SPEA-K 300, MATH-M 025, or MATH-M 118. Introduction to management science models and methods for policy analysis and public management. Methods include decision analysis, linear programming, queuing analysis, and simulation. Computer-based applications are included. Prior familiarization with computers is recommended, though not required.
V 350 Introduction to Development Administration (3 cr.) Introduction to the administration of development activities in poor countries. Examines key problems, including the complexity of development, the interplay of external donors and domestic administration, and the difficulties of organizing and managing development efforts. Combines cases and textual readings, allowing the student to analyze actual programs, policies, and projects.
V 352 Personal Career Planning (1 cr.) Investigation of careers, the world of work, and the career-planning process. The focal point is on students and their goals. Provides assistance in developing practical, meaningful, and realistic insights into the nature of making a public career choice in today’s world. Credit not awarded for both SPEA-V 352 and BUS-X 420.
V 356 Introduction to Nonprofit Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 246 (Bloomington only); BUS-A 201 or consent of instructor. This course covers concepts and processes of nonprofit accounting and financial reporting, with exploration of differences between for-profit, governmental, and nonprofit systems. Examples will be drawn from health organizations, welfare agencies, charities, and educational institutions.
V 361 Financial Management (3 cr.) This course introduces students to accounting, financial management techniques, and financial reporting. Topics include accounting such as debit/credit sheets and balance sheets, financial indicators, fund balances, fringe benefits and pensions, and payroll management.
V 362 Nonprofit Management and Leadership (3 cr.) Students in this course examine the management practices of nonprofit organizations. The course encourages students to take the perspectives of nonprofit managers, volunteers, board members, policy-makers, donors, and clients. Course projects expand understanding of the nonprofit sector and develop students’ management skills, analytical tools, and knowledge.
V 365 Urban Development and Planning (3 cr.) P: SPEA-K 300 and SPEA-V 264. This course identifies the major problems associated with urban development in the United States, and investigates the potential of public planning strategies and tools to deal with these problems. An emphasis is placed on the application of analytical approaches to problem definition and solution.
V 366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.) This course provides an introduction to the management of people in public organizations. Focus is on behavioral science in management and related analytical and experiential applications.
V 368 Managing Government Operations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 348. Application of analytical techniques to operating decisions in the public management sector. Cases are used extensively to illustrate the application of techniques (such as charting, capacity and demand analysis, forecasting, performance measurement, decision analysis, queuing/ simulation, Markov modeling, and cost-effective analysis) to design, scheduling, inventory assignment, transportation, and replacement decisions.
V 369 Managing Information Technology (3 cr.) Analysis and application of information technology to problem solving.
V 370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3 cr.) P: SPEA-K300 or equivalent. This course will introduce the student to the basic methods, issues, analytical techniques, and ethical considerations of evaluation research.
V 371 Financing Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 160 or V 170, ECON-E 201, E 202. A survey of economic and political theories of market failures, public expenditure evaluation, economic stabilization, systems of redistribution, and fiscal federalism. Examples and applications to contemporary government decisions.
V 372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.) Study of fiscal management in public agencies, including revenue administration, debt management, and public budgeting.
V 373 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.) The organization and operation of public personnel management systems, with emphasis on concepts and techniques of job analysis, position classification, training, affirmative action, and motivation.
V 375 Emergency Services Administration (3 cr.) An overview of management principles and functional components of EMS systems.
V 376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of the origins, process, and impact of law in the making and implementing of public policy. The course’s major objective is to provide students with the substantive concepts necessary to understand the judicial system and law in its various forms.
V 377 Legal Process and Contemporary Issues in America (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 376. An introduction to the U.S. legal system, including the Constitution, courts system, and administrative law in federal and state agencies. Readings and discussion center around current issues affected by the legal process.
V 378 Policy Processes in the United States (3 cr.) P: senior standing. Intended as an integrative senior course, primarily for SPEA-students. Course content includes analytical perspectives of the policy process, the centers of policy, and the public interest. Selected cases involving problem analysis and decision making on public issues are included, as well as discussion of current policy issues.
V 379 Performance Measurement and Program Evaluation (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of program evaluation as it relates to public affairs, criminal justice, health policy, and environmental science with particular emphasis on measuring program outcomes. The course is designed for students who envision themselves working in management, policy-making, or research roles.
V 380 Internship in Public and Environmental Affairs (1-6 cr.) P: permission of instructor. Open to interested students upon approval of the faculty. Students are placed with public agencies or governmental units for assignment to a defined task relevant to their educational interests in public affairs. Tasks may involve staff work or research. Full-time participants may earn up to 6 credit hours. May be repeated for credit. Course is graded S/F (Satisfactory/Fail).
V 381 Professional Experience (1-6 cr.) Students will be required to fulfill a minimum of 120 hours of professional relevant work.
V 382 Political Action and Civic Engagement (3 cr.) Examines citizen efforts to effect social change, with an emphasis upon political movements and parties as mechanisms for achieving that change.
V 386 Case Studies for Policy Analysis (3 cr.) This course focuses on analyzing case studies of public policies using a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including application of the principles and concepts of intermediate microeconomic theory.
V 388 American Humanics Internship (3-6 cr.) American Humanics, Inc. requires an internship of 300 to 600 contact hours. A minimum of 3 credit hours is required. Credits will be given at the rate of 1 hour = 100 internship hours. Permission of the American Humanics Campus Director is required.
V 390 Readings in Public and Environmental Affairs (0-3 cr.) P: permission of instructor. Independent readings and research related to a topic of special interest to the student. Written report required. May be repeated for credit.
V 391 Honors Readings in Public and Environmental Affairs (1-3 cr.) P: approval of instructor and SPEA honors advisor. Restricted to students in SPEA Honors Program. May be repeated for credit.
V 401 Financial and Cost-Benefit Analysis (3 cr.) This course familiarizes students with the principles of financial analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and Kaldor/Hicks accounting. Topics include net present value calculation; net annual worth; public and private decision criteria; and market data adjustment for taxes, rents, and other market distortions.
V 405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3 cr.) This course focuses on Congress as a policy-making body in the U.S. public law system. It covers the constitutional framework for congressional operations, as well as technical aspects of the legislative process such as bill drafting and analysis, the role of leadership, and the prerogatives of individual members.
V 406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to facilitate understanding of the interaction of electoral politics and policy. It covers the legal framework of the evolution of the "right" to vote, the impact of the judiciary on the structure of elections, limitations on campaign practices, and the importance of legislative districting and its control.
V 407 Public Law and Government Relations (3 cr.) The purpose of this course is to build understanding of government relations work as applied to careers in the field. It covers the historical evolution of the constitutional right to petition the government with an understanding of the limitations imposed upon the process. The interaction of public and private sectors is included.
V 408 Community and the Constitution (3 cr.) Course explores tension between communitarianism and liberal democratic theory through the lens of public administration. How shall government institutions and policies mediate between claims of individual rights and majoritarian passions?
V 412 Leadership and Ethics (3 cr.) This course is designed to examine the complex leadership issues and challenges facing communities and to explore how citizens and government can work together to address these challenges. This includes exploration of how the problems, conflicts, and dilemmas encountered by leaders when making decisions must be considered within an ethical framework.
V 421 Metropolitan Development (3 cr.) Discussion of the process of development in metropolitan regions. Includes topics such as economic development, land use evolution, and demographic change. Consideration of relevant policy issues.
V 422 Transportation Policy Analysis (3 cr.) This course examines current issues in transportation to identify the key analytic and management issues that must be considered in developing effective public policy. Particular emphasis will be placed on examining the rationale for and actual impact of existing government policies, and on analyzing the likely impacts of policy alternatives.
V 432 Labor Relations in the Public Sector (3 cr.) An introductory overview of labor relations in the public sector. Course includes the development, practice, and extent of the collective bargaining process and administration of the labor agreement by state and local governments.
V 435 Negotiation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (1-4 cr.) This course introduces students to the theories and techniques of alternative dispute resolution. The course covers interest-based negotiation, mediation, arbitration, fact-finding, early neutral evaluation, and other techniques used in business, labor relations, environmental disputes, family relations, and international affairs.
V 436 Communication for Government and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) This course will develop an appreciation regarding the critical nature of communication by managers in the public and nonprofit sector. It will introduce students to the skills critical for effective communication as professionals.
V 438 Mass Media and Public Affairs (3 cr.) Course analyzes the role of the media in the formation of public policy, including the responsibility of journalists, legal and ethical constraints, business pressures and their effects, impact of technology, and similar issues.
V 441 Topics in Financial Management and Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 372. Various topics focusing on financial management and policy are examined in state and local settings. May be repeated for credit.
V 442 Topics in Budgeting or Cost-Benefit (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 372. Various topics in budgeting or cost-benefit analysis are examined. Course may be repeated for different topics.
V 443 Managing Workforce Diversity (3 cr.) The composition and nature of the workforce is changing. Managers must decide how to accommodate real differences among the members of their organizations. This course seeks to provide information for practitioners who hope to integrate an understanding of workforce diversity into their management style and professional behavior.
V 444 Public Administrative Organization (3 cr.) A review of research findings and analysis of the operation of public agencies and their performance.
V 447 Federal Budget Policy (3 cr.) Examination of the institutions and processes involved in putting together the annual federal budget, with emphasis on the role of the Appropriations and Budget Committees in Congress, on the White House, and on the Office of Management and Budget in the executive branch. Selected major policy areas will be considered.
V 449 Policy Senior Seminar (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 348. Discussion of the role of policy analysts in government. Applications of analytical tools to substantive policy areas such as transportation, community development, education, poverty, manpower, and health.
V 450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Extensive analysis of selected contemporary issues in public affairs. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
V 451 Social Policy and the Aging (3 cr.) A focused examination of government and the elderly. Public policy and administration of income, health, housing, employment, and social service programs, as well as analysis of the context of aging policy.
V 456 Topics in Public Law (3 cr.) Extensive analysis of selected contemporary issues in public law. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit.
V 457 Management Science in the Public Sector (3 cr.) P: CSCI-C 211, SPEA-K 300, and SPEA-V 348. An intermediate treatment of management science methods, with primary application to public managerial decision support. Topics include network analysis, queuing, simulation, and others. Computer-based analysis is emphasized.
V 458 Fund Development for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) Course builds an understanding of the practice, philosophy, law, and theory of fundraising. Students establish an organization’s value base and mission, prepare funding appeals, evaluate readiness for a campaign, assess funding sources, implement fundraising vehicles, evaluate effectiveness, and discuss stewardship of contributions.
V 460 Intergovernmental Relations (3 cr.) Overview of the dynamics of multi-organizational governance in the United States. Examination of federal and other systems. Structure and operations of intergovernmental programs and the role of managers within these systems.
V 461 Computer Applications in Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: BUS-K 201. This course is designed to provide students with the essentials of computer hardware and software needed to operate effectively in a public sector environment. The course will emphasize public sector applications using software packages or microcomputers and minicomputers.
V 462 Community Development (3 cr.) The process and outcomes of local citizen-based efforts to improve social, economic, and cultural conditions. Interaction of public and nonprofit sectors in community revitalization. Experiences, cases, and problems involving both rural and urban settings.
V 463 Interpersonal Relations in the Workplace (1-4 cr.) Key interpersonal skills will be modeled through a variety of media and experiences. Students will practice these skills and receive feedback. Students will be expected to participate in structured experiences designed to give them insight into their behavior and how it will affect their ability to achieve personal and professional objectives.
V 465 Geographic Information Systems for Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 261 and V 369. Students will learn the concepts, methodologies, and perspectives essential for using geographic information systems (GIS) to address critical public affairs issues. Through course projects, students will learn how to use desktop and Internet-based GIS applications and will develop complementary skills related to designing and implementing GIS applications for public-sector organizations.
V 470 Community Development Workshop (3 cr.) This course will be conducted as an undergraduate research workshop. The focus will be on community development problems, such as long-range planning, the delivery of government services, or local economic development. The research topic of the course will change each year and will be announced the previous semester.
V 471 Urban Management Systems (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 348 and senior standing. This course is designed to extend the student’s skill in applying a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods to the problems of urban government planning and management.
V 473 Management, Leadership, and Policy (3 cr.) This course seeks to integrate learning across the public affairs curriculum. Students will review and reflect about their learning in management, leadership, and policy. Experiential methods ­ service learning, projects, cases, and exercises ­ will be used to help students apply theory, concepts, and skills.
V 475 Database Management Systems (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 261, V 369, or equivalent. Students learn contemporary theories and methodologies regarding design, use, and management of database systems among public-sector organizations. The course provides hands-on experience with tools such as entity-relationship diagrams, query languages, database management software; and an understanding of critical database management issues such as security, backup, and recovery.
V 490 Directed Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (0-3 cr.) To be arranged with the individual instructor and approved by the chairperson of the undergraduate program. May be repeated for credit.
V 491 Honors Research in Public and Environmental Affairs (1-3 cr.) P: approval of instructor and SPEA honors advisor. Restricted to students in the SPEA Honors Program. May be repeated for credit.
V 499 Honors Thesis (3 cr.) Required of seniors in the Honors Program. Research and paper to be arranged with individual instructor and approved by the campus SPEA Honors Program director. May be repeated for credit.

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