Undergraduate ProgramsUndergraduate Programs Undergraduate ProgramsThe School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers a wide range of undergraduate programs at six of the Indiana University campuses—Bloomington, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Kokomo, Northwest (Gary), and South Bend. In addition, through a cooperative arrangement at the IU East (Richmond) campus, the School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers the Associate of Science degree in Criminal Justice (A.S.C.J.). The undergraduate degrees are the Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs (B.S.P.A.), the Bachelor of Science in Public Health (B.S.P.H.), the Bachelor of Science in Health Services Management (B.S.H.S.M.), the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (B.S.C.J.), and, through a joint program with the College of Arts and Sciences, a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (B.S.E.S.). The School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers the following associate degrees: Associate of Science in Criminal Justice (A.S.C.J.) and the Associate of Science in Public Affairs (A.S.P.A.). In addition, the undergraduate program includes minors and certificate programs. Not all degrees, minors, and certificates are offered at all campuses. Information concerning these programs can be obtained by visiting our Web site at www.indiana.edu/~speaweb/ or from the following SPEA campus offices: Bloomington Indianapolis Fort Wayne Kokomo Northwest (Gary) East (Richmond) South Bend Requirements for AdmissionAdmission to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs on all campuses, except Bloomington, Indianapolis, and Fort Wayne, requires sophomore standing and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00. SPEA Bloomington requires application to its undergraduate programs and has a competitive admission process. Students are required to complete one of the courses listed below with a minimum grade of C. Students should apply for admission when they are enrolled in the preadmission course. Admission decisions are based on the grade in the above required course, the SPEA GPA, and the cumulative GPA. A minimum cumulative GPA requirement for admission is est ablished each semester. Applications for the Bloomington programs are available in the SPEA Undergraduate Advising Office, SPEA 240. Application deadlines are May 1 for fall admission and December 1 for spring admission. SPEA Indianapolis has a special program to admit freshman students simultaneously to SPEA and to the University College. To be eligible for this dual admission, applicants must meet the general university and campus requirements for admission; have a minimum combined SAT (or equivalent) test score of 900 (recentered SAT I test score of 1010); be in the top quartile in their high school ranking; and score at the college level in English, mathematics, and reading on the IUPUI placement tests. Applicants who have already graduated from high school and who have not taken the SAT or equivalent test will be required to score at the college level in English, mathematics, and reading on the IUPUI placement tests to be eligible for direct admi ssion to SPEA Indianapolis. Students who do not qualify for dual admission at Indianapolis or choose not to apply for freshman-level entry may be admitted to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs after they have completed 26 credit hours (sophomore standing) with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00. SPEA Fort Wayne admits university-accepted students directly into the pre-SPEA program. To be eligible for admission to SPEA degree programs, a student must have earned a 2.30 cumulative GPA and completed 30 credit hours, including C or better in t he math and computer science requirement, ENG W131, SPEA V170, and SPEA J101. Transfer students and those who wish to change their major to a SPEA degree program are accepted into the pre-SPEA program until these prerequisites are met. Intercampus Transfer Policies Governing the Undergraduate ProgramThe following academic policies of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs are applicable to all SPEA undergraduate programs regardless of the campus where they are offered. Additional policies at individual campuses may also apply to SPEA students . Grading Policies
The following grades carry no points: I (Incomplete—an Incomplete will change to an F if the work is not completed within the time period specified by the instructor [an instructor can specify any period of time up to one year]), NR (No Grade Reported), P (Pass), R (Deferred), S (Satisfactory), W (Withdrawal —check the current Schedule of Classes for deadlines). SPEA students who have retaken a previously failed course (must be the same department and course number) may request to have only the last grade computed in their grade point average. The original F will be replaced by the FX grade. Requests will be honored only for a maximum of three courses, totaling no more than 10 credit hours. If a course is fai led twice, only one F can be removed. The Indianapolis campus has an expanded policy in regards to computing the cumulative GPA. When a course is taken a second time, students may replace five grades for a total of 15 hours. Good Academic Standing Probation Critical Probation Dismissal Readmission Grade Appeals Student Rights and Responsibilities Academic Integrity Sex Offenders Screening Policy for Students/Applicants Other Policies Concerning Degree RequirementsBulletin Policy Hours Requirements Grade Point Average Requirement Double-Counting Application for Degree Degrees Awarded with Distinction Requirements for a Second Bachelor’s Degree Available Options With prior approval, a student may take three courses, totaling no more than 10 credit hours, by correspondence through the IU Division of Extended Studies, Independent Study Program. Under no circumstances may a student satisfy a core or major/concentrat ion requirement by correspondence. With SPEA faculty approval, a student in good standing may earn a maximum of 9 credit hours through the SPEA internship program. Fort Wayne limits the internship to 12 credit hours: six credit hours within the concentration/major electives and an additional six credit hours that can count for general electives. The SPEA internship program is described in more detail elsewhere in this bulletin. SPEA students may choose to pursue a minor from another school, department, or within SPEA in an area other than their degree or major/concentration. Students interested in a minor should contact that department for additional information. Honors and Accelerated Master’s ProgramsSophomores and juniors who have completed at least 45 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher may apply for the Honors Program. The primary requirements are that a student maintain the 3.50 GPA, successfully complete designated honors courses, and write a senior thesis. Students may propose a unique course of study in consultation with the SPEA honors advisor. The Accelerated Master’s Program (A.M.P.) is a competitive program for outstanding SPEA students. Students may apply to the Master of Public Affairs (M.P.A.), the Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.) or the Master of Science in Environmental Science ( M.S.E.S.) early in their junior year. Participation in this program allows the student to fulfill some graduate program requirements during the senior year. Graduate courses count for both graduate and undergraduate degree requirements. Before starting the graduate program, students must have satisfied all general education and core requirements with a minimum of 96 credit hours completed toward their bachelor’s degree (90 credit hours for students seeking the M.H.A. degree). For additional information, students should contact the appropriate program director. International ProgramsSPEA offers several opportunities to study abroad for credit:
All these programs are taught in English, and the IU credit obtained costs the same as it would if you remained on campus. Financial aid that you have obtained for your studies is normally applied to these overseas experiences. Experience has taught us th at studying abroad does not adversely affect your GPA, increase your cost of study, or delay your graduation, even though many people seem to think one or all of these things will happen. Our purpose in creating these study abroad opportunities is to provide you with a unique chance to broaden your horizons, help you prepare yourself for a world that is becoming much more international and global, and allow you to challenge yourself by facing something new. Of course, there are opportunities to travel and socialize as well as study—and that is all part of the educational experience. More than 200 SPEA students have benefited from this opportunity. There are many p rograms from which to choose, and students are advised to make use of the overseas study resource center on the third floor of Franklin Hall. For further information, consult SPEA’s international program office in SPEA 241. Washington Leadership ProgramThe School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers the Washington Leadership Program each fall and spring semester in Washington, D.C. This program consists of two senior-level seminars (each worth 3 credit hours) and an internship (worth 5 or 6 credit hours). Students complete internships by working four days per week in an assigned congressional office, public interest group, federal agency, or nonprofit organization. Students reside and have their classes in Washington, D.C. Tuition is based on the regular fees for Indiana University. Students in the program remain eligible for any scholarships or financial aid they would normally receive as Indiana University students. Interested students should contact the SPEA program or campus director. In Bloomington, students should contact the SPEA placement and internship office. Bloomington and Indianapolis Leadership ProgramsThe School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers students the opportunity to earn six academic credits through participation in the Bloomington or Indianapolis Leadership Programs. These programs, available each fall and spring semester, consist of an internship, monthly seminars, a final paper, and a presentation to all intern sponsors for that semester. Students complete the internship by working 24 hours per week in an assigned local or state government agency. Students can maintain full-time status at Indiana University by taking six additional credit hours. Participants in these programs remain eligible for the scholarships or financial aid they would normally receive as Indiana University students. For more i nformation on these programs, contact the SPEA Placement and Internship Office in Bloomington.
Last updated: 12 March 2025 07 23 22
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