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School of Public
and Environmental
Affairs 2000-2002
Academic Bulletin

SPEA Web Site
Undergraduate Advising Office
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Indiana University
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(800) 765-7755 Local (812) 855-0635
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Fort Wayne Programs

Bachelor of Science Degree Programs Associate of Science Degree Programs Minors Certificate Program

Bachelor of Science Degree Programs

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs recognizes the complex problems facing our society, such as global warming, hazardous waste, escalating health care costs, balance of trade, and international relations. Through the three bachelor of science degree programs, the school develops its students’ problem-solving abilities and organizational skills so that they may contribute possible solutions to these and other problems.

Students with a Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs degree can continue their education in law, planning, public affairs, environmental science, or business administration. For those who choose immediate employment, our program is flexible enough to provide the necessary background to begin a career in the public, nonprofit, or private sector.

The Bachelor of Science in Health Services Management is open to experienced health services professionals with an associate degree and credentials in a health field. This program provides specialized management training to qualified students.

The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice degree is excellent preparation for a career in corrections, law enforcement, or probation. Students could also continue their education by studying public affairs, law, social work, and other social sciences.

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Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs

The Bachelor of Science in Public Affairs requires 120 credit hours.

The SPEA curriculum is divided into four categories—general education, electives, public affairs core, and a major area.

General Education

(Three courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours)

The following writing course:
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.)
(C– or better)

One of the following:
ENG W232 Introduction to Business Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W233 Intermediate Expository Writing (3 cr.)

The following speech course:
COM 114 Fundamentals of Speech Communication (3 cr.)

Arts and Humanities
(Four courses for a minimum of 12 credit hours)

The following two courses:
HIST H105 American History I (3 cr.)
HIST H106 American History II (3 cr.)

Two courses from at least two of the following subject areas:
Classical Studies
English (language and literature)
Fine Arts
Foreign Languages and Literature
Musicology and Music History
Religious Studies

Social and Behavioral Sciences
(Five courses for a minimum of 15 credit hours)

The following three courses:
ECON E201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.)
ECON E202 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
SPEA V371 Financing Public Affairs (3 cr.)

Two courses from the following subject areas:
Criminal justice
Geography (selected)
Political Science
Psychology (selected)
Public and Environmental Affairs
Women’s Studies

Natural Sciences
(Two to three courses for a minimum of 8 credit hours selected from the following departments.)

Many departments limit credit in 100-level courses. Please check with an advisor before taking a second 100-level science course in any of the departments listed here.

AST A100 The Solar System (3 cr.)
AST A105 Stars and Galaxies (3 cr.)
AST A110 Introduction to Astronomy (3 cr.)

BIOL 100 Introduction to the Biological World (3-4 cr.)
BIOL 108 Biology of Plants (4 cr.)
BIOL 109 Biology of Animals (4 cr.)
BIOL 203 Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 cr.)

CHM 111 General Chemistry (3 cr.)
CHM 112 General Chemistry (3 cr.)
CHM 115 General Chemistry (3 cr.)
CHM 116 General Chemistry (3 cr.)

Earth Sciences
GEOG G107 Physical Systems of the Environment (3 cr.)
GEOL G100 General Geology (3 cr.)
GEOL G103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes (3 cr.)
GEOL G104 Earth Science: Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.)
GEOL G111 Physical Geology (3 cr.)
GEOL G112 Historical Geology (3 cr.)

PHYS 131 Concepts in Physics I (3 cr.)
PHYS 132 Concepts in Physics II (3 cr.)
PHYS 201 General Physics I (5 cr.)
PHYS 218 General Physics (4 cr.)

Quantitative Methods
(Three courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours.)

Three credits from the following computer series or computer course:
BUS K200, K211, K212/K213 Computer Introductory Series (3 cr.)
CS106 Introduction to Computers (3 cr.)

One of the following mathematics course:
MA 163 Integrated Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (5 cr.)
MA 164 Integrated Calculus and Analytical Geometry II (5 cr.)
MA 213 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.)
MA 229 Calculus for the Managerial, Social and Biological Sciences (3 cr.)

One of the following statistics courses:
SPEA K300 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.)
ECON E270 Introduction to Statistical Theory in Economics and Business (3 cr.)
SOC S351 Social Statistics (3 cr.)
STAT 301 Elementary Statistical Methods I (3 cr.)

General Electives
You must take sufficient additional courses to meet the Bachelor of Science requirement of 120 credits. These should include IPFW General Education Areas I, II, III, IV, V, and VI requirements that have not been fulfilled by the SPEA General Education requirements.

Public Affairs Core
(The following four courses)
SPEA E162 Environment and People (3 cr.)
SPEA H120 Contemporary Health Issues (3 cr.)
SPEA J101 The American Criminal Justice System (prerequisite for all criminal justice courses) (3 cr.)
SPEA V170 Introduction to Public Affairs (3 cr.)

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You must choose one of the majors listed below:

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Criminal Justice Major

Requirements (Ten courses)

The following courses:
SPEA J201 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA J202 Criminal Justice Data, Methods, and Resources (3 cr.)
SPEA J301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.)
SPEA J306 The Criminal Courts (3 cr.)
SPEA J321 American Policing (3 cr.)
SPEA J331 Corrections (3 cr.)
SPEA J439 Crime and Public Policy (3 cr.)

Three additional SPEA courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours with approval of your advisor.

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Health Services Administration Major

Requirements (Nine courses)

SPEA H320 Health Systems Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H322 Principles of Epidemiology (3 cr.)
SPEA H352 Health Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.)
SPEA H402 Hospital Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H411 Long Term Care Administration (3 cr.)

One of the following:
SPEA H371 Human Resources Management in Health Care Facilities (3 cr.)
SPEA V366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V373 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.)

Three additional SPEA courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours with approval of your advisor.

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Legal Studies Major

Requirements (Ten courses)

SPEA V376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V377 Legal Process and Contemporary Issues in America (3 cr.)
SPEA V405 Public Law and the Legislative Process (3 cr.)
POLS Y211 Introduction to Law (3 cr.)
POLS Y304 American Constitutional Law I (3 cr.)
POLS Y305 American Constitutional Law II (3 cr.)

Two of the following:
SPEA H441 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA J301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.)
SPEA J302 Procedural Criminal (3 cr.)
SPEA J304 Correctional Law (3 cr.)
SPEA V260 Topics in Public Affairs (Law-related topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V406 Public Law and the Electoral Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V407 Public Law and Governmental Relations
SPEA V456 Topics in Public Law (3 cr.)

Two of the following:
BUS L303 Commercial Law II (3 cr.)
ENG W350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.)
HIST A349 Afro-American History (3 cr.)
HIST H260 History of Women in the United States (3 cr.)
JOUR J300 Communications Law (3 cr.)
OLS 468 Personnel Law (3 cr.)
PHIL 260 Philosophy and Law (3 cr.)
POLS Y200 Contemporary Political Topics (Women and the Law topic only) (3 cr.)
POLS Y367 International Law (3 cr.)
PSY 381 Psychology and Law

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Management Major

Requirements (Nine courses)

SPEA V263 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V264 Urban Structure and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V348 Management Science (3 cr.)
SPEA V366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.)
SPEA V376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.)

Three additional courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours with approval of your advisor.

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Specialized Study in Public and Environmental Affairs
(27 credit hours)

Nine courses at the 300-400 level, four of which must be SPEA courses. All courses must be approved by your advisor. Available specialized areas include environmental studies and urban studies.

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Bachelor of Science in Health Services Management

This 120 credit hour degree is intended for people who hold an associate degree from an accredited institution and have experience in a health care field. Students who complete this degree are eligible to sit for the Long-Term Care Administrators Examinat ion after they have fulfilled the Administrator-in-Training requirement.

These requirements are divided into four main areas: general education, electives, a management core, and the health services management concentration courses.

General Education

(Three courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours)

The following writing course:
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.) (C-– or better)

One of the following:
ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.)
ENG W232 Introduction to Business Writing (3 cr.)

One of the following speech courses:
COM114 Fundamentals of Speech Communication (3 cr.)
COM 323 Business and Professional Speaking (3 cr.)

Arts and Humanities
(One course for a minimum of 3 credit hours from any of the following subject areas)
Afro-American Studies
Classical Studies
Comparative Literature
English (language and literature)
Fine Arts
Foreign Languages and Literature
History and Philosophy of Science
Musicology and Music History
Religious Studies

Social and Behavioral Sciences
(Four courses for a minimum of 12 credit hours)

The following courses:
ECON E201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.)
ECON E202 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
POLS Y103 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.)

One approved 3-credit-hour course from the following subject areas:
Political Science

Natural Sciences
(Two courses for a minimum of 6 credit hours)

The following courses:
BIOL 203 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (3 cr.)
BIOL 204 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (3 cr.)

Quantitative Methods
(Three courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours)

Three credits from the following computer series or computer course:
BUS K200, K211, K212/K213 Computer Introductory Series (3 cr.)
CS 106 Introduction to Computers (3 cr.)

One of the following mathematics courses or approved alternative:
MA 163 Integrated Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (5 cr.)
MA 213 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.)
MA 229 Calculus for the Managerial, Social and Biological Sciences (3 cr.)

One of the following statistics courses or approved alternative:
SPEA K300 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.)
ECON E270 Introduction to Statistical Theory (3 cr.)

General Electives
Sufficient additional courses to meet the requirement of 120 credit hours. Courses should include IPFW General Education Areas I, II, III, IV, V, and VI requirements that have not been fulfilled by the SPEA General Education requirements.

Management Core
The following four courses:
SPEA V263 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V346 Introduction to Government Accounting and Financial Reporting (3 cr.)
SPEA V348 Management Science (3 cr.)
SPEA V366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.)

Health Services Management Major

Requirements (Nine courses selected from the following)

SPEA H316 Environmental Health (3 cr.)
SPEA H320 Health Systems Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H322 Principles of Epidemiology (3 cr.)
SPEA H352 Health Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.)
SPEA H371 Human Resource Management in Health Care Facilities (3 cr.)
SPEA H402 Hospital Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H411 Long-Term Care Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H441 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H455 Topics in Public Health (3 cr.) May be repeated
SPEA H456 Managed Care (3 cr.)
SPEA H474 Health Administration Seminar (3 cr.)
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (approved health topics) (3 cr.)

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Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice

The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice requires 120 credit hours.

The program includes four main areas: general education, general electives, public affairs and policy, and criminal justice courses.

General Education

(Three courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours)

The following courses:
COM 114 Fundamentals of Speech Communication (3 cr.)
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.) (C-– or better)

One of the following:
ENG W232 Introduction to Business (3 cr.)
ENG W233 Intermediate Expository Writing (3 cr.)

Quantitative Methods
(Three courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours)

One of the following:
MA 153 Algebra and Trigonometry I (3 cr.)
MA 163 Integrated Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (5 cr.)
MA 168 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (3 cr.)
MA 213 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.)
MA 229 Calculus for the Managerial, Social, and Biological Sciences (3 cr.)

Both of the following courses:
SPEA K300 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.) or
  other statistics course approved by a SPEA advisor
SPEA V261 Computers in Public Affairs (3 cr.) or
  other statistics course approved by a SPEA advisor

Arts and Humanities
(Two courses for a minimum of 6 credit hours selected from the following departments)
Afro-American Studies
Classical Studies
Comparative Literature
English (language and literature)
Fine Arts
Foreign Languages and Literature
History (may not double-count H105/H106)
Musicology and Music History
Religious Studies

Natural Sciences
(Two courses for a minimum of 7 credit hours, selected from the following subject areas in consultation with an advisor. Must include one lab.)
Chemistry Geography

Social and Behavioral Sciences
(Seven courses for a minimum of 21 credit hours)

One of the following sequences (two courses):
HIST H105 American History I (3 cr.) and
  HIST H106 American History II (3 cr.) or
  POLS Y304 American Constitutional Law I (3 cr.) and
  POLS Y305 American Constitutional Law II (3 cr.)

Five courses for a minimum of 15 credit hours, selected from the following:
ECON E201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.)
POLYS Y103 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.)
POLYS Y211 Introduction to Law (3 cr.)
PSY 120 Elementary Psychology (3 cr.)
PSY 240 Introduction to Social Psychology (3 cr.)
PSY 350 Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.)
PSY 381 Psychology and Law (3 cr.)
SOC S161 Principles of Sociology (3 cr.)
SOC S163 Social Problems (3 cr.)
SOC S320 Deviant Behavior and Social Control (3 cr.)
SOC S328 Juvenile Delinquency (3 cr.)
SOC S335 Race and Ethnic Relations (3 cr.)
SOC S420 Topics in Deviance (3 cr.)
SOC S425 Violence and Society (3 cr.)
SOC S429 Crime and Community (3 cr.) or
  another upper division (300-400 level) course selected from Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology with the prior approval of a SPEA advisor.

General Electives
Additional courses beyond the general education, public affairs and policy, and criminal justice requirements to meet the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice requirement of 120 credit hours. These should include IPFW General Education Areas I, II, III, IV, V, and VI requirements that have not been fulfilled by the SPEA General Education requirements.

Public Affairs and Policy
Four courses for a minimum of 12 credit hours selected from the following:
SPEA E162 Environment and People (3 cr.)
SPEA E272 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3 cr.)
SPEA V170 Introduction to Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V263 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V264 Urban Structure and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V348 Management Science (3 cr.)
SPEA V365 Urban Development and Planning (3 cr.)
SPEA V366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.)
SPEA V373 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.)

Criminal Justice Major
(Twelve courses for a total of 36 credit hours)

Take each of the following:
SPEA J101 The American Criminal Justice
SPEA J201 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA J202 Criminal Justice Data, Methods, and Resources (3 cr.)
SPEA J301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.)
SPEA J306 The Criminal Courts (3 cr.)
SPEA J321 American Policing (3 cr.)
SPEA J331 Corrections (3 cr.)
SPEA J439 Crime and Public Policy (3 cr.)

Four additional SPEA criminal justice courses chosen in consultation with an advisor.

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Associate of Science Degree Programs

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs offers two associate degree programs. Courses that meet associate degree requirements generally can be applied to a subsequent baccalaureate degree program. The following are general requirements for the completion of an associate degree:

  1. Students must apply for admission to the Associate Degree Program before completing 35 credit hours of course work toward the degree. Applications are available in the records office.
  2. A minimum of 60 credit hours with a 2.00 cumulative grade point average or higher and a 2.30 average or higher in core and concentration courses is required. All requirements for this degree must be satisfied before earning 86 credit hours.
  3. A limited number of courses may be transferred from other accredited institutions or be taken through independent study.
  4. Courses taken to meet specific degree requirements cannot be double-counted (used to satisfy any other degree requirement).
  5. A maximum of two elective courses may be taken pass-fail in this degree.
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Associate of Science in Criminal Justice

The SPEA curriculum is divided into four categories—general education, electives, a public policy course, and a concentration area.

General Education

(Three courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours.)

The following writing course:
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.) (C-– or better)

One of the following:
ENG W232 Introduction to Business Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W233 Intermediate Expository Writing (3 cr.)

The following speech course:
COM 114 Fundamentals of Speech Communication (3 cr.)

Arts and Humanities
(One course, for a minimum of 3 credit hours, from one of the following subject areas, excluding courses used to satisfy other degree requirements.)
Afro-American Studies
Classical Studies
Comparative Literature
English (language and literature)
Fine Arts
Foreign Languages and Literature
History: H105 or H106 recommended
Honors (humanities)
Musicology and Music History

Social and Behavioral Sciences
(Two courses, for a minimum of 6 credit hours, are required, and they must come from different subject areas.)
Political Science

Natural Sciences
(One course, for a minimum of 3 credit hours, from one of the following subject areas, excluding courses used to satisfy other degree requirements.)
Geography (G107, G304 or G315 only)

Quantitative Methods (3 credit hours)
BUS K200, K211, K212/K213 Computer Introductory Series (3 cr.)
CS106 Introduction to Computers (3 cr.)
MA 150 Mathematics for Technology (5 cr.)
MA 153 Algebra and Trigonometry I (3 cr.)
MA 163 Integrated Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (5 cr.)
MA 168 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (3 cr.)
MA 213 Finite Mathematics I (3 cr.)
MA 229 Calculus for the Managerial, Social and Behavioral Sciences I (3 cr.)

General Electives
Additional courses beyond the general education, core, and concentration requirements are needed to complete the Associate of Science degree requirement of 60 credit hours.

Public Policy
The following course:
SPEA V170 Introduction to Public Affairs (3 cr.)

Criminal Justice Concentration
(Six courses for a minimum of 18 credit hours)

The following course:
SPEA J101 The American Criminal Justice System (3 cr.) (prerequisite for all criminal justice courses)

Three of the following courses:
SPEA J201 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA J202 Criminal Justice Data, Methods and Resources (3 cr.)
SPEA J301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.)
SPEA J306 The Criminal Courts (3 cr.)
SPEA J321 American Policing (3 cr.)
SPEA J331 Corrections (3 cr.)

Two additional SPEA criminal justice courses with approval of an advisor.

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Associate of Science in Public Affairs

Students must complete one of the following concentrations: Criminal Justice, Emergency Services Administration, Public Administration, or a specialized program approved by a SPEA advisor.

The SPEA curriculum is divided into four categories—general education, electives, public affairs core, and a concentration area.

General Education

(Three courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours.)

The following writing course:
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.)
(C– or better)

One of the following advanced writing courses:
ENG W232 Introduction to Business Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W233 Intermediate Expository Writing (3 cr.)

The following speech course:
COM 114 Fundamentals of Speech Communication (3 cr.)

Social and Behavioral Sciences
(Three courses for a minimum of 9 credit hours.)

One of the following two courses:
ECON E201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.)
ECON E202 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.)

The following political science course:
POLS Y103 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.)

One course from sociology or psychology.

Quantitative Methods
(Two courses for a minimum of 6 credit hours.)

Three credits from the following computer series or computer course:
BUS K200, K211, K212/K213 Computer Introductory Series (3 cr.)
CS106 Introduction to Computers (3 cr.)

One approved mathematics course:
MA 150 Mathematics for Technology (5 cr.)
MA 153 Algebra and Trigonometry I (3 cr.)
MA 163 Integrated Calculus and Analytic Geometry I (5 cr.)
MA 168 Mathematics for the Liberal Arts (3 cr.)
MA 213 Finite Mathematics I (3 cr.)
MA 229 Calculus for the Managerial, Social, and Behavioral Sciences I (3 cr.)

Arts and Humanities
(One course from one of the following subject areas for a minimum of 3 credit hours, excluding courses used to satisfy other degree requirements.)
Afro-American Studies
Classical Studies
Comparative Literature
English (language and literature)
Fine Arts
Foreign Languages and Literature
History: H105 or H106 recommended
Honors (humanities)
Musicology and Music History

General Electives
Additional courses beyond the general education, core, and concentration requirements are needed to complete the Associate of Science degree requirement of 60 credit hours.

Public Affairs Core
(Four courses for a minimum of 12 credit hours)

The following courses:
SPEA E272 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3 cr.)
SPEA V170 Introduction to Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V264 Urban Structure and Policy (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA V263 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.)

Areas of Concentration
You must complete one of the following concentrations or an individualized concentration designed with the assistance of your advisor and approval of the division director.

Criminal Justice Concentration
This concentration provides an introduction to law enforcement, correctional administration, and criminal law and procedure.

Requirements (Five courses for a minimum of 15 credit hours)
The following course:
SPEA J101 The American Criminal Justice System (3 cr.) (prerequisite for all criminal justice courses)

One of the following courses:
SPEA J301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.)
SPEA J401 Criminal Law and Procedure (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA J201 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA J202 Criminal Justice Data, Methods, and Resources (3 cr.)
SPEA J306 The Criminal Courts (3 cr.)
SPEA J321 American Policing (3 cr.)
SPEA J331 Corrections (3 cr.)

Two additional criminal justice courses.

Emergency Services Administration Concentration
The Emergency Services Administration Concentration provides managerial skills to emergency service personnel.

Requirements (Five courses for a minimum of 15 credit hours)

The following course:
SPEA V375 Emergency Services Administration (3 cr.)

Three of the following courses:
SPEA H320 Health Systems Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA J376 Principles of Public Safety (3 cr.)
SPEA K300 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.) or
  other approved course
SPEA V346 Introduction to Government Accounting and Financial Reporting (3 cr.)
SPEA V348 Management Science (3 cr.)
SPEA V372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.)
SPEA V373 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.)

Students are required to complete successfully an approved administrative field experience course (SPEA V380) of at least 3 credit hours. The field experience requirement may be satisfied through an internship or special project that must have an advisor’s prior approval.

Public Administration Concentration
The Public Administration Concentration provides an overview of the primary areas of public administration.

Requirements (Four courses)
Four of the following courses not used to meet other requirements:
SPEA H316 Environmental Health (3 cr.)
SPEA V260 Topics in Public Affairs (3 cr.) May be repeated
SPEA V346 Introduction to Government Accounting and Financial Reporting (3 cr.)
SPEA V365 Urban Development and Planning (3 cr.)
SPEA V366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.)
SPEA V373 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (approved topics) (3 cr.) May be repeated

Specialized Concentration
(Four courses for a minimum of 12 credit hours.)

A special concentration of at least four courses may be developed to meet special career needs. This concentration must be approved by a faculty advisor and the program director.

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Any Indiana University student enrolled in a baccalaureate program may pursue one or more of the minors offered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Individuals interested in one or more of these minors should inquire in the SPEA undergraduate advising office for additional details. Students who successfully complete the requirements will have the minor conferred with their degree. SPEA’s multidisciplinary faculty and curriculum address environmental, health, public policy, and management issues from a variety of perspectives. A minor in SPEA can enhance career opportunities for liberal arts and ot her majors.

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Public and Environmental Affairs Minor

Requirements (Five courses)

The following course:
SPEA V170 Introduction to Public Affairs (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA E162 Environment and People (3 cr.)
SPEA E272 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3 cr.)

Three of the following courses:
SPEA E272 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (3 cr.) If not used above.
SPEA E400 Topics in Environmental Studies (2-3 cr.) May be repeated
SPEA V263 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V366 Managing Behavior in Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V373 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V376 Law and Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (3 cr.) May be repeated
or other courses in public or environmental affairs approved by a SPEA advisor

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Criminal Justice Minor

Requirements (Five courses)

The following course:
SPEA J101 The American Criminal Justice System (3 cr.) (prerequisite for all criminal justice courses)

One of the following courses:
*SPEA J201 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies (3 cr.)
*SPEA J301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.)

Three of the following courses:
*SPEA J201 Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies (3 cr.)
*SPEA J301 Substantive Criminal Law (3 cr.)
SPEA J306 The Criminal Courts (3 cr.)
SPEA J321 American Policing (3 cr.)
SPEA J331 Corrections (3 cr.)

*J201 and J301 can be taken only once each for credit.

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Certificate Program

General Requirements

  1. Students in good academic standing and enrolled in baccalaureate programs at Indiana University are eligible to apply for a certificate at the SPEA records office. Interested students must apply for a certificate before completing 9 credit hours of ap plicable course work.
  2. SPEA students cannot earn a certificate in the same area as their concentration.
  3. A grade point average of 2.0 or higher is required in all course work credited toward the certificate.
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Certificate in Public Health

The curriculum is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of environmental health issues, current health policies, and the structure of the medical care delivery system.

Certificate Requirements
(Six courses)

The following three courses:
SPEA H316 Environmental Health (3 cr.)
SPEA H320 Health Systems Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H322 Principles of Epidemiology (3 cr.)

Three of the following courses:
SPEA E400 Topics in Environmental Studies (approved topics) (2-3 cr.) May be repeated
SPEA E431 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment (3 cr.)
SPEA E452 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (3 cr.)
SPEA H402 Hospital Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H411 Long-Term Care Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H416 Environmental Health Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA H428 Food Science and Sanitation (3 cr.)
SPEA H441 Legal Aspects of Health Care Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H455 Topics in Public Health (3 cr.) May be repeated
SPEA V450 Contemporary Issues in Public Affairs (approved topics) (3 cr.)May be repeated

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